temporal variation
Recent papers in temporal variation
The cell-free layer exhibits dynamic characteristics in the time domain that may be capable of altering nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability in small arterioles. However, this effect has not been fully elucidated. This study utilized a... more
Two net balance records of neighboring glaciers under different conditions are analyzed to extract temporal variations in glacier melting in the Himalayas. Significant melt was observed every year at one site (wet site), whereas no melt... more
The Hengill volcanic system in SW-Iceland is a central volcano that produces basaltic and subordinate amount of more evolved rock types and is cut by an active NE-SW fissure swarm. Recent seismic activity indicates that the South Iceland... more
Petroleum products, such as gasoline, leaked from an underground storage tank can be recovered successfully by two-pump operations. The success of the recovery effort depends on the accurate placement of the recovery well at the spill... more
The scope of phenetic variation exhibited by populations of lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis in the Canadian Maritime Provinces is not known, which complicates the task of accurately identifying specimens of the endangered Atlantic... more
Dynamic systems with lumped parameters which experience random temporal variations are considered in this paper. These variations may lead to ''short-term'' dynamic instability that is reflected in the system's response as alternating... more
Coccolithophores, a special group of calcifying phytoplankton in the Indian Ocean, their distribution and productivity are strongly mediated by monsoonal dynamics, and they are a key player in the oceanic biogeochemical cycles. Our study... more
Background: Microvolt T-wave alternans (TWA) have been accepted as a tool for assessing vulnerability to ventricular tachyarrhythmias. There is lack of data concerning prospective temporal variations in TWA measurements after acute... more
The white shrimp Penaeus (Litopenaeus) schmitti . A new species of Penaeus from the American. Atlantic. Anais Acad. Brasil. Cienc. Rio de Janeiro 8, 315-318.] has been part of commercial fisheries in Cuba since 1953. Over exploitation led... more
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent form of arthritis and is among the most prevalent chronic conditions in the United States. Because there is no known cure for OA, treatment is directed towards the alleviation of pain, improving... more
New observations of the vertically integrated CO 2 mixing ratio, CO 2 , from groundbased remote sensing show that variations in CO 2 are primarily determined by largescale flux patterns. They therefore provide fundamentally different... more
The reflectance spectroscopy and BVRI photometry are two widely used procedures in many different fields of astronomy. Thanks to these observation techniques we categorize objects into groups according to similarities in surface... more
The study was conducted to investigate the surface water quality of the Tista River at Kaunia point in wet (September to November) and dry season (December to February) during the period from September 2013 to February 2014. The water... more
A dataset containing more than six years (February 2009 to present) of radiance-spectra for carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) observations has been acquired by the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT), nicknamed "Ibuki",... more
For the time lapse study in CCS and EOR, we have proposed the method using the seismic ACROSS (Accurately Controlled and Routinely Operated Signal System) and geophone array. However, it is considered that the near-surface effects and... more
Laser ranging measurements to the LAGEOS satellite from 1976 through 1989 are related via geodetic and orbital theories to a variety of geodetic and geodynamic parameters. The SL7.1 analyses are explained of this data set including the... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
Purpose The concentrations of PM 10 mass, PM 2.5 mass and particle number were continuously measured for 18 months in urban background locations across Europe to determine the spatial and temporal variability of particulate matter.... more
Aerosol number size distributions have been measured since 5 May 1997 in Helsinki, Finland. The presented aerosol data represents size distributions within the particle diameter size range 8-400 nm during the period from May 1997 to March... more
Hypoxia has occurred in Upper Charlotte Harbor, a shallow (w3 m) estuary in Southwest Florida, during moderate to high freshwater flows from the Peace and Myakka Rivers and after hurricanes, due to nutrient loading and vertical... more
Structural features of volcanic and hydrothermal systems can be used to infer the location of magma chambers or productive geothermal areas. The Hengill volcanic triple-junction complex has a well-developed geothermal system, which is... more
