Janine's Reviews > Firefly Magic: Heart Powered Marketing for Highly Sensitive Writers

Firefly Magic by Lauren Sapala
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it was amazing
bookshelves: writing, nonfiction, indie, owned, indiecember

I’m an INFP and in real life, I fit into what Lauren Sapala calls a Highly Sensitive Person, or a HSP. These people tend to be more sensitive and connect to people in an emphatic way more than most than the population. To be honest, while marketing and selling myself and my books didn’t sound like a complete slime ball thing to do, it felt a bit pushy/slimy in that I had to change myself to be more extroverted in order to get sales and detached to my audience with loud and over the top promotion. I’m planning to take a lot of steps in 2019 to get myself out there, so this book came at the right time for me. The prose itself is very easy to read and I got through it in a few hours with a skim read, not thinking about it super deeply, though I’m planning to read it again to get the full experience out of the book.

Sapala integrates her own experiences with some thoughts about marketing in general as each chapter covers a different topic in an easy to read/digest way, with exercises to do at the end of the chapter to bring it home. Sapala’s personal stories really bring some of the lessons home as she tackles the typical and (some) outdated principles of marketing. Authors don’t have to play the marketing game like it’s back in the pre internet days where it was about competing with every other product out there and trying to beat them all. Or chase the current Amazon marketing trend of the week, which is probably outdated by the time you read about it. Or copy someone else’s personality or tactics to succeed or find an audience. It’s about being vulnerable and grabbing people in your own way and being compassionate to others as you connect to them. And the tips given are all practical, no complex steps needed, though some do take some time to implement. It connects the most to INFJ’s, INFP’s and HSPs writing books, but I think anyone can take home some of these tips to market themselves in a more effective and satisfying way and dispel some of the myths that are out there.

As a side note, while not referenced in this book, The Pursuit of Perfection: And How It Harms Writers by Kristine Kathryn Rusch is another book to look at based on Chapter 3 of Part III of the book (third chapter from the end), as it hits on the myth of needing perfect stories, especially in a world where there are millions of reading options, as compared to even 30 years ago where it was just bestsellers and little else.
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Reading Progress

August 9, 2018 – Shelved
August 9, 2018 – Shelved as: to-read
August 9, 2018 – Shelved as: writing
August 9, 2018 – Shelved as: nonfiction
August 9, 2018 – Shelved as: indie
November 27, 2018 – Shelved as: owned
December 24, 2018 – Started Reading
December 24, 2018 –
page 17
9.14% "I like the breakdown between authentic and slimy marketing and explains why so many HSP have problems with traditional marketing schemes due to how exploitive they can get. Just look on twitter sometimes."
December 25, 2018 –
page 34
18.28% "In an age of overly complex marketing tactics and this 'need' to spend lots of time on super aggressive promotion that is over the top, sometimes it's the simple promotions that get the most interest. Like a photo of the cover in some place interesting. I also liked that the book touched on the 'my publisher will market for me' idea, that you WILL have to do a lot of it yourself, traditional or indie."
December 25, 2018 –
page 78
41.94% "The rest of the first part has evaluations on money, goals, fears, guilt and moving to a more caring and heartfelt type of promotion. I really connected with these lessons, since I constantly feel guilt and anxiety with the idea of promoting a book. This book so far is making me dig deep, especially with the end of chapter questions/exercises."
December 25, 2018 –
page 113
60.75% "This part is about taking action more than anything. Evaluating how your book will grab people in it's on way, how to connect with other authors (something I'm working on) and how to put yourself out there online (something I want to improve in 2019). I really love the information given out. though I'm really still nervous about posting my actual face out there."
December 25, 2018 –
page 141
75.81% "I like the tips about how to attract others to your work, like being more subtle and truthful, having a good website and blog, and making yourself vulnerable, and finding ways to hit at your other hobbies. For fiction writers, it's good to hit on themes in your story and how they relate to you and other readers."
December 25, 2018 –
page 180
96.77% "I like the tips about how HSP can connect to others that the typical salesperson can't by getting close to them, and how to build a dream team to help you. There's also the tips about not pricing your book too high at first, in order to get exposure. I really loved the part about how you don't have to sell your book as a blockbuster anymore due to the internet like in the old days."
December 25, 2018 –
page 189
100% "I like this chapter about curiosity. I've been told that being curious was too nosy and sorta got shier because of that. I'm glad she pointed this out as a good thing instead of how it's bad to do it. Better to dig in than to just jump into a void to sell the book like I've been doing lately."
December 25, 2018 –
page 208
100% "I like this outlook on publishing in this new world, with lots of stuff being published all the time, you don't have to write 'perfect', which reminds me of the book "The Pursuit of Perfection", where it's about writing the story that you want to your way, a big lesson for me this year. There's always a way to get it out. Just figure out what you want out of the book. And be willing to change things."
December 25, 2018 –
page 225
100% "After some tips about finding your niche, there's some closing words about how marketing isn't bad and how to embrace it, not as a dog-eat-dog action, but how to share yourself to the rest of the world, and especially to those that want/need it. This was an insightful look into marketing I'm not going to forget anytime soon. Rest of the book is just references, so review will be up in a few."
December 25, 2018 – Shelved as: indiecember
December 25, 2018 – Finished Reading

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