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I utredningen ”årlig tap og skade på kulturminner under vann” (Nymoen & Nævestad 2006), ble det dokumentert at kulturminner i vann er særlig utsatt for skade fra flere hold, og at behovet for ny kunnskap for derigjennom å oppnå bedre... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyWhetstonesRiver Archaeology
The aim of this paper is to present a group of artefacts discovered during nine archaeological research campaigns conducted at the Abbey of Bizere (Arad County). After the initial cleaning process, from a total of 85 of these finds, 12... more
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      WhetstonesToolsMedieval Knives
Finds from the Viking period, the middle ages and from more recent historical trading places and towns in northern Europe show that the export of whetstones from Eidsborg in the Telemark district of southern Norway has a more than 1000... more
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      Medieval HistoryInternational TradeWhetstones
Whetstones were essential sharpening tools from the Iron Age and well into modern times. They were an important part of people’s personal kit and indispensable to anyone using knives, axes, arrows, sickles, scythes, needles, scissors and... more
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyArchaeology of IcelandPetrology of Ceramics and Stone ArtifactsStone artefacts (Archaeology)
Whetstones from Viking Age and early medieval sites have been analyzed widely in Scandinavian and North Europe, but has only recently been the subject of any systematic, broad-scale analysis in Iceland. The initial goal was twofold:... more
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      Material Culture StudiesNorth Atlantic archaeologyViking Age ArchaeologyArchaeology of Iceland
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyHomerLandscape ArchaeologyAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)
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      Late Medieval ArchaeologyUrban archaeologyWhetstonesPost-Medieval Archaeology
Moya-Maleno, P.R. , Álvarez Areces, E., Arroyo Rey, X., Daza Perea, A., Fernández Díaz, M., Fernández-Pacheco Sánchez-Gil, C., Galeano Prados, M., Guerra García, P., Jiménez Bermejo, B., López Andrés, S., López-Acevedo Cornejo, V., López... more
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      WhetstonesTrade in Whetstones, Quernstones and Soapstone
Moya-Maleno, P.R. (2008): “Ager y afiladeras. Dos hitos en el estudio del municipio laminitano (Alhambra, Ciudad Real)”, en J. Mangas y M.A. Novillo (eds.): El territorio de las ciudades romanas. Sísifo. Madrid. ISBN: 978-84-612-8600-3.... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyArchaeology of Roman HispaniaPre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CulturePliny the Elder
Grinding and polishing has always been the finishing process of all kinds of crafted goods. By burnishing, a surface becomes smoothed and an edge sharpened. Polishing gives an object a nicer look and only then the right finish. In certain... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyMetalwork (Archaeology)Whetstones
Når dette skrives er det bare noen få dager siden jeg dykket ved en liten holme som heter Tove ytterst i Kvåsefjorden på grensen mellom Aust og Vest Agder i Sør Norge. For meg var denne svømmeturen mellom tareskog og bergskrenter mer... more
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      Underwater ArchaeologyMedieval tradeWhetstones
Moya-Maleno, P.R. (2019): “Etnoarqueología para el estudio de la Segunda Edad del Hierro de la Meseta Nororiental”, en Boletín de la Asociación de Amigos del Museo de Guadalajara, 10. Asociación de Amigos del Museo de Guadalajara.... more
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      Celtic StudiesEthnoarchaeologyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Iron Age
Co-authors Harry Huisman, Dick Stapert, Lykke Johansen, Inger Woltinge
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      Iron Age (Archaeology)Stone artefacts (Archaeology)Roman PeriodWhetstones
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      Viking Age ArchaeologyViking Age ScandinaviaWhetstonesMaterial Culture of the Viking age
Whetstones and coal from the late Slavonic settlement at Priesterkamp, near the town of Usedom on the island Usedom, NE-Germany are studied. One whetstone is made of Norwegian Eidsborg schist from Telemark, three of so-called purple... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyWhetstones
A Przeworsk Culture cemetery at Czersk, Piaseczno County is excavated by Katarzyna Czarnecka and Katarzyna Watemborska-Rakowska from 2008. (...) Whetstones in the Przeworsk Culture have not yet been highlighted in scientific description.... more
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      Ancient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Roman PeriodWhetstonesBarbaricum
Iron working workshops in the industrial quarter of the large Roman town of Autun (France). description of the structures and wastes. Extract from Chardron-Picault P., Pernot M., Un quartier antique d'artisanat métallurgique à Autun. Le... more
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      ArchaeometallurgyWhetstonesarchaeology experimental archeologia sperimentale Iron Age età del ferro battitura forgia forgiatura forge iron smithing ironsmith blacksmithing fer forgeron hardening tempra temperaAncient Iron Metallurgy
