Page last updated: 09 June 2023

KiwiSaver & Superannuation

Setting and working towards your retirement goals today will improve your lifestyle later. This section talks about the New Zealand superannuation scheme KiwiSaver, and how to manage your KiwiSaver to achieve your goals. We also provide you with information about other superannuation schemes, and how to transfer your overseas retirement fund to New Zealand. 


If you want to enjoy some luxuries when you retire, you’ll need to build your own nest-egg - KiwiSaver is one way to do this.

Read all about KiwiSaver

Sorted has a handy tool that allows you to find the right fund for you. 

Go to the Sorted website

This may be a workplace savings scheme or another superannuation scheme.

Learn more about other superannuation schemes


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KiwiSaver statements help you plan for tomorrow
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