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2017, B Ford, K Brady and S Teague, From Bridgehead to Brewery. The medieval and post-medieval archaeological remains from Finzel's Reach, Bristol, Oxford Archaeology Monograph 27, Oxford, 222-226
5 pages
1 file
Academia Letters, 2021
This term paper aims at understanding in general the dynamics of social science research as a career path in India. Vaidyanathan committee in its report has argued that in the South Asian region as a whole, the social sciences occupy the lowest place in terms of status and career opportunities. The social sciences are not thought to be as productive and lucrative as marketing, business and administration (Committee, 2007). From this argument I contextualize the word dignity in respect of social science research as a career path. The report further states that traditionally, engineering and medicine attracted the best students, as these professions were at the top of the occupational hierarchy and offered the best career prospects. Currently, the best minds are encouraged to acquire MBAs and computer science degrees, as the plethora of career opportunities have emerged in sectors like communication, banking, leisure and entertainment, real estate, media, finances over the last two decades. Disciplines like history and political sciences attract fewer students than before due to their limited career opportunities. From this argument I put in context the word incentive. Thus, the main context under which study has been carried out is to analyze the two aspects related with social science research as a career path. First, is the dignity aspect and the second is the incentive aspect. The focus is on to understand how these two aspects are the two sides of the same coin while analyzing the findings of the study.
La place du cinéma dans les activités culturelles anglo-saxonnes et françaises en Turquie dans l'après-Seconde Guerre mondiale (1944-1953), 2009
Cet article intitulé « La place du cinéma dans les activités culturelles anglo-saxonnes et françaises en Turquie dans l’après-Seconde Guerre mondiale (1944- 1953) » est le résultat des recherches faites au cours du mois de novembre 2006 aux archives diplomatiques du Ministère Français des Affaires étrangères. En reposant sur les dépêches et les rapports rédigés par les offi ciels français étant chargés en Turquie pendant la période marquée ci-dessus, il a pour but de mettre en évidence l’infl uence considérable que les États-Unis et la Grande Bretagne commençaient à exercer sur la vie culturelle turque par voie de cinéma. Afi n de pouvoir atteindre son objectif, il analyse en détail de nouvelles méthodes de propagande appliquées par le British Council, le United States Information Service et l’Ambassade de France (avant l’inauguration du Centre Culturel d’Ankara au début de 1954) pour agir sur les institutions éducatives, sociales, artistiques, scientifi ques, économiques voire politiques et militaires dans le pays entier. Après avoir abordé les contacts pris par Dar Film (une fi rme turque spécialisée dans l’exploitation du cinéma de 16 mm) avec les Actualités Françaises et le Musée Pédagogique, cette étude débouche sur la création tardive d’un Centre de Films Pédagogiques au sein du Ministère de l’Education Nationale.
Bari, 22-29 Agosto 2000
Venite e Vedrete, Periodico del Rinnovamento nello Spirito a Servizio delle Comunità, n. 65 - III - 2
Գրքում համառօտակի շարադրուած է գրի պատմութիւնը, ներկայացուած են գրի տարբեր տեսակները։ Առանձին շարադրուած է հայոց գրի պատմութիւնը, դիտարկուած են հայոց տառերի ծագուﬓաբանական հարցեր՝ ելնելով նախաքրիստոնէական հայոց գրի գոյութեան վարկածից։ Զգալի տեղ է յատկացուած հայոց, ինչպէս նաեւ լատինական եւ կիւրեղեան տառերի գործնական ձեւաստեղծման եւ գեղագիտական հարցերին։
Research on Language and Social Interaction
arXiv (Cornell University), 2023
The near half-century of the post-Mao era has almost universally been called one of construction of China’s legal system. But while great changes have taken place in China’s public order and dispute resolution institutions, other things have changed little or not at all. Most commentary focuses on the changes; this article, by contrast, will look at what has not changed—the important continuities that have persisted for over four decades. This article argues that the scholarly community has accumulated over the past four decades a number of observations about China’s order maintenance institutions that are increasingly difficult to explain using the conventional vocabulary and concepts of legality. When we see inconsistencies, we tend to explain them as signs of the immaturity of the legal system, or as mistakes, or as unrepresentative aberrations. This kind of explanation is driven by a conscious or subconscious convergence theory. But we have to take these inconsistencies seriousl...
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International Political Sociology, 2024
Herito, nr 39, 2020, s. 160-162
Social Science Research Network, 2008
United Nations University series on regionalism, 2024
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2018
Music and Letters, 2007
Academia Molecular Biology and Genomics, 2024
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2017
Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science, 2019
Molecular Catalysis, 2019
Mondes Arabes, 2024
Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences, 2022