Therapist Self Disclosure
Recent papers in Therapist Self Disclosure
This presentation outlines possible questions of discussion surrounding the topic of Therapist Self-Disclosure in Forensic Settings. It was presented as part of a graduate seminar, "issues in Forensic Psychotherapy" led by Dr. Yael... more
We investigated 185 therapist self-disclosure events in 16 cases of open-ended psychodynamic/interpersonal psychotherapy. One disclosure occurred approximately every other session, with the most frequent type being disclosure of facts.... more
Syaraf kejepit adalah penyempitan rongga di daerah leher, tulang belakang, atau pinggang yang dilewati oleh sekelompok syaraf. Dalam bahasa medis, penyempitan rongga tulang ini disebut dengan istilah stenosis. 90% penderita syaraf kejepit... more
Resumen La pareja ha sido comentada y estudiada desde diferentes disciplinas y, por lo tanto, con distintos énfasis. No obstante, en los últimas cinco décadas, en la psicología y, más específicamente, en la psicoterapia se han levantado... more
The goal of any therapeutic session is to relieve the symptoms of suffering for the patient to the degree by which he or she establishes as a goal at the onset of a session or consultation. It is ethically appropriate then to research the... more
The present study reflects on the encounter of Feminist Therapy (FT) and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP). A study of the literature compared their clinical styles. It highlighted the compatibility of their views concerning the... more
""The therapist´s feelings play a remarkable role in contemporary models of psychotherapy. However, these models are biased toward negative feelings. The present study explores therapists’ personal experience with positive emotion... more