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Zoos are duty bound to maintain a high standard of welfare for all animals for which they are responsible. For elephants, this represents a greater challenge than for many other species; their sheer size, sophisticated social life, high... more
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      ManagementStandardsHealthSocial Groups
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyBiological SciencesBiodiversity Conservation
Modern zoological parks, as community enterprises housing exotic animals with hundreds, sometimes thousands of visitors every day, must prepare for the innate possibility of dangerous situations. When such controversy does arise, clashing... more
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      CommunicationSocial MediaFacebookTwitter
In anthropology and across the humanities and social sciences, zoos have tended to be theorized as places of spectacle. Scholars often focus on the ways in which these institutions enable the viewing of other-than-human animals by human... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologySoundscape StudiesSound studies
This chapter highlights several criticisms of zoos, then provides a vision for new zoos: “nooz.” Offering a new name to these institutions makes a clear break from the old model, which is fundamentally exploitative. The common denominator... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnimal StudiesAnimal EthicsCritical Animal Studies
Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVI) within zoos and aquariums have become an increasingly studied topic. Influenced by both the broader field of Human-Animal Interactions (HAI), as well as visitor studies conducted in museums, AVI studies... more
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      Visitor studiesHuman-Animal RelationshipsHuman-Animal StudiesAnimal-Human Interaction
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      ZoologyConservation BiologyBiological SciencesBiodiversity Conservation
Captive grizzly bears, like their wild counterparts, engage in considerable variability in their seasonal and daily activity. We documented the year-long activity of two grizzly bears located at the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle,... more
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      Animal BehaviorAnimal WelfareSeasonalityBears
The last chapter attempted to shed light on the ontological status of animals in the wild as naturally occurring beings. The next five chapters will try analogously to clarify the ontological status of zoo animals. However, this chapter... more
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    • Zoos
In academic discourse, zoos have often been conceptualised as places of spectacle, with scholars focusing on the ways in which these institutions enable the viewing of other-than-human animals by human publics. This article, however,... more
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      AnthropologyAnthrozoologySoundscape StudiesSound studies
Enclosure use assessments have gained popularity as one of the tools for animal welfare assessments and Post Occupancy Evaluations. There are now a plethora of studies and enclosure use indices available in published literature, and... more
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      Animal BehaviorAnimal BehaviourZoo Animal BehaviourEntropy
In de negentiende eeuw werden vier dierentuinen opgericht in België. De Antwerpse Zoo werd opgericht in 1843 en kreeg navolging in Gent, Brussel (beiden 1851) en Luik (1865). De Brusselse zoo werd opgevat als ‘salon public’ om een mooie... more
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      HistoryBrusselsHistory of ZoosZoos
Where animals are trapped, poisoned, hunted, or shot in order to kill them, the welfare may be only slightly affected before the animal dies, or it may be very poor indeed. A conclusion from the rather widespread poor welfare in zoos is,... more
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      Animal WelfareWildlife ManagementZoos
Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVIs) have become commonplace in zoological institutions and facilities globally. However, most AVI research focuses on the effects of visitors on the welfare of animals, with considerably fewer studies... more
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      Visitor studiesHuman-Animal StudiesAnimal-Human InteractionVisitor studies in zoos
after finding an inoperable tumor in his thyroid region. He was loved by a lot, but he was also very well-known for one thing: once, he was neurotic. Gus started to compulsively swim in figure-eight patterns, sometimes for 12 hours a day.... more
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    • Zoos
This chapter, which I co-authored with the anthropologist Tom Rice, examines the importance of atmosphere in understanding our experiences of zoos. It is going to be published in Atmosphere and Aesthetics. A Plural Perspective, edited by... more
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      HistoryPaleontologyFolkloreSocial Sciences
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      EducationEnvironmental EducationConservation BiologyConservation
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryPaleontology
Since the 1950s zoos have taken up the mission to make their audience aware of conservational issues. The ideological shift towards conservational goals as well as public concerns about living conditions of captive wild animals influenced... more
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureEnvironmental HistoryArchitectural History
Animal Welfare 1996, 5: 139-153 To assess the validity of using wild behavioural data as a welfare indicator for zoo animals, the time budgets of 19 captive giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), from four zoos were compared with the time... more
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      Animal BehaviorAnimal Welfare TheoriesAnimal WelfareAnimal Behaviour
Increasing popularity of marine parks as tourist attractions brought with it a number of concerns. Considerable attention has been paid to investigate issues, such as the ethics of keeping marine mammals in captivity, welfare of captive... more
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      EducationInterpretationConsumer behaviour and the management of wildlife tourismMarine Parks
The assessment of animal welfare relates to investigations of how animals try to cope with their environment, and how easy or how difficult it is for them to do so. The use of rigorous scientific methods to assess this has grown over the... more
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      Animal WelfareZoosStereotypiesAnimal Welfare Assessment
Screening Spaces is a series dedicated to showcasing interdisciplinary books that explore the multiple and various intersections of space, place, and screen cultures.
