Water Resources planning and management
Recent papers in Water Resources planning and management
This paper presents a technique to quantify water savings due to implementation of water restrictions by adopting water restriction indexes as a continuous numerical predictor variable in regression analysis. The adopted modeling... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
This paper introduces an improved bat algorithm (IBA) with a hybrid mutation strategy to improve its global search ability. In an effort to guide the evolution and reinforce the convergence efficiently, the spatial characteristics of the... more
... Prof., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Tufts Univ., Medford, MA 02155) and Charles N. Kroll , SMASCE , (Research Asst., Dept. of Civ. ... Probability plots have been used widely in hydrology as a graphical aid to assess the goodness of fit of... more
Although much progress has been made in the development ofregional grOlmdwater models and river basin simulation models, previous attempts at linking these two types of models into a workable conjunctive use decision support system for... more
Page 1. timization problem, while ignoring those (Lischer 1979; Wal-ski 1985; Walski 1995) who have said that such a problem statement is an unrealistic representation of decision making in real systems. The method of Alperovits ...
Accurate and up-to-date peak demand data are essential to ensure that future mains water supply networks reflect current usage patterns and are designed efficiently from an engineering, environmental, and economic perspective. The aim of... more
Now is an ideal time to reflect, to take stock of where the Australian water industry is at, to scan the trends, disruptions and innovation opportunities that lie ahead, to imagine what the water industry could look like in the next 20 to... more
Leaky distribution systems are costly in terms of lost water, potentially adverse water quality effects, and the energy consumed in supplying the leaks. To characterize the energy effectiveness of a leaky segment in a single pipe, several... more
Defining and measuring sustainability is a major challenge. This article argues these limitations need not stop us from trying to identify and value the possible impacts of what we are doing, or are thinking about doing, over time periods... more
Os mosteiros e conventos da Idade Média e Moderna, para funcionarem em condições de higiene e salubridade adequadas, careciam de um hidrossistema sólido e tecnicamente eficiente, na forma e no traçado, desde a captação de águas, seu... more
This note proposes models for efficiency and mechanical input power of a group of parallel identical pumps which can be fixed or variable speed. Two approaches are considered. In the first approach, the power characteristic is evaluated... more
The Water Resources Planning Organization (WARPO) is an exclusive government institution (created by Water Resources Planning Act, 1992) under the ministry of Water Resources Bangladesh for Macro-level water resources planning and... more
The use of micro hydroelectric plant in urban pipe networks, based on the combination of a 5 PAT (Pump as Turbine), two regulating valves and two pressure meters, is proposed along with 6 simple automation rules. Its economic benefit is... more
Geographic information systems (GIS) provide a digital representa-TAB tion of watershed characteristics used in hydrologic modeling. This paper sum-iounced
The quality of water being used by residents in Budiriro is a major health issue. Water system in Budiriro suburb is centralised through the reticulated water system which is not enough for the residents. The serious water shortage in... more
A practical monthly optimization model, called SISOPT, is developed for the management and operations of the Brazilian hydropower system. The system, one of the largest in the world, consists of 75 hydropower plants with an installed... more
Mounding often occurs beneath engineering structures designed to infiltrate reuse water. AQTESOLV software and a spreadsheet solution for Hantush, together with soil moisture water balance (SWAGMAN farm model), were used for... more
Transient conditions in closed conduits have traditionally been modeled as 1D flows with the implicit assumption that velocity profile and friction losses can be accurately predicted using equivalent 1D velocities. Although more complex... more
Defining and measuring sustainability is a major challenge. This article argues these limitations need not stop us from trying to identify and value the possible impacts of what we are doing, or are thinking about doing, over time periods... more
Six storm-water best management practices ͑BMPs͒ for treating urban rainwater runoff were evaluated for cost and effectiveness in removing suspended sediments and total phosphorus. Construction and annual operating and maintenance ͑O and... more
Attributes of an effective infrastructure adaptation planning process as well as methods for choosing among adaptation strategies are described. The major attributes include: (1) a vulnerability assessment, (2) proactive adaptation... more
Defining and measuring sustainability is a major challenge. This article argues these limitations need not stop us from trying to identify and value the possible impacts of what we are doing, or are thinking about doing, over time periods... more
This paper proposes a new methodology for the optimal design of water network sectorization, which is 6 an essential technique for improving the management and security of multiple-source water supply 7 systems. In particular, the network... more
Water Distribution System (WDS) models when applied with real-time data may lead to 7 improve system control, and in doing so, meet consumer and regulatory demands. Such real-time 8 modelling often overlooks the multiple sources of system... more
Fluid transients result in a substantial amount of data as pressure waves propagate throughout pipes. A new generation of leak detection and pipe roughness calibration techniques has arisen to exploit those data. Using the interactions of... more
This paper shows how pipe replacements and control valve installations can be optimized in water distribution networks to reduce leakage, under minimum nodal pressure constraints. To this end, a hybrid multiobjective algorithm, which has... more
The design of District Metered Areas (DMAs) in existing water distribution networks, 6 especially in urban areas, involves a high number of decision variables and the effects of 7 implementing them in districts have to be evaluated, in... more
An epidemiologic study of childhood leukemia and central nervous system cancers that occurred in the period 1979 through 1996 in Dover Township, N.J., is being conducted. Because groundwater contamination has been documented historically... more
O n l y f o r r e a d i n g. D o n o t D o w n l o a d .
During the last decade, evolutionary methods such as genetic algorithms have been used extensively for the optimal design and operation of water distribution systems. More recently, ant colony optimization algorithms (ACOAs), which are... more
This paper employs an economic-engineering optimization model to explore water supply options for environmental restoration of the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Potential water sources include reductions in local agricultural and urban... more
Water planning Law and policy Socio-economic analysis Stakeholder engagement Deliberative processes Conflict management s u m m a r y
Decision making in environmental projects can be complex and seemingly intractable, principally because of the inherent trade-offs between sociopolitical, environmental, ecological, and economic factors. The selection of appropriate... more
Analogous to the field of geomorphology (a subfield of geology that deals with the structure and evolution of the surface of the earth), the new field of hydromorphology (a subfield of hydrology), deals with the structure, evolution, and... more
Forum papers are thought-provoking opinion pieces or essays founded in fact, sometimes containing speculation, on a civil engineering topic of general interest and relevance to the readership of the journal. The views expressed in this... more