Compulsive Hoarding
Recent papers in Compulsive Hoarding
A fifty one year old man's difficulties associated with hoarding are presented using a case study methodology. A psychological formulation and treatment plan is constructed following the work of a case study by Frost and Steketee,... more
Within the past decade, material disorder—especially that of the domestic variety—has come to stand alternately as evidence, symptom, and potential cause of mental disorder in the North American popular and psychiatric imagination.... more
Since the beginnings of our subject in the German speaking countries, a mostly unreflected, firmly logical positivist epistemology has been the foundation of our practice. Established by ‘fathers’ of modern archaeology like Virchow and... more
In Possessed, Rebecca R. Falkoff asks how hoarding—once a paradigm of economic rationality—came to be defined as a mental illness. Hoarding is unique among the disorders included in the American Psychiatric Association's DSM-5, because... more
In this essay, I look first at the history of hoarding and bring this discourse up to date to examine the recent pathologization of hoarding as a mental disease through its 2013 acceptance into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of... more
iv Abstract The aim of this qualitative study is to contribute to empirical knowledge about compulsive hoarding behavior for social workers, educators, psychoeducators and other professionals involved with hoarders in order to improve... more
Press reports frequently characterize animal hoarders as bad, mad, or sad people. This descriptive study identifies the accounts hoarders use to neutralize these negative portrayals. A total of 163 articles representing 118 hoarding cases... more
This article considers the figure of the tangle (be it a garbuglio, gomitolo, gnommero, or guazzabuglio), emblematic of Carlo Emilio Gadda’s narrative architecture and philosophy. The garbuglio and its variations, like the “vibrant... more
Апстракт: Патолошко сакупљање животиња од стране појединаца и њихово држање у екстремно пренатрпаним и нехигијенским условима, познато и као хордашење, представља озбиљан и сложен проблем савременог друштва који се може сагледати са... more
Popular culture is enamored with the novel and curious, and hoarding is certainly both. Hoarding is an abnormal behavior typically consisting of three components: (a) a lack of impulse control when acquiring items, (b) severe panic when... more
Since the beginnings of our subject in German countries in the late 19th century, a mostly unreflected, firmly positivist epistemology has been the foundation of our practice. Established by ‘fathers’ of modern archaeology like Virchow... more
Objective: Much research and theorizing suggest that compulsive acquisition is a central component of hoarding disease. The Compulsive Acquisition Scale (CAS; Frost et al. 2002) is a self-rating scale measuring the extent to which... more
A fifty one year old man's difficulties associated with hoarding are presented using a case study methodology. A psychological formulation and treatment plan is constructed following the work of a case study by Frost and Steketee, (1998).... more
Changes in economic and social life create important and permanent changes in the behavior of individuals. In our age where digitalization and mass consumption are intense, consumption preferences are changing rapidly. In addition to... more
Consumerism drives economies; we acquire and discard possessions without distress. This process is well managed by most with only the occasional glitch. For those who compulsively hoard, this process is impaired; the sufferer is unable to... more
The initial advertisement for prospective co-researchers to carry out a creative collaborative project examining the experience of a family with a member or members with a lot of possessions.
The arrival of the cinema in 1895 marked the completion of a quest for extended visual representation in motion, with all its attendant revelations of the modern world. Within just over three decades, synchronised sound provided a further... more
Archaeological archives increasingly suffer from space and resource shortages. Finds in stores increasingly are inaccessible to both scholars and the public; if they don’t slowly rust, mould or rot there due to suboptimal storage... more
We report the case of a 69 year-old female patient who was hospitalized for Diogenes syndrome, defined by marked self-neglect, social withdrawal and excessive hoarding, leading to squalor. Somatic causes were eliminated. Her personal... more
Background and aims: The appetitive aspects of hoarding disorder, such as the compulsive acquisition and saving of objects, are akin to other behavioral addictions. Underpinning these appetitive features is the strong emotional and... more
En este cartel se trabaja a modo de lineamientos teóricos y clínicos el tema del hoarding desde una mirada psicoanalítica. El propósito es poder establecer algunas coordenadas teóricas generales para pensar la causa, así como lo que... more
Researchers know why you can’t stop collecting: An article from Svenska Dagbladet in Swedish with English translation featuring my book Inside the Head of a Collector: Neuropsychological Forces at Play.... more
This study examines how compulsive buying behavior, which has a destructive effect on its sufferers, differs according to demographic variables and product types. According to the findings, in general, women, singles, and youngsters have... more
Compulsive hoarding affects approximately 2-5% of the adult population. Increasing recognition has led to its inclusion as a distinct condition in forthcoming revisions to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V. Hoarding behaviour can... more
Ability of critical self-analysis is the outer sign of ripening and emancipation, be it for a person or an occupation. The book "Eternity does not live here any more..." (Zagreb, 2012) was my try to contribute to the nascent profession in... more
This article explores the human propensity to collect, it's impact on museums, and how museums can combat destructive aspects of the nature of humans to collect. This article was originally published by (and copied here with permission... more
Appropriate treatment planning for an affected individual depends on their assessed severity, current values and willingness to accept changes. Reinforcing what is truly important to these individuals (family, safety, social interactions)... more
We report the case of a 69 year-old female patient who was hospitalized for Diogenes syndrome, defined by marked self-neglect, social withdrawal and excessive hoarding, leading to squalor. Somatic causes were eliminated. Her personal... more
Archäologische Sammlungen und Archive leiden zunehmend unter Platznot und Ressourcenmangel. Funde in Depots sind oftmals selbst für WissenschaftlerInnen de facto und für die Öffentlichkeit ohnehin gänzlich unzugänglich; wenn sie nicht... more
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"No one can win against kipple… it’s a universal principle operating throughout the universe; the entire universe is moving toward a final state of total, absolute kippleization." As the collector buys another pretty trinket and... more