Papers by Mario M. Foglia
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
The introduction of the new generation of Head Mounted Displays (HMD) makes users’ experiences in... more The introduction of the new generation of Head Mounted Displays (HMD) makes users’ experiences in Mixed Reality (MR) environments more engaging. However, these devices still have a limited field of view, which negatively affects the spatial localization process of virtual objects in the 3D environment. The literature presents several visualization techniques to address this issue, but they currently have several drawbacks, such as visual clutter, occlusion of the real scene, high user workload, and there is still no visualization technique that solves such issues definitively. Therefore, inspired by the gaming industry, we present CompassbAR a visualization technique for out-of-view objects. CompassbAR encodes the position of all out-of-view objects surrounding the user, in a 2D bar positioned at the top of the field of view. In addition, we propose a validation procedure and metrics that aim to evaluate the ability of the CompassbAR visualization technique to guide users towards the out-of-view objects.
Lecture notes in mechanical engineering, Sep 25, 2022
This work is part of a larger project aiming to develop a comprehensive Augmented Reality (AR) in... more This work is part of a larger project aiming to develop a comprehensive Augmented Reality (AR) interface for recreative and professional nautical sailing navigation. Due to the complexity of the marine environment and the dynamism of the crew members on board, we propose to diversify the display of navigation information concerning the role, position and activity onboard. The interfaces are designed to be viewed by one or more crew members, solving the problem of everyone viewing the same data, and giving each one the information they need based on their role or position. The three novel proposals for sail-specific AR graphic interfaces are designed to be displayed on Head-Mounted Display HMD and each of them differs for the information stabilization: Screen-Stabilized, Body-Stabilized and Boat-Stabilized. Each interface is different from the others differentiated according to the type of navigation and the user who must use that information. These approaches have been prototyped and evaluated by a panel of experts in the field of sailing navigation and were able to showcase their potential for future evaluations in different scenarios.KeywordsAugmented RealitySailingNauticalSpatialityUser-basedInterface.
Solutiile mecatronice utilizate in robotica sunt din ce in ce mai mult utilizate si in alte domen... more Solutiile mecatronice utilizate in robotica sunt din ce in ce mai mult utilizate si in alte domenii. Echipe de cercetatori lucreaza in domeniile de cercetare ale protezelor de brate, dezvolta noi actuatori si structuri mecanice. Ideea importanta este de a dezvolta sisteme mecanice, actuatori si surse de energie. Aceasta lucrare prezinta o noua structura a articulatiei de cot ce poate fi implementata pe un brat artificial al unei proteze umane. Sistemul se bazeaza pe trei actuatori hidraulici conectati printr-un sistem de fire la componentele bratului. O structura complexa de fire permite functionarea actuatorului cu o linearitate aproape constanta. In partea a doua este prezentat un model cinematic 3D virtual. Autorii au decis sa foloseasca 3 actuatori redundanti in loc de 2, pentru a modula complianta mecanica a bratului artificial in functie de miscarea pe care pacientul doreste sa o realizeze. In paralel, autorii lucreaza cu al treilea piston corelat cu ceilalti, pentru a optimiz...
Información del artículo La lubrificazione nelle tenute dinamiche: nuovi approcci numerici e rece... more Información del artículo La lubrificazione nelle tenute dinamiche: nuovi approcci numerici e recenti sviluppi.
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), 2020
Sailing is a multidisciplinary activity that requires years to master. Recently this sustainable ... more Sailing is a multidisciplinary activity that requires years to master. Recently this sustainable sport is becoming even harder due to the increasing number of onboard sensors, automation, artificial intelligence, and the high performances obtainable with modern vessels and sail designs. Augmented Reality technology (AR) has the potential to assist sailors of all ages and experience level and improve confidence, accessibility, situation awareness, and safety. This work presents our ongoing research and methodology for developing AR assisted sailing. We started with the problem definition followed by a state of the art using a systematic review. Secondly, we elicited the main task and variables using an online questionnaire with experts. Third, we extracted the main variables and conceptualized some visual interfaces using 3 different approaches. As final phase, we designed and implemented a user test platform using a VR headset to simulate AR in different marine scenarios. For a real...
Información del artículo Un approccio innovativo per il calcolo delle fughe di liquido nelle tenu... more Información del artículo Un approccio innovativo per il calcolo delle fughe di liquido nelle tenute piane.
Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, 2011
We present a novel self-calibrating wearable device to improve running training by active vibro f... more We present a novel self-calibrating wearable device to improve running training by active vibro feedback. The system consists of a pair of spandex shorts embedding: a processor unit, 2 three-axial accelerometers, 2 vibro motors, a SD card reader\writer module and a real time clock. Two supplementary wireless accelerometers are located on the shoes. We present an algorithm to compute gait asymmetry from the four sensors data. The main novelty is the auto calibration algorithm which uses principal component analysis on each sensor based on kinematic assumptions. The system provides two important advantages: data logging and real time active correction. The active correction is performed sending signals to the user in real time via vibrations cells (rumble feedback). The vibration signals are sent to the specific leg and its intensity is proportional to the entity of required correction. This training system for running can be very useful to athletes and to sport medicine in order to i...
Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2018
The model of a wheeled vehicle propelled by wind using a rigid sail is presented. The vehicle non... more The model of a wheeled vehicle propelled by wind using a rigid sail is presented. The vehicle nonlinear dynamic model is expressed in a compact matrix form, starting from the equations of motion. The full three-dimensional regulation of the sail is considered, including trim, heel and rake angle. Simulations are included showing the impact of the sail control input on the vehicle performance.
Marine Technology Society Journal
Today's sailing visualization instruments struggle to cope with the increasing number of onbo... more Today's sailing visualization instruments struggle to cope with the increasing number of onboard sensors, automation, artificial intelligence, and the high dynamism of the crew. Current solutions scatter multiple displays all over the boat, both inside and outside, potentially reducing usability and increasing costs. This work presents a systematic review of augmented reality (AR) as an integral solution for sailing data visualization, which revealed four scientific papers and eight commercial products. We analyzed the publication type, the AR hardware, what and how information is presented using AR, the validation method (if present), and the technological readiness. We defined the technical requirements needed for the AR device for sailing and distinguished a first generation of commercial solutions based on head-up displays from a second one based on proper augmentation with stereo head-mounted displays. The displayed information elements are limited in number and are commonl...
Journal of Navigation
This study investigates the use of augmented reality technology (AR) in the field of maritime nav... more This study investigates the use of augmented reality technology (AR) in the field of maritime navigation and how researchers and designers have addressed AR data visualisation. The paper presents a systematic review analysing the publication type, the AR device, which information elements are visualised and how, the validation method and technological readiness. Eleven AR maritime solutions identified from scientific papers are studied and discussed in relation to previous navigation tools. It is found that primitive information such as course, compass degrees, boat speed and geographic coordinates continue to be fundamental information to be represented even with AR maritime solutions.
Advances in Italian Mechanism Science, Nov 5, 2016
Volume 4A: Dynamics, Vibration, and Control, 2016
This paper deals with the study of a land-yacht, that is a ground vehicle propelled by wind energ... more This paper deals with the study of a land-yacht, that is a ground vehicle propelled by wind energy. There is a large interest in exploring alternative source of energy for propulsion and wind energy could be a feasible solution being totally green, available and free. The idea envisaged by a land-yacht is that of using one or several flexible or rigid vertical wing-sails to produce a thrust-force, which can eventually generate a higher travel velocity than its prevailing wind. A model of a three-wheel land-yacht is presented capturing the main dynamic and aerodynamic aspects of the system behaviour. Simulations are included showing how environment conditions, i.e. wind intensity and direction, influence the vehicle response and performance. In view of a robotic embodiment of the vehicle, a controller of the sail trim angle and front wheel steer angle is also discussed for autonomous navigation.
Oleodinamica Pneumatica Lubrificazione, 2011
Isarc Proceedings, 2005
On-time environment perception of construction site is considered as an indispensable step for pr... more On-time environment perception of construction site is considered as an indispensable step for project management. Real-time tracking and feedback the status of construction facilitate progress monitoring and quality control. Image-based modelling and RGB-D mapping are considered as a non-invasive and low-cost technology which are always used for data collection and reconstruction of as-built building environments. Recently, the arrival of reliable and efficient computational of mobile terminal service has given us an opportunity to develop a mobile-based spatial data reconstruction system. Considering the capacity of processing and real-time performance on a mobile device, Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) features are extracted. The ORB features are used for subsequent procedures, including tracking, mapping, relocalization and loop closing. In contrast to imagebased off-line modelling, a real time Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm was utilized to estimate the camera trajectory while reconstruction the building environment. Keyframes selection strategy was proposed to reduce the redundant images and generate a robust and trackable sparse point clouds. The keyframes and sparse point clouds are transferred to a computer for generating dense point clouds, grid reconstruction and texture synthesis. Finally, the reconstruction result will be transferred back to mobile and can be displayed directly on a mobile device. As an initial effort, this paper investigated the potential of live reconstruction of indoor building scenes on an android mobile device. Taking the advantages of operable and portable, the system can be used for data acquisition of as-built information by construction workers.
ABSTRACT A testbed for the characterization of the dynamic behavior of a cylindrical robot in mot... more ABSTRACT A testbed for the characterization of the dynamic behavior of a cylindrical robot in motion on deformable soil is described. The mobile robot consists of a cylindrical rigid shell which can roll on rough terrain thanks to an internal device. The test-bench was designed and optimized to experimentally test the interaction between the external shell and the soil with different mechanical characteristics. A LabView based software to lead and acquire the necessary data for the experiments was developed. Pc-based boards with general purposes A/D I/O ports were used for the rotative and linear encoders and the internal device d.c. motor. The goal is to build a big sensor to estimate the forces system arising from the interaction between a rigid cylindrical shell and rough terrain. Experimental results show the testbed can give a good measure of the travelling resistance that the mini-vehicle meets on rough terrain.
7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (2010), 2010
... suspension system for planetary rovers. Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Volume # 7 | Part# 1... more ... suspension system for planetary rovers. Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, Volume # 7 | Part# 1. Location: University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. National Organizing Committee Chair: Parlangeli, Gianfranco. International Program Committee Chair: Pascoal, Antonio M., Indiveri ...
2013 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (TePRA), 2013
Papers by Mario M. Foglia