Yacht Design
Recent papers in Yacht Design
For this CFD project, rather than make a global optimisation process, the objective has been to compare the results obtained in CFX with real experimental data from the wind tunnel. This involves learning how to use CFD software when... more
This report describes the modelling of an appended yacht hull that is free to heave and pitch with CFX v15.0, a finite volume Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) code developed by ANSYS. The model is validated against experimental... more
Quelles sont les nouvelles évolutions et orientations en matière d’aménagement des ports de plaisance en Méditerranée en fonction d’impératifs économiques, touristiques et culturels ? En faisant disparaître les frontières entre le... more
In the last three years, since the creation of the Marine CFD Group of the Department of Naval Architecture, the developments and studies in the field of numerical hydrodynamic for powering and propulsion of super yacht have been... more
Makale kapsamında günümüzde iç mekân tasarımı yapılırken kullanılan görselleştirme yöntemleri incelenmiştir. Bu yöntemler analog ve dijital ortamda olmalarına göre gruplanmıştır. Proje gelişim aşamaları olan eskiz, çizim, perspektif,... more
The yachting's Mediterranean history and development, with a particular focus on Italy
Yacht spaces have complex interior systems which the human comfort became an important issue than ever. Increasing sizes and scales transform them as interior design spaces rather than industrial design objects. Because of the... more
The main axes of this study, which is differentiated from contemporary architecture studies as the first academic work in the scope of post-occupancy evaluation floating spaces, are based on evaluating the spatial satisfaction and the... more
Development of a criterion to sense a wingsail that automatically chooses the optimum aerodynamic setting
The variety of shapes and sizes among daggerboards and rudders of small racing yachts indicates the lack of a comparative design method and that some aspects may be neglected in the designs currently proposed. In particular, a literature... more
The main axes of this study, which is differentiated from contemporary architecture studies as the first academic work in the scope of post-occupancy evaluation floating spaces, are based on evaluating the spatial satisfaction and the... more
Development of a criterion to sense a wingsail that automatically chooses the optimum aerodynamic setting
Development of a criterion to sense a wingsail that automatically chooses the optimum aerodynamic setting
Houseboating is mainly known as a popular recreational activity, that takes place all around the world, involving groups of people of all ages, aboard houseboats of all varieties and sizes. Houseboating is a relatively recent, but this... more
This paper proposes a new design framework for the parametric design and shape modification of a yacht hull. In this framework, the hull is divided into three regions (entrance, middle and run) and each region is represented separately.... more
This paper proposes a new design framework for the parametric design and shape modification of a yacht hull. In this framework, the hull is divided into three regions (entrance, middle and run) and each region is represented separately.... more
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a (relatively) recent numerical analysis technique that facilitates the development of a virtual towing tank for the analysis of ship and yacht motions. SPH is a mesh-free interpolation method in... more
Several efforts have been made to describe cars by adjectives, however there is no particular work exploring adjectives describing yacht hulls which motivates this study. First, a novel design schema is developed for representing yacht... more
Il restauro in ambiente nautico è una pratica piuttosto recente in fase di affinamento e di codifica. Il riconoscimento collettivo del valore scientifico necessario a trasformare il recupero di imbarcazioni storiche, troppo spesso viziato... more
The letter describes the restoration work done by Christopher (AKA Krzysztof) Konstanty Vorbrich in 2012 on the 118 year old Dutch museum-sailing-barge of the “Tjalk” type. Verein Borsteler Hafen e.V. restores and maintains the... more
This work deals with a novel procedure that can be used for reverse engineering (RE) of big and old boats’ hull through cheap and effective instruments. The procedure has been used to acquire dimensions and shapes of an offshore boat... more
Dr Christopher Vorbrich of The University of Plymouth Staff sailing club has helped Plymouth Youth Sailing club during the delivery of our Sea Britain 2005 Youth festival. He volunteered on 5 days as a dinghy helm, sailing a Wayfarer with... more
Abstract The variety of shapes and sizes among daggerboards and rudders of small racing yachts indicates the lack of a comparative design method and that some aspects may be neglected in the designs currently proposed. In particular, a... more
Abstract. The coupling of aerodynamic computations of the flow around the sail and hydrodynamic computations for the flow around the hull of a sailing boat is achieved in order to predict its performance in calm water. The aerodynamic... more