Working Alliance
Recent papers in Working Alliance
Meaning in life is generally not considered to be one of the most central aspects of person-centered and experiential therapies. However, Carl Rogers described how clients found purpose in life by going through a process that helped them... more
Behovet for og ønsket om systemrettet rådgivning ser ut til å øke, men innenfor PPtjenesten jobber PP-rådgivere likevel mest individuelt. Vi ville undersøke hvorvidt PPrådgivere ønsket mer systemrettet arbeid i samarbeid med skoler og... more
El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la alianza terapéutica (acuerdo en tareas, objetivos y vínculo positivo) desde la perspectiva del paciente y del terapeuta a lo largo de un tratamiento de 15 sesiones y conocer cómo el estilo... more
We investigated 185 therapist self-disclosure events in 16 cases of open-ended psychodynamic/interpersonal psychotherapy. One disclosure occurred approximately every other session, with the most frequent type being disclosure of facts.... more
iv Abstract The aim of this qualitative study is to contribute to empirical knowledge about compulsive hoarding behavior for social workers, educators, psychoeducators and other professionals involved with hoarders in order to improve... more
Contemporary trends in science policy and social theory challenge the concept of doctoral supervision as ‘professional practice’. The concept compares supervision with the work of other professionals regarding a specific working alliance.... more
In the current study, the aim was to measure the effects of Young schema domains, Young maladaptive coping styles, and Young parenting styles on working alliance among supervisors, therapists, and the clients. Participants were eight... more
La psicoterapia no se puede concebir al margen del establecimiento de una relacion interpersonal entre cliente y terapeuta. Entre los componentes de la relacion terapeutica, la alianza es el que ha recibido mas atencion por parte de la... more
Rezensionen 387 da sich ihr (aufgrund des Primats des Stilbegriffs und der Prämisse der Identität von Wissen und Wissenschaft) Methodenfragen selbst als Stilfragen darstellen, die nur zur Wiederholung der Pluralität der lebenspraktischen... more
Alliance may impact psychotherapy outcomes both as a precondition that enables therapeutic work and an evolving process that is therapeutic in itself. This study examined the participation of the elaboration of countertransference... more
The concept of a working alliance as a key ingredient within therapeutic processes has been emphasized by many community mental health researchers and practitioners. However, few studies have provided insights into the dimensions and... more
Alliance may impact psychotherapy outcomes both as a precondition that enables therapeutic work and an evolving process that is therapeutic in itself. This study examined the participation of the elaboration of countertransference... more
Meaning in life is generally not considered to be one of the most central aspects of person-centered and experiential therapies. However, Carl Rogers described how clients found purpose in life by going through a process that helped them... more
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The present study examined the association between treatment fidelity during therapist initial training and subsequent treatment outcome of Parent Management Training-Oregon model (PMTO) in The Netherlands. Clinically referred children (N... more
Objective: Although the working alliance-outcome association is well-established for adults, the working alliance has accounted for 1% of the variance in adolescent therapy outcomes. How the working alliance unfolds in therapy and is... more