Brynesteiner var nødvendige redskaper for å vedlikeholde jernverktøy med skarpe egger og spisser, og de er en av de mest vanlige gjenstandstypene fra jernalder og middelalder. Geologiske analyser av materialet i Ribe viser at over... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ScandinaviaEarly Middle Ages (History)
Seminario-Workshop: Martes 22 de octubre de 2019 Salón de Grados 08:30–09:00 Entrega de material 09:00–09:30 Inauguración 09:30–10:15 “Las piedras de afilar en la Arqueología de la Península Ibérica: importancia y propuesta de... more
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      ArchaeologyPetrologyIberian StudiesWhetstones
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      WhetstonesRotary QuernsMortarsQuerns and Millstones
At Covasna – Cetatea Zânelor (Fairies Fortress), 97 Dacian whetstones were found. Most likely, the whetstones were used to sharpen metal objects. However, the metal objects discovered in the site are just a few that leaves open the... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron Age (Archaeology)Iron Age
This paper examines the iconographical background of Adam's skull beneath Christ's cross in Byzantine art, its appearance as a motif in Irish texts and its possible occurrence on two Pictish artworks, the Portsoy whetstone and the... more
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      ChristianityIconographyArt HistoryMedieval Literature
Snowdonia has hundreds of Bronze Age burial cairns, of a wide variety of types, of which some 50 are located on mountain-tops between 500 and 1100m above sea level. The excavations at Drosgl revealed that the main cairn had a complex... more
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      Phosphate AnalysisUpland ArchaeologyBronze Age (Archaeology)Early Bronze Age (Archaeology)
Moya-Maleno, P.R. (2007): “La moliz desde la Arqueología iberorromana: Las piedras de afilar y el territorio laminitano (Alhambra, Ciudad Real)”, en La Ruta, 22. Asociación de Amigos del Campo de Montiel. Villahermosa. D.L.: CR 552/99.... more
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      Iberian Prehistory (Archaeology)Pre Roman Archaeology/Iberian CultureWhetstonesSandstones
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      WhetstonesRotary querns and millstones
The present paper presents and provides an interpretation of five classes of stone objects resulting from field research of the French‐ Romanian project " Orgamè/Argamum, nécropoles et territoire ". The objects were discovered in sites... more
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      Greek ArchaeologyRoman ArmyHousehold ArchaeologyBlack Sea region
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      WhetstonesRotary Querns
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      Stone artefacts (Archaeology)WhetstonesRotary QuernsRotary querns and millstones
I forbindelse med et omfattende arbeid Norske Skogindustrier ASA igangsatte i 2006 med formål å restrukturere industribebyggelse og landskap på Klosterøya i Skien, har Norsk Sjøfartsmuseum ved flere anledninger gjennomført arkeologiske... more
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      Ports and HarboursWhetstonesTimber Trade
Moya Maleno, P.R. y Novillo López, M.A. (2009): “El pasado prerromano y romano del Campo de Montiel”, en L. Matamoros y J.F. Cuenca (coords.): Por tierras del Campo de Montiel: Segundo paseo literario. Villavento. Madrid. ISBN:... more
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      Archaeology of Roman HispaniaWhetstonesCampo De Montiel
Moya-Maleno, P.R. (2009): “Mercurio en la epigrafía hispanorromana: el ara votiva de Laminium (Alhambra, Ciudad Real)”, en Revista de Estudios del Campo de Montiel, 1. Centro de Estudios del Campo de Montiel. Villanueva de los Infantes.... more
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      EthnoarchaeologyRoman ReligionRoman EpigraphyArchaeology of Roman Hispania
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate cross-Channel exchange of calcareous sandstone-type whetstones derived from the Weald (Sussex, UK) in the Roman period. The presence of this particular type of whetstone at several Roman sites... more
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      ArchaeologyGeologyGeoArcheologyRoman Britain
Moya-Maleno, P.R. (2018): “Michel Blondieau (2017): Le coticule. Nature, histoire et autarcie en Ardenne. Les éditions du Stâbe dés Boûs. ISBN 978-2-9602061-0-4. 78 págs. 57 figs., color”, en Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología UAM,... more
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      GeologyRoman ArmyAncient QuarryingWhetstones
Volgens vondstboekje "vuursteen"; 1653 en 1654 zijn vlak bij elkaar gevonden, in een laag die gedateerd kan worden in de 1e eeuw n.C.
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      Roman PeriodWhetstonesIron Age archaeologyStone tools
Volgens vondstboekje "vuursteen"; 1653 en 1654 zijn vlak bij elkaar gevonden, in een laag die gedateerd kan worden in de 1e eeuw n.C.
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      Roman PeriodWhetstonesIron Age archaeologyStone tools
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      Stone artefacts (Archaeology)WhetstonesRotary QuernsRotary querns and millstones
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      WhetstonesMortarsRotary querns and millstones