Central Asian Buddhism
Recent papers in Central Asian Buddhism
Poceski, Mario, ed. The Wiley Blackwell Companion to East and Inner Asian Buddhism. The Wiley Blackwell Companions to Religion. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.
Papañca is one of the most helpful Theravāda Buddhist teachings used to understand how our thoughts become impure and the most compelling account of this subject is the Madhupiṇḍika Sutta. Since many writers don't utilize papañca when... more
The Krotkov collection from IOM, RAS preserves amount of the Old Uighur manuscripts identified with the Huayan jing in forty scrolls. These manuscripts belong to the same copy set with the manuscripts of the Ōtani collection. In this... more
It is rare to find a recorded lineage of female teachers in either Bön or Tibetan Buddhism, but here thirty heart teachings of Bön Khandro are being made publically available in English for the first time. In fact, this book combines many... more
The Yuanduan Guanxin Shifajietu (Illustration of the Ten Realms of Mind Comnemplation in the Perfect and Immediate Teaching), drawn by the Northern Song Tendai priest Ciyun Zunshi 慈雲遵式 was the source for the Kumano Kanjin Jikkai Mandara... more
Through the four years of investigations, I could find out 43 Brāhmī Inscriptions from the Mogao and Yulin Caves. Among them, 41 are written in Sanskrit and 2 in Old Uyghur. These inscriptions could be written by Buddhist pilgrims from... more
В учебном пособии представлена история распространения буддизма среди хори-бурят - одной из крупных составных частей бурятского народа. На основе различных источников освещены вопросы строительства буддийских монастырей, границы их... more
This paper identifies for the first time the Old Tibetan version of the Kāśyapaparivarta preserved in fragments from Dunhuang. The currently known extant versions of the Kāśyapaparivarta are in Sanskrit in two Central Asian manuscripts,... more
The article is devoted to the problem of studying of the manuscript from Nikolay F. Petrovsky Manuscripts’ Collection which belongs to the Central Asian Manuscripts’ Fund of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the RussianAcademy of... more
Труды Международной конференции по истории, археологии и культу ре Центральной Азии в кушанскую эпоху (Душанбе, 1968) освещают важные проблемы происхождения народов Центральной Азии, их мате риальной культуры, искусства, языка и... more
The "Leipzig Kucha Studies" series is part of the project "Wissenschaftliche Bearbeitung der buddhistischen Höhlenmalereien in der Kuča-Region der nördlichen Seidenstraße", a research project of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften... more
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held 3rd-14th June 1992, launched the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which... more
This article studies narratives related to the topic of women receiving a prediction or declaration (vyākaraṇa) for Buddhahood. The texts in question—in their received form—have their place in the Indian Buddhist traditions of the Middle... more
On a recently discovered Gandhara manuscript with a version of the legal text Pratimoksasutra. The version is connected to the Mahasamghika school or its offshoot, the Lokottaravada school. The incomplete manuscript is said... more
Edition of the Old Uigur wall inscriptions in the 楡林 Yulin caves, Gansu Province, PRC, to display the mobility of the Old Uigur Buddhist pilgrims of the 13-14. cc. It is a part of the result of my preliminary research conducted in 2006,... more
atti del colloquio: "Il mito al tempo dei mercanti. Sulla 'Genealogia degli dei pagani' di Boccaccio"
Theist religions argue for the pre-existence of self/Atman/ruh based on mentalistic idealism and/or interactive substance dualism frameworks; whereas Buddhism denies this; instead, this atheist religion (i) proposes Karmic theory... more
The commentary to the Yuanjue jing in Old Uigur, which was published by and Zhang -Zieme (2012), includes unique teachings and quotations ascribed to the Great Master SYLW, whose name apparently derives from a Chinese honorific title for... more
ARIRIAB-XXI(2018). This paper continues documentation of the Old Tibetan version of the Kāśyapaparivarta preserved in fragments from Dunhuang identified and transcribed in Part 1 (Apple 2017). The following comparative collation... more
Edition of 283 inscriptions and grafitti in Old Uigur and Mongolian found at the Dunhuang grottoes (Mogao 莫高, Yulin 楡林, Dong-Qianfotong 東千佛洞 , etc.) as the result of our fieldwork for 2010–2016. Several inscriptions have been further... more
The science of psychology is believed to consist of objective and meaningful knowledge about a realm of our own direct experiencing with which we are all intimate and familiar, yet about which we also feel we have very little... more
This essay presents a snapshot of the year 465 CE. Place: South Asia with the Ajanta Cave 11 in focus. A history is narrated here to describe how the stupa-shrine (naos) of the Ajanta Cave 11 was conceived, and added to what was earlier a... more
It is a well-known fact that at an early stage of the conquests the Mongols recognized the need for a fast and reliable flow of information and commercial goods. This necessity led to the establishment of the postal relay system of the... more
The pāramitās, or perfections, are virtues that are fully developed by a bodhisattva
(Buddha-in-training) to become a Buddha.
(Buddha-in-training) to become a Buddha.
Bodhisattva of wisdom in Mahāyāna forms of Buddhism.
Second issue of new academic journal. Studia Turkica Mongolica Tibetica Manchurica Sibirica Russica et cetera. Tartaria Magna is a peer reviewed e-journal in Russian. Editors accept papers and reviews in English and provide Russian... more
Buddhist Sogdian texts contain about 300 loanwords of Indian origin excluding the ones that are known also in Manichaean, secular, or Christian Sogdian texts. About sixty percent of these can easily be seen to be borrowed from Buddhist... more
Due to the extensive territory including the fertile plains and the productive population, the Sasanids could attain the powerful and wealthy situation during the late antiquity. Nevertheless, the vast territory caused some problems... more