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Green spaces provide various amenities ranging from ecological services to recreational benefits. They are strategic for municipalities both for households and business attractiveness. While the social demand for urban parks is... more
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      Human GeographySpatial econometricsUrban And Regional PlanningLand Use
Urban dwellers experience conflicting thoughts and feelings about urban woodlands; valued for their natural qualities, the relief they provide from the stress of modern urban living and the opportunities they afford for children's play... more
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      Urban ForestrySocial GroupsElderly PeoplePilot study
This paper asks what should be demanded from urban open space in the 21st century. It explores the social and spatial implications of new lifestyles, values, attitudes to nature and sustainability, and the models for future city life and... more
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      EngineeringSocial InteractionUrban PlanningEcology
The interaction between spatial arrangement and vegetation structure was systematically examined in the context of an urban park in an impoverished area of Sheffield, UK. Local residents rated digitally manipulated photographs depicting... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental SciencesGreen SpaceUrban Landscape and Planning
The responses of ground beetles to an urbanisation gradient (forest-suburban area-urban park) were studied in and near Sorø, South Zealand, Denmark, during April-October 2004. The average number of species per trap did not differ... more
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      Multivariate StatisticsEcologyUrban SpaceSpecies Composition
Urban trees provide a multitude of tangible and intangible services which include provisionary, regulatory, as well as cultural and support services to the community. Unfortunately, to set a monetary value on these said services is... more
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      Willingness to PayUrban ParkOrdered Logit Model
Universally, trees have been recognized as an important component of urban landscapes for millennia because they provide a wide range of benefits to society. Although the planting of trees has been an integral and important part of human... more
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      Urban ForestryApplied EconomicsSoil PollutionLegislation
International efforts to preserve the natural environment are mainly concerned with large, bio-diverse and relatively untouched ecosystems or with individual animal or vegetal species, either endangered or threatened with extinction. Much... more
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      EngineeringQuality of lifeLandscapeEnvironmental Sciences
The city and urban environment will become extremely important in the daily lives of the increasing number of people. Parks and open spaces are one aspect of urban environment that is of great importance in daily life as well as social... more
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      AccessibilityUrban ParksUrban Ecology , ParksUrban Park
Due to rapid urbanisation and scarcity of land, most of the urban parks and recreational areas in Hong Kong are built close to major roads or industrial areas, where they are subject to many potential pollution sources, including vehicle... more
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      GeochemistrySpeciationUrbanizationApplied Geochemistry
The health of any city is measured by the number of parks and green spaces in it. In any metropolitan city, urban parks are a great source of recreation and public activities. With the passage of time, many urban parks have evolved with... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureSustainable DevelopmentLandscapePark Management
Using data collected from residents surrounding a large urban park setting, we examined the relationship between their motivation to visit the park and their attachment to the setting. Based on the literature suggesting that natural... more
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      Environmental PsychologyPlace AttachmentMultidisciplinaryData Collection
Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be self-archived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your work,... more
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      Animal CognitionFace recognition (Psychology)Biological SciencesProfitability
Green areas have been used for spending leisure time for people with various ethnic backgrounds. However, some areas attract more visitors from ethnic minorities than others. Out of research that will be discussed in this paper it became... more
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      Place AttachmentSocial InteractionQuantitative ResearchQualitative Research
There is a growing body of evidence indicating that exposure to, and activities in, nature have beneficial effects on human health. Since a majority of people in many countries live in urban areas, availability and use of urban green... more
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      DemographyPublic OpinionUrban ForestryEcology
Many studies have supported the proposition that natural environments contribute positively to psychological restoration. Less attention has been given to the relative importance of the physical environmental components that contribute to... more
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      Landscape ArchitectureConjoint AnalysisForestry SciencesNatural Environment
The aim of the present paper is to recommend a methodology for the thermal comfort investigations of resting places (parks and squares) in urban environments. During three periods (three times 14 weekdays in transient seasons) 6775... more
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      EngineeringSeasonalityEnvironmental SciencesThermal comfort
Urban parks San Francisco Matrix Nest sites A B S T R A C T Declines in bee populations have been documented in several parts of the world. Bees are dependent upon flowering plants for resources, and flowering plants often depend upon... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBiological ConservationSan Francisco
The purpose of this research is to identify and understand vandalism issues that occur in the selected case study site as well as to determine characteristics of the surrounding landscape associated with vandalism hotspots, and to justify... more
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      Social PerceptionSafetyCase StudyNewspaper
This paper asks what should be demanded from urban open space in the 21st century. It explores the social and spatial implications of new lifestyles, values, attitudes to nature and sustainability, and the models for future city life and... more
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      EngineeringSocial InteractionUrban PlanningEcology
This paper asks what should be demanded from urban open space in the 21st century. It explores the social and spatial implications of new lifestyles, values, attitudes to nature and sustainability, and the models for future city life and... more
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      EngineeringSocial InteractionUrban PlanningEcology
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      Human GeographyCultural DiversityPublic SpaceUrban Park
Universiteti i Prishtines "Hasan Prishtina"
Fakulteti i Inxhinierise Mekanike
Departamenti Komunikacionit
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      Transportation EngineeringTransport EconomicsTraffic PsychologyRoad safety
Given that recent literature reviews on physical activity in urban parks deliberately excluded qualitative findings, we reviewed qualitative research on this topic informed by a published classification scheme based on quantitative... more
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      Human GeographyHealth PromotionResearch DesignFocus Groups
