Katherine Turner's Reviews > Firefly Magic: Heart Powered Marketing for Highly Sensitive Writers

Firefly Magic by Lauren Sapala
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's review

it was amazing

Lauren hits it out of the park with this book by making it everything your typical marketing book isn't. If you're looking for tactics that focus first on the sale, are motivated solely by making money, purport to help you get rich fast, or tout a tried-and-true step system that you just plug into your business, you've got the wrong book.

If, however, you're looking for a book that talks compassionately about how you can find ways to help people, how to establish rapport by first figuring out what you can do for someone else, how to truly listen to what someone needs and be willing to walk away if that isn't what you have to offer, then you've definitely picked the right book.

Lauren walks you through the inner struggles that sensitive writers face when we even think about the word marketing, demonstrating a true understanding of what we experience. And then she expertly guides you out of your fear, illuminating the ways in which you can actually help people rather than just try to sell something to them. If the thought of trying to market yourself makes you feel like a slimy, sleazy car salesman, do yourself a favor and buy this book. It will forever change the way you feel about marketing and about yourself.

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December 26, 2019 – Shelved

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