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      Animals & Society studiesAnimals in CultureHistory of ZoosZoos
Ho scritto la mia tesi sulla protezione dei diritti animali nella giurisprudenza Americana, analizzando l'emergenza e lo sviluppo dei diritti animali nell'Unione Europea e negli Stati Uniti. Nello specifico, ho esaminato la relazione tra... more
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      HistoryEuropean StudiesLawEthics
This workshop is focused on the design of novel kinds of environmental enrichment for zoo-housed reptiles, using technology to support the development of interactive systems and devices for capturing data. Participants will work virtually... more
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      Human Computer InteractionComputer Assisted Language LearningHuman-Animal RelationshipsHuman-Animal Studies
Science museums, science centers, zoos, and aquariums (MCZAs) constitute major settings of science learning with unique characteristics of informal science education. Emphasis will be given to the analysis of four specific characteristics... more
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      Informal LearningEducation PsychologyVisitor studies in zoosZoos
Stereotypies in captive animals have been defined as repetitive, largely invariant patterns of behavior that serve no obvious goal or function. Stereotypies are commonly attributed to boredom or stress and are typically treated by... more
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      Animal WelfareCarnivoraCarnivoresFeeding Behavior
Animals are among the most sought after tourist attractions and the impact on them is a matter of concern to an increasing number of people. The first book of its kind, Tourism and Animal Welfare addresses the issue of animal welfare... more
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      Tourism StudiesConservationAnimal WelfareWhales
Update: If you'd like to watch an accurate, funny, and brief take on Eco-Nihilism, please go to #wisecrack on Youtube: Did South Park Turn Anti-Capitalist, where the central argument from Eco-Nihilism is quoted at several junctures:... more
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      Critical TheoryFuture StudiesGender StudiesLabor Economics
"Natural history collections, are among others, used for studies in biochemistry, genetics and ecology. Avoidance of the use of chemical substances is necessary to avoid loss or modification of the structure, chemical and genetic... more
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      PaleontologyFolkloreMuseum StudiesMuseum
Many people visit zoos and eat meat, and they believe that consuming meat and attending zoos is morally legitimate. They are opposed by a minority who view meat consumption and zoo visits as morally problematic. How should we settle such... more
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      Animal EthicsWeakness of WillReflective EquilibriumZoos
Animal welfare is a complex matter that includes scientific, ethical, economic and other dimensions. Despite the existence of more comprehensive approaches to animal welfare and the obvious shortcomings of the 'Five Freedoms', for... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsAnimal WelfareZoosemioticsHuman-Animal Studies
This article examines the shift in animal spectatorship at the beginning of the reign of Louis XIV (the 1660s) from the violence of wild animal combat at the Vincennes Menagerie to the peaceful display of graceful of graceful birds in the... more
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      AbsolutismMichel FoucaultFranceLouis XIV
In 1967, philosopher Richard Rorty edited a volume with the programmatic title The Linguistic Turn. Since then, the social and cultural sciences have gone through several ›turns‹, e. g. the ›interpretative‹, ›iconic/pictorial‹, or the... more
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      Cultural HistoryPaleontologyFolkloreMuseum Studies
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      Latin American StudiesPaleontologyFolkloreConservation
The role of zoo veterinarians has changed significantly in the last several decades, reflecting and revealing broader transformations in zoo culture, especially among North American accredited zoos. This article draws on several... more
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      Animal WelfareWildlife ConservationVeterinary ScienceZoos
The modern zoo has been associated with two major behavioral welfare advances: (a) the use of training to increase voluntary husbandry care, and (b) the implementation of environmental enrichment to promote naturalistic behaviors. Both... more
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      Animal WelfareApplied Behavior AnalysisBehavior AnalysisEnvironmental enrichment
Los zoológicos justifican su existencia en cuatro tareas fundamentales: la educación del público; la investigación hecha sobre la conducta y las condiciones que garantizan la salud de los animales en cautiverio; el cuidado de los... more
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      Applied EthicsAnimal RightsÉtica AplicadaZoos
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      PaleontologyFolkloreConservationHistory of Science
Are there “fates worse than death,” to use Kurt Vonnegut’s title? Is captivity one such fate? Captive for Life examines these questions through the lens of conservation biology’s ex situ models of captive management — and captive breeding... more
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      EthnographyConservation BiologyIUCNCaptive Breeding
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      ZoologyBiodiversity ConservationAnimal Ecology, Terrestrial Mammals, ConservationCaptive Breeding
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      Latin American StudiesPaleontologyFolkloreMuseum Studies
This study examines zoo discourses on media as a convenient site for probing into human-animal power relations. A form of critical discourse analysis is carried out in national daily news discourse focusing on how zoo discourses portray... more
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      Media StudiesCritical Animal StudiesTurkeyCritical Media Studies
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      HumanitiesFilm StudiesCritical Animal StudiesAnimals and Animality
Panda Cams, which monitor and broadcast the activity of pandas in zoos or enclosed nature reserves, make an exceedingly rare and elusive species part of everyday life, creating the illusion of having unfettered access to the lives of... more
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      TechnologyMedia StudiesConservationAnimal Studies
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      Rainer Maria RilkeAnthropoceneZoosZoopoetics
"ENGLISH In 1671, Colbert – ubiquitous Minister of Louis XIV of France – sent officers aboard a small man-of-war to gather intelligence on Dutch forts engaged in the gold trade in WestAfrica. Colbert et la Guinée results from an erudite... more
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      ArchaeologyTravel WritingFrench HistoryAfrican History
The release of the American documentary film Blackfish (2013) caused a splash within the human-animal world. Centering on the famous Sea World orca Tilikum, who had been involved in the deaths of three Sea World trainers, Blackfish... more
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      HistoryAnthropologyZoo Biology, Animal Health and Welfare, Wildlife Biology, Wildlife ConservationHistory of Zoos
Existen más de 10.000 zoológicos en todo el mundo, pero no todas las personas los encuentran atractivos. Hay quienes se divierten en ellos y quienes los rechazan, porque entienden que son lugares de sufrimiento para los animales en... more
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      AnthrozoologyHistory of ZoosZoos