Uno de los últimos parque urbanos de la metrópoli más poblada de Hispanoamérica y que ha albergado uno de los cultos más importantes en la historia de la Iglesia Católica: el Santuario de la Virgen de Los Remedios, de donde el parque toma... more
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      Environmental EducationNational ParksÁreas Naturales ProtegidasMedio Ambiente
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      Climate Change AdaptationQuality of lifeUrban MorphologyEnvironmental Design
Following the industrial revolution with its massive urbanisation in the 19th century and the continued explosive growth of urban areas and the decline of nature throughout the 20th century, the alienation between people and the nature... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentQuality of lifeCase StudyIndustrial Revolution
This paper traces evidence of the influence of the landscape on people's health, from ancient times to the present day, noting how access to nature and attractive green spaces has been a recurring theme in descriptions of therapeutic... more
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      EngineeringHistoryLandscapeNineteenth Century
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      Human GeographyCultural DiversityPublic SpaceUrban Park
Urban open space provides a number of valuable services to urban populations, including recreational opportunities, aesthetic enjoyment, environmental functions, and may also be associated with existence values. In separate meta-analyses... more
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      Environmental ManagementHousingAgricultureMultidisciplinary
Increasing population and urbanization in U.S. cities is not only contributing to the congestion in urban recreation parks but also is likely to exceed the capacity of these parks' recreational and amenity benefits. In order to estimate... more
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      MultidisciplinaryHedonic Pricing ModelValuationOpen Space
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      SociologyCriminologyLawIndigenous Studies
There is increasing and widespread public support for public park provision in urban areas given that they provide an array of different recreational activities enhancing the citizen's quality of life. A contingent valuation survey of 900... more
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      Urban PlanningQuality of lifeMultidisciplinaryContingent valuation
Urban environment quality is worsening every year. It is a fact that the urban air temperature is gradually rising in all cities and some effective measures are needed to mitigate it. Planting of vegetation is one of the main strategies... more
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      ArchitectureBuilt EnvironmentComputer SimulationBuilding
Parks as an urban landscape feature serve many functions as providers of passive and active recreation, environmental benefits, and wildlife habitat. The research presented herein explores the concept that urban parks may also function as... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental SciencesSpecies DiversitySocioeconomic Status
Greenspace is an important part of complex urban ecosystems and provides significant ecosystem services. It benefits urban communities environmentally, esthetically, recreationally and economically. Beijing Province is in north of China,... more
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      EngineeringLandscape EcologyEcosystem ServicesUrban Planning
The leaves of Nerium oleander L. (oleander) were tested as a possible biomonitor of heavy metal pollution studied in Antalya along the Mediterranean Sea, Turkey. Fifty-three sites (urban roadside, urban, urban park, suburban andrural) in... more
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      MultidisciplinaryMediterranean SeaHeavy Metal PollutionHeavy Metal
Urban parks can help mitigate urban heat island (UHI) effects and decrease cooling energy consumption in summer. However, it is unclear how park characteristics affect the formation of a park cool island (PCI). In this study, PCI... more
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      EngineeringEnergy ConsumptionSeasonalityEnvironmental Sciences
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      Human GeographyEnvironmental ManagementURBAN SUSTAINABILITYUrban Park
The mortality of Scots pine trees in and around Helsinki has been reported in recent years, but the causalities of these deaths have not so far been rigorously examined. Tree-ring analyses have previously shown to effectively reveal... more
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      Plant BiologyTree MortalityStatistical SignificanceTrees
The present study provides an evaluation of noise pollution in six Urban Parks located in the city of Curitiba, Brazil. Equivalent noise levels (L eq ) were measured in 303 points (each point measured during 3 min) spread throughout the... more
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      BrazilEnvironmental MonitoringEnvironmental PollutionMultidisciplinary
This study attempts to investigate "The Role of Vegetation on Social Abnormalities". It aims ultimately to increase the sense of security by reducing the negative aspects of vegetation in urban parks. This research focuses on creating... more
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      VegetationUrban ParkSense of Security
Urban park area is a potential resource for urban populations to experience nature in cities, including tropical cities. Differences in interests among people of different ethnicities have been debated in tropical multi-ethnic countries... more
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      Tropical EcologySatisfactionUrban Park
Large urban parks can support a diverse bird community. However, the effects of variability among habitats and of park management on bird assemblages are poorly understood. We studied bird communities within the Yarkon Park, Tel Aviv, the... more
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      EngineeringEcologyUrban EcologyIsrael
The purpose of this research is to identify and understand vandalism issues that occur in the selected case study site as well as to determine characteristics of the surrounding landscape associated with vandalism hotspots, and to justify... more
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      Social PerceptionSafetyCase StudyNewspaper
Although the fields of leisure studies and recreation and parks were founded on addressing health and wellness needs of people, only recently have these needs been addressed by major, systematic research efforts. This paper examines the... more
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      EducationPhysical ActivityTransportationTime Use
Given that recent literature reviews on physical activity in urban parks deliberately excluded qualitative findings, we reviewed qualitative research on this topic informed by a published classification scheme based on quantitative... more
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      Human GeographyHealth PromotionResearch DesignFocus Groups
Urban and suburban parks can play an important role in the conservation of biodiversity, especially in a strongly urbanised region like Flanders (Belgium). A previously developed method for monitoring biodiversity was applied to 15 parks... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental SciencesSpecies DiversitySpecies Richness
Objective. A physical activity disparity exists between rural and urban residents. Community parks are resources for physical activity because they are publicly provided, available at a low cost, and accessible to most residents. We... more
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      PovertyPhysical ActivityPreventive medicineObservation
Studies related to the valuation of urban environmental amenities like water bodies, green spaces and clean air are very scarce in developing countries. The present study is a first of its kind in India where Hedonic Pricing Method (HPM)... more
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      Decision MakingResource AllocationDeveloping CountryForestry Sciences