Mengaku membenarkan Laporan Akhir Penyelidikan ini disimpan di Perpustakaan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia dengan syarat-syarat kegunaan seperti berikut: 1. Laporan Akhir Penyelidikan ini adalah hakmilik Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2.... more
Understanding the extent to which natural assemblages withstand changes in the regime of disturbance has considerable practical and theoretical interest. In this paper we examine the separate and interactive effects of intensity, temporal... more
measurements then~s.elves. Within the error,s of the methods used, estimation of standard nwteorologieal shelter height air temperatures recorded at the time of satellite overpass appears possible. Further r@nenwnts of the remote sensing... more
We have studied collisional perturbations of radio-frequency (rf) electric-dipole (E1) transitions between the nearly degenerate opposite-parity levels in atomic dysprosium (Dy) in the presence of 10 to 80 µTorr of H2, N2, He, Ar, Ne, Kr,... more
We monitored bacterioplankton communities from Chesapeake Bay over 2 years (2002)(2003)(2004)) by use of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene. Chesapeake Bay bacterioplankton exhibited a repeatable... more
Major, trace element and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb) data are reported for representative samples of interplinian (Protohistoric, Ancient Historic and Medieval Formations) activity of Mt. Somma-Vesuvius volcano during the last 3500 years.... more
We studied the inland flight behavior of 46 radio-marked Marbled Murrelets (Brachyramphus marmoratus) in 2000 and 2001 in central California to determine how the frequency of inland flights varied among individuals and over time. All... more
Two large sandy seas in northern China, the Taklamakan and Badanjilin deserts, were investigated for geochemical variations of soluble salts in aeolian sands. The aim was to explore factors influencing the composition and distribution of... more
We summarized the temporal variation in populations of inland trout Salmo, Salvelinus, and Oncorhynchus spp. from streams in North America and determined the statistical power to detect trends over time. The coefficients of variation in... more
The bactericidal characteristics of nano-copper oxide or functionalized zeolite coated concrete pipes against Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans were studied by measuring the temporal variation of bacterial dry cell weight measurement,... more
Variations in molybdenum isotopic composition, spanning the range of ∼ 2.3‰ in the terms of 97 Mo/ 95 Mo ratio, have been measured in sediment cores from three lakes in northern Sweden and north-western Russia. These variations have been... more
Debris cover over glaciers greatly affects their rate of ablation and is a sensitive indicator of glacier health. This study focuses on estimation of debris cover over Samudratapu glacier, Chenab basin, Himalaya, using optical... more
A comprehensive study of power spectral densities for time series data of blood pressure measured for four individuals, one healthy subject and three diseased subjects (pure autonomic failure (PAF), PAF complicated with supraventricular... more
A 4-yr study of spatial and temporal variability in the geochemistry of vadose groundwaters from caves within the Edwards aquifer region of central Texas offers new insights into controls on vadose groundwater evolution, the relationship... more
A strong earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 (M L = 7.3) occurred on September 21, 1999, in central Taiwan. In order to discern any potential precursors before this earthquake, geomagnetic data at Lunping (LNP), Taiwan, Geomagnetic... more
We suggest a visual analytics framework for the exploration and analysis of spatially and temporally referenced values of numeric attributes. The framework supports two complementary perspectives on spatio-temporal data: as a temporal... more
Estudos sobre a climatologia das precipitações no Estado do Pará são essenciais para o planejamento das atividades agrícolas. A variação da precipitação anual e sazonal no Estado do Pará foi analisada com base em séries históricas de 23... more
This study aimed to characterize spatial/temporal variations of ambient volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using a community-scale monitoring approach and identify the main sources of concern in Paterson, NJ, an urban area with mixed... more
In this paper, a combined cross-section and time-series econometric analysis of Spanish regional growth is presented. This analysis operates with a database where the number of cross-sectional units is small for a typical panel of data,... more
Supervised learning networks based on a decisionbased formulation are explored. More specifically, a decisionbased neural network (DBNN) is proposed, which combines the perceptron-like learning rule and hierarchical nonlinear network... more
We studied within-tree variaton in density and mortality of the leaf miner, Cameraria sp. nov., on Emory oak. Miner densities were lower in the peripheral than the central parts of trees. Following tagged mined and unmined leaves revealed... more