Web Information Systems
Recent papers in Web Information Systems
While smartphones are rapidly gaining popularity, they do not (yet) rely on a standardized platform. At least five operating systems are considered important. Developing mobile applications (apps) is thus challenging. Since native... more
This survey aims at studying and analyzing current techniques and methods for context-aware Web service systems, discussing future trends and proposing further steps on making Web services systems being context-aware.
Purpose – The purposes of this study were to measure the relevance status of Index Islamicus, evaluate the semantic correlation between a query and documents and inquire the basis of its rank. Sorting the retrieved results from the most... more
The rapid changes of information technology led to the proliferation of Web-based Information Systems (WIS). There has been already some research on the general model for analysis and design of WIS. This paper attempts to define a... more
In today's competitive business environment, Information Systems are not a luxury; rather they are vital for survival. High costs of licensing, implementation issues, and missed opportunities in legacy systems led to the development of a... more
This lecture forms part of the 'Web Technologies' course given at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
—Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI or Indonesia Bible Society) is a nonprofit corporation that supports churches, organizations and Christians in Indonesia for the provision of the Bible and its parts. One of the facilities provided by LAI... more
Background: Electronic Health is an emerging field in the intersection of medical informatics, public health and business, referring to health services and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and related technologies.... more
With the proliferation of web services, quality of service serves as a benchmark to differentiate the services and their providers. As of today, a wide spectrum of attributes have been identified to account for the quality of a service... more
Purpose – XML has spread beyond the computer science fields and reached other areas such as, e-commerce, identification, information storage, instant messaging and others. Data communicated over these domains are now mainly based on XML.... more
Recently, there has been a lot of interest in the application of graphs in different domains. Graphs have been widely used for data modeling in different application domains such as: chemical compounds, protein networks, social networks... more
Purpose: To investigate and identify the patterns of interaction between searchers and search engine during Web searching. Design: We examined 2,465,145 interactions from 534,507 users of Dogpile.com submitted on May 6, 2005. We compared... more
Business Process Modeling is increasingly important for the digitalization of both IT and non-IT business processes, as well as for their deployment on service-oriented architectures. A number of methodologies, languages, and software... more
Wide area applications (WAAs) utilize a WAN infrastructure, e.g., the Internet, to connect a federation of hundreds of servers with tens of thousands of clients and they pose substantial challenges. The diversity of sources means that... more
Systematic testing is very important for assessing and improving the quality of software systems. Yet, testing turns out to be expensive, laborious, time-consuming and error-prone. The Dutch research and development project Côte de... more
In the last few years, almost all model-driven Web Engineering approaches have evolved in response to the new challenges of Web systems design, which are due to new requirements and implementation technologies in the Web domain. The... more
The rapid evolution of the area of Web Engineering has motivated the proposal of several methods and frameworks for the development of Web Information Systems (WISs). In particular, it is becoming more and more common to use... more
From a liberal perspective, pluralism and viewpoint diversity are seen as a necessary condition for a well-functioning democracy. Recently, there have been claims that viewpoint diversity is diminishing in online social networks, putting... more
Today, eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is fast emerging as the dominant standard for storing, describing, representing and interchanging data among various enterprises systems and databases in the context of complex web enterprises... more
Usability evaluations should start early in the Web development process and occur repeatedly throughout all stages to ensure the quality of the Web application, not just when the product is completed. This paper presents a Web Usability... more
The World Wide Web is an enormous collection of information resources serving for various purposes. However the diversity of the Web information as well as the relared formats makes it vety difficult for users to efficiently search and... more
Purpose -To measure the exact size of the World Wide Web (i.e., a census). The measure used is the number of publicly accessible web servers on port 80.
There have been rapid development and application of computer methods and information systems in digital medical diagnosis in recent years. However, although computer methods of medical imaging have proven helpful in diagnosing lung... more
With the steady and fast advancements in the integration of geographic information systems and mobile location-based services, interest in exploiting this technology for Cultural Heritage (CH) data sharing has become apparent. In this... more
The success of the semantic web depends largely on how well ontologies can be utilized and formulated. Interoperability between systems using different versions of the same ontology i s essential, and this implies the need for a regulated... more
Purpose -This paper aims to serves two main purposes: First, it seeks to provide an overview of the location hierarchy from the highest divisions (continents) to the lowest divisions (wards, villages) in reality and in the Wikipedia... more
Web services refer to a specific set of technologies used to implement a Service Oriented Architecture. Thanks to maturing Web-services standards, and to new mobile devices and application solutions, progress is being made in presenting... more
Increasingly, business projects are ephemeral. New Business Intelligence tools must support ad-lib data sources and quick perusal. Meanwhile, tag clouds are a popular community-driven visualization technique. Hence, we investigate... more
Purpose – XML has spread beyond the computer science fields and reached other areas such as, e-commerce, identification, information storage, instant messaging and others. Data communicated over these domains are now mainly based on XML.... more
Some recent results about forecasting the East Java-Bali electrical load time series data forecasting (2005-2007) has been shown in [3,4,7]. Two of them are using Evolutionary Algorithm on Neuro-Fuzzy structure and Neuro-Fuzzy with LMA... more
Result merging is a key component in a metasearch engine. Once the results from various search engines are collected, the metasearch system merges them into a single ranked list. The effectiveness of a metasearch engine is closely related... more
Recently, the use of XML continues to grow in popularity, large repositories of XML documents are going to emerge, and users are likely to pose increasingly more complex queries on these data sets. In 2001 XQuery is decided by the World... more
Despite several efforts during the last years, the web model and semantic web technologies have not yet been successfully applied to empower Ubiquitous Computing architectures in order to create knowledge-rich environments populated by... more
initiatives and the increasing demand of OSS products as alternative solutions by industries, it is important for particular stakeholders such as the project host/supporter (e.g., Apache Foundation, Sourceforge), project leading teams,... more
PurposeIn the last decade, web services have become a major technology to implement loosely coupled business processes and perform application integration. Through the use of context, a new generation of web services, namely context‐aware... more
PurposeUbiquitous web applications (UWA) are a new type of web applications which are accessed in various contexts, i.e. through different devices, by users with various interests, at anytime from anyplace around the globe. For such... more
Purpose The need to flexibly react to changing demands and to cost-efficiently manage customized production even for lot size of one requires a dynamic and holistic integration of service-based processes within and across enterprises of... more
As the service-oriented computing paradigm and its related technologies mature, it is expected that electronic services will continue to grow in numbers. In such a setting, the course of service discovery could yield many alternative yet... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe the required functionalities on providing internet connectivity and mobility management for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), present discovered problems such as inconsistent contexts, and... more