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Until the 1950’s much of the goods and produce moving to and from the south coast of NSW were transported by ship. Except for Jervis Bay and Twofold Bay shipping to the south coast was handicapped by a lack of safe harbours. Shipping had... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyShippingTimber
There are many informations with more details than the other books that I read before and most imp. thing is the book written with chronological order
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      Ancient ShipwrecksShipbuildingWooden Ship BuildingAncient Shipbuilding
In the modern era, fast sailing ships were predominantly built and utilized for naval and dispatch purposes. The chaotic economic and political turbulence of the late 18th and early 19th century saw the first development of merchant... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyMaritime HistoryShippingSailing
Domenica 15 maggio 2022, ore 17.30 Parco di Villa Molaroni, Pesaro Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek presenterà il volume Navigli adriatici fra le due sponde nel Settecento, Quaderno n. 24 della collana „Rerum maritimarum” Apertura mostra... more
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      Naval ArchitectureMaritime HistoryNaval HistoryMediterranean Studies
Makassar is one of the world's cities in eastern Indonesia. As the capital city of South Sulawesi province should have good infrastructure and transportation facilities are adequate to support the sustainability of economic growth in... more
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      Wooden StructureWooden BoatsWooden Ship BuildingSmall wooden boats
Study of ship building in Zanzibar, placed in the context of traditional East African and Arab ship building traditions
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyEthnographyEast Africa
Timber selection for shipbuilding was influenced by many separate factors in the Byzantine Empire. Wood and timber were used as fuel and construction material and were integral to daily life and economy in antiquity. The supply of... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesWooden Ship Building
Methods to record shipwreck sites have evolved considerably in the past two decades. Digital technology and marine robotics regularly present faster and more precise ways to excavate, clean, tag, and record ship remains, while computers... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyPhotogrammetryDigital Photogrammetry applied to ArchaeologyUnderwater Archaeology
Present-day East African sailing ships can be classified as ‘dhows’, for they carry the typical West Indian Ocean lateen sail. Several wooden types are made on the Swahili coast and nearby islands, although their numbers are diminishing... more
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      Maritime HistoryEast AfricaWooden Ship BuildingMartime Archaeology
Tantura F is the first wreck excavated so far in the eastern Mediterranean dated to the beginning of the 8th century AD (the local early Islamic period), based on 14 C and pottery analysis. Among the finds were the remains of about 30... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyNautical ArchaeologyWooden Ship BuildingMaritime and Underwater Archaeology
This article shows the research work done on the cognitive modeling of 1D conductive heat transfer in a monolayer plane wall. The unsteady regime reigns in general formulation in the solid region of the wall. Physical modeling is based on... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceCognitive ModelingPlant Cell WallsWooden Ship Building
The traditional ship launching of wooden ship in Bulukumba is difficult for vessel capacity 350 GT, due to the angle of the launch pad ± 2.08 ° with a length of 40 meters and the rest ± 200 meters flat with a relatively shallow depth.... more
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      Naval EngineeringWooden Ship BuildingNaval Architecture and Marine EngineeringAirbags
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      History of EducationMaritime HistoryWooden Ship BuildingHistoria maritima
Between 1750 and 1825, shipbuilders in modern Catalonia form a numerically important and strategically essential collective for the expansion of maritime trade. Although the "natural" scope of work is mainland and the production... more
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      Labour historyMaritme HistoryWooden Ship BuildingEconomic History Guilds, Trade, Taxes
The examination of  European-tradition ships fastenings from the 18th century  through to modern times, listing their names and types, describing their forms and composition.
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      Maritime ArchaeologyWooden Ship Building
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      North Atlantic OceanGermanyGreenlandWooden Ship Building
This PowerPoint Presentation was prepared for Kotaro Yamafune's public presentation at his doctoral dissertation defense (December 17th, 2015). He is currently preparing series of articles based on this doctoral research. If you are... more
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      Maritime ArchaeologyComputer VisionPhotogrammetryClose-range Photogrammetry
There are thirteen pelagic whalers wrecked along the Western Australian coast. Out of these five have been located and identified and only two have had extensive archaeological research conducted on them. Overall, nine of these whalers... more
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      American HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyAustralian HistoryWhaling
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      Maritime ArchaeologyEthnographyBaltic StudiesBaltic Sea Region Studies
The majority of Lake Minnetonka is in Hennepin County, with a small portion of its southwest edge crossing into Carver County. Maritime Heritage Minnesota (MHM) received a private donation in September 2011 and a Minnesota Historical and... more
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      Remote SensingMaritime HistoryUnderwater ArchaeologyNautical Archaeology