Page last updated: 11 September 2023


The FMA works with a number of partners around the world to increase awareness of investing, KiwiSaver and Scams. This page displays our campaign activity.

Sorted Money Month 2024: Starting a conversation.
The FMA supports Sorted Money Month as it aligns with our vision to ensure more New Zealanders feel that the financial services sector is working well ...
KiwiSaver 2024: Check in with your nest egg
Check in with your nest egg is the FMA's 2024 KiwiSaver campaign. We are calling on all KiwiSavers to do a health check on their KiwiSaver to make sur ...
World Investor Week 2023
The New Zealand theme for World Investor Week 2023 is ethical investing which aims to empower investors to make decisions aligned with their values.
World Investor Week 2022
“A goal without a plan is just a wish” Having a well-thought-out plan is an important first step in your investing journey. Learn more #WorldInves ...
KiwiSaver 2022: Own your own tomorrow
The FMA KiwiSaver 2022 campaign "Own your own tomorrow" focusses on checkong your annual KiwiSaver statement.
World Investor Week 2021
The FMA supports World Investor Week 2021 with panels, webinars and content. Read more.