White House
Recent papers in White House
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) of the U.S. has experienced several important growth spurts in its holdings of electronic records during the last two decades. Sudden, exponential increases in transfers of... more
A presidential spouse in an era of rigid gender norms, Jacqueline Kennedy frequently straddled the divide between celebrity, social acceptability, and personal desire. Yet, history remembers America’s thirty-seventh First Lady more for... more
This paper will conduct a detail analyze on Freemasonry's symbolism codified to The Great Seal of the United States obverse and reverse sides, The Apotheosis of George Washington, The Centennial Great Seal of 1882, The Capitol Building... more
A new petitions is calling for Obama to levy sanctions on Ukraine. The petition was posted on the White House website and is urging the Obama Administration to impose personal sanctions on Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and the... more
The main thesis of this paper is about the Trinitarian Paradigm. This Trinitarian Paradigm has everything to do with Hebraic Alphabet and how it is you to write the mythoi of the Judaeo Christian Scriptures. Even the New Testament... more
The goal of this dissertation is twofold. First, to analyse the three most seminal US policy decisions during the first two and a half years of the Syrian conflict for possible media impact. Those are the US government's decision to... more
The Fictional Elements in the Declaration of Independence
Il fenomeno geopolitico dello Stato Islamico ha radicalmente modificato gli assetti geopolitici dell’area mediorientale. Esperti, parlano della fine del “periodo Sykes-Pikot”, ovvero il periodo successivo alla prima guerra mondiale,... more
In the months leading up to the 21st UN Climate Change Conference, policy makers, pension trustees and academic thought leaders have been active devising new ways of fostering private capital stewardship and “green investment”. In spite... more
JUST A BRIEF OVERVIEW:This study focuses on the 5 BellWether States in Presidential elections from 2000-2012. I define bellwether states as ones carried by the winner in all four presidential elections, which are Ohio, Nevada, Florida,... more
Nancy A. Youssef is an Egyptian-American journalist and is Senior National Security Correspondent for The Daily Beast. Immediately before that, she was with McClatchy Newspapers where she served as National Security Correspondent and... more
This report traces and largely proves an eleven-generation genealogical African-American descent from Africa to the present. This line of descent focuses on the Hemings-Freeman-Shorter family, and includes the following remarkable... more
Y bueno, los Estados Unidos se hallan sumidos en una espiral de miedo-terror político que usualmente no se vive dentro de sus fronteras. Generalmente los estadounidenses, mediante intervenciones de los Marines y la U.S. Army y gracias a... more
"...As Congress deliberates another Coronavirus (COVID-19) stimulus package, HARIHAR delivers formal letter to President Biden, reminding him of the Trade Secret previously requested by the EOP (Obama administration) while serving as as... more
It is our understanding that due to the Justice Department budget cuts in 2011, little to no training in communication skills..." were offered to law enforcement officers. It was noted that racial violence possibly due to “inflammatory... more
Both clarity and respect for the rule of law demands that a new executive order on assassination be enacted that properly defines the term “assassination” and is couched in the legal parameters of self-defense. In prosecuting the War on... more
In 1925, during his first travel to the United States of America, Jean Capart, the founding father of Belgian Egyptology and future Advisory Curator of the Brooklyn Museum in New York, was received in audience at the White House by the... more
In 1925, during his first travel to the United States of America, Jean Capart, the founding father of Belgian Egyptology and future Advisory Curator of the Brooklyn Museum in New York, was received in audience at the White House by the... more
In February 2013, a Department of Justice White Paper was leaked, making publicly available for the first time a summary of two legal memos setting out the legal details of the administration’s justification for targeted killing of... more
"...As a matter of court record, the severity of these evidenced crimes includes (but is not limited to): (1) Judicial TREASON under ARTICLE III and 18 U.S. Code § 2381; (2) RICO violations (Collusion) under 18 U.S. Code CHAPTER 96; (3)... more
Dopo soli due anni di potere, il vulcanico Presidente degli Stati Uniti segna ora il passo, dopo un’aspra campagna da lui stesso modellata sul conflitto razziale e sull’identità americana. L’esito della consultazione di Midterm è chiaro:... more
White House receives update and formal meeting request after the Indian Embassy learns of decade-long history of Racial Discrimination and egregious abuses of power evidenced by Federal/MA State Judges, MA AGO and other high-ranking... more
James Hoban is popularly known as the Architect of the White House and Federal Lodge No. 1's charter Master. While Hoban has earned the distinction of building one of our nation's most important landmarks, he did not perform this duty... more
This commentary is a review essay of former NSA John Bolton's recently released memoirs, of which I am critical about primarily for releasing classified information about ongoing negotiations in the current administration.
All’indomani della consultazione di Midterm, il conflitto politico è destinato a radicalizzarsi, aprendo scenari inediti nei prossimi due anni di mandato presidenziale. Gli Stati dell’East Coast a maggioranza democratica potrebbero... more
Presidents typically see their national security adviser multiple times daily. Just as his predecessors did, President Donald J. Trump will count on his national security adviser to keep him abreast of hot-button issues and to present... more
To President Obama: The effects of poverty contained many significant implications both at the political and social level where these hindrances hamper at eradicating poverty itself. Many countries today are still living at the poverty... more
Literature on genre analysis mainly focuses on the description of language use in the different professional and institutional domains (Bhatia 2004). Despite the different directions of the studies on genre (Bhatia 1993; Martin and... more