Engineering Water Quality Models and TMDLs
Steven C. Chapra, M.ASCE
Professor and Berger Chair, Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept.,
Tufts Univ., Medford, MA 02155. E-mail:
[email protected]
Over the past 75 years, engineers have developed water quality
models to simulate a wide variety of pollutants in a broad range
of receiving waters. In recent years, these receiving water models
are being coupled with watersheds, groundwater, bottom sediments, and airsheds to provide comprehensive frameworks predicting the impact of human activities on water quality. As Thomann ~1998! terms it, a ‘‘Golden Age’’ of water quality
modeling is upon us.
At face value, these developments should bode well for water
quality assessments such as TMDLs ~total maximum daily loadings!. However, if not conceived and implemented properly, models could also detract from such efforts. The present paper describes some of these pitfalls as well as related opportunities.
The discussion will be organized around the model development process. As in Fig. 1, water quality modeling is embedded
within the larger context of the TMDL decision process. The primary function of modeling is to provide a decision support model
that can be used in TMDL prescriptions; in particular, the model
provides a means to predict water quality as a function of loads
and system modifications.
The process @Fig. 1~b!# starts with model selection and development. The latter relates to situations where existing models are
inadequate. After selecting or developing the model, existing data
are used to construct a preliminary model application. This exercise should include thorough data mining to ensure that all possible historical data are considered. For cases where adequate
historical data do not exist, additional data are collected. The
model is then calibrated by adjusting uncertain parameters so that
the model performs adequately. This is followed by a series of
confirmation tests. These typically involve applying the calibrated
model to cases that differ significantly from those with which the
model was calibrated. This is followed by an analysis phase to
assess model sensitivity and uncertainty. Finally, the model can be
integrated into a decision support system ~DSS! to facilitate the
model’s use in decision making.
It should be stressed that although Fig. 1~b! defines a sequence
of events, the use of two-way feedback arrows on the left denotes
that the process is adaptive. For example, after calibration, it
might be necessary to collect additional data for confirmation.
Similarly, an uncertainty analysis might be performed on the preliminary model in order to help focus the data collection and
Fig. 1. Water-quality-modeling process ~b! within context of TMDL process ~a!
Fig. 2. Watershed/receiving water system
calibration processes. Finally, new models might be adopted, necessitating that the entire process be repeated.
This paper addresses six particular areas related to the process:
model complexity, data and monitoring, reliability, uncertainty,
decision support, and future investment. The discussion will be
limited in certain ways. The focus will be on the watershed/
receiving water framework depicted in Fig. 2. Note that the general conclusions are equally relevant when the framework is expanded to include other systems such as airsheds. The discussion
will be further limited to the eutrophication/dissolved oxygen/heat
problem. Again, many of the conclusions should be generally
relevant to other problems such as toxic contaminants and pathogens. Most of the discussion is focused on process or mechanistic
models based on momentum, heat, and mass balances. Some issues related to statistically based empirical models will be addressed in the section on uncertainty.
Model Complexity
Progress in science and computing along with changing environmental problems have allowed modelers to develop increasingly
complex and comprehensive modeling frameworks ~see reviews
in Chapra 1997 and Thomann 1998!. Unfortunately, this often
leads to the common misconception that complex models are necessarily superior to simpler approaches. In fact, as illustrated in
Fig. 3, the choice of a water quality model involves trade-offs
among model complexity, required reliability, cost, and time.
Complexity refers to the model equations and mathematical structure. Cost relates primarily to data collection and parameter estimation.
The straight line in Fig. 3~a! represents the underlying assumption that, if the budget is unlimited, a more complex model will
be more reliable. In essence, as we add complexity to the model
~that is, more equations with more parameters!, we assume that
sufficient funds are available to perform the necessary field and
laboratory studies to adequately specify the additional parameters.
In fact, this assumption itself may not be true, because there may
be limits to our ability to mathematically characterize the complexity of nature ~a kind of ecological uncertainty principle!.
However, though we may never be able to perfectly characterize
a natural water system, we generally function under the notion
that more and better information leads to more reliable models.
In reality, because we are invariably constrained by funding,
we must make do with limited data. In such cases there are two
extremes: ~1! A very simple model will be so unrealistic that it
will not yield reliable predictions, or ~2! a very complex model
will be so overparametrized that it outpaces available information
and becomes equally unreliable because of parameter uncertainty.
As in Fig. 3, there is an optimal model that is consistent with the
available level of information.
At this point two other considerations must be imposed: the
reliability and the complexity needed to solve the problem @Fig.
3~b!#. Clearly the model could be optimal, given the available
data, yet not be sufficiently reliable for addressing the decision.
For example, whereas a simple model might be adequate for assessing aesthetic impacts, a more complex model ~and more supporting data! might be needed to assess problems dealing with
public health.
Further, the model might be consistent with the available data,
but not sufficiently complex to address management questions.
Regulatory end points often drive this question. For example, a
model that simulates a single phytoplankton group as measured
by chlorophyll a would not be adequate if nuisance algae such as
cyanobacteria are the end point. Similarly, if nutrient export is to
be managed on a farm-by-farm basis, a highly distributed drainage basin model might be required rather than a simpler lumped
approach. In such cases, additional complexity ~along with more
data and information! would be necessary.
Finally, because they often involve legally mandated deadlines, TMDLs are extremely sensitive to the issue of time. This
has major implications for both establishing model credibility and
using the model to make effective decisions. As discussed below,
Fig. 3. Model reliability versus complexity ~redrawn from Chapra 1997!: ~a! Modeling isolated from decisions; ~b! modeling as influenced by
decision context
many systems will have insufficient historical data to yield credible results. Significant time will then be required for additional
data collection, and process studies required for model calibration
and confirmation. Such a case recently occurred in the development of the Delaware Estuary PCB TMDL ~Thomas J. Fikslin,
Delaware River Basin Commission, personal communication,
2002!. A major sampling effort was scheduled for the spring and
summer of 2002 in order to characterize and model both highflow and low-flow conditions. Because of drought conditions, a
sufficiently high flow did not occur and the sampling effort has
now been extended through spring 2003. Although a six-month
extension might seem minimal, it looms large because the preliminary TMDL is to be developed and reviewed by December
Adding unnecessary model complexity also increases computer simulation time. This could have a deleterious effect on the
ability to estimate the uncertainty of predictions using techniques
such as Monte Carlo analyses. Further, less complex and faster
models will expedite time-intensive tasks such as calibration, confirmation, sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, optimization,
and real-time control.
Because of all the above factors, it must be recognized that the
problem needs and the available resources must drive the choice
of model, rather than the pursuit of model complexity for its own
sake. An important consideration in this regard is that all water
bodies should not be modeled in a single fashion. Just as you do
not need a high-performance racecar to go out and buy groceries,
some systems will require coarser approaches whereas others will
demand more complex methodologies.
Finally, modeling is a process, not an end. Given the present
state of data, an adaptive approach to modeling would start with
simpler models at the initial phases and then progress to more
complex frameworks as additional data are collected and as more