prophecy in the Ancient Near East
Recent papers in prophecy in the Ancient Near East
Let us Go up to Zion: Essays in Honour of H. G. M. Williamson on the Occasion of his Sixty-fifth Birthday, ed. Iain Provan and Mark J. Boda (Supplements to Vetus Tetsamentum 153; Leiden: Brill, 2012) 152–65
preferred) Cell: (608) 234-1952 (only for special circumstances; never after 10 p.m.) Twitter: #REL332UW Office hours: Thursday, Noon -2 p.m. Location: Espresso Royale, 650 State Street (all meetings here unless otherwise specified)... more
Chapter 8 from a Bible commentary on the Book of Daniel written from an evangelical (non-critical) perspective. To download a pdf version (where the fonts come out best), either sign up to or email me.
An exploration of the correlation between the suppression of images and the rise of (biblical) monotheism.
Regarding some of the classification, also have a look at the relevant pages in my 2012 book. My understanding of the muḫḫûm changed between publishing this paper and the book.
This essay essentially does what it says on the tin...
This essay essentially does what it says on the tin...
In extreme or exaggerated behaviors, it is often possible to "see" certain characteristics which are actually ordinary one wouldn't otherwise "see." That would seem especially relevant when it comes to prophecy and how peoples view the... more
This BA Thesis concerns research that shows the possibility of prophecy reception and divine revelation being placed within the human inner faculties, and paralleled with mental functions. It's purpose was to discuss the physiological... more
Ahab’s 400 court prophets all assure him that he will defeat Aram, but the prophet Micaiah tells him that these prophets are being enticed by a lying spirit, sent by YHWH himself, for the purpose of destroying Ahab. If Ahab had been... more
This paper includes notes on the prophets of Yahuah as described in the book of Chronicles. It is then part of the field of cult prophets. It addresses the issue of the Chronicler classifying Levite Musicians as prophets and the... more
This paper examines three features common to the biblical narrative of Deborah and Cretan myths. In the biblical story two heroines, Deborah and Jael, bear names of fauna, bee and ibex (mountain goat), respectively. Deborah/bee's... more
This is the AAM (author's accepted manuscript). It differs from the published version in small ways, for example where the latter has been adjusted to house punctuation and abbreviation rules. CONTENT: In Apion 1.41, after stressing that... more
Since the 1990s there has been an emphasis on the study of ancient Israelite prophecy in its ancient Near East context. Prophecy in the Ancient Near East is the first book-length study that compares prophecy in the ancient Near East by... more
In the Greek historiographical tradition, Herodotus and Saint Luke stand out in a few ways from historians of their times. One way is their inclusion of women in their histories, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Another way is... more
In der christlichen Tradition wurde das Bild der Prophetie jahrhunder-telang durch die alttestamentlichen Schriften geprägt. Wurde die Prophe-tie als ein exklusives Proprium der israelitischen Traditionen angesehen, so geschah dies... more
This paper examines the speaking of the Holy Spirit in the book of acts in light of a wider prophetic tradition present in the Hebrew Bible. The research suggests that the phrase "the Holy Spirit said" found in Acts refers to the... more
Vahyin tanımı,
Şamanizm, Sâbiîlik, Zerdüştîlik, Maniheizm, Hinduizm, Sihizm gibi dinlerde vahiy ve peygamberlik anlayışı
Şamanizm, Sâbiîlik, Zerdüştîlik, Maniheizm, Hinduizm, Sihizm gibi dinlerde vahiy ve peygamberlik anlayışı
Text and translation of the Balaam text from Deir Alla, introduction, dating and analysis of its form and contents and some thoughts about its significance for the study of Old Testament prophecy
In Ag. Ap. 1.41, after stressing that the Jewish holy books are rightly trusted because only prophets wrote them, Josephus remarks that Judaeans do not trust later writings in the same way. The reason he gives is usually translated as... more
Essay in in A. Brenner and F. H. Polak (eds.), Words, Ideas, Worlds. Biblical Essays in Honour of Yairah Amit (Hebrew Bible Monographs, 40; Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2012), 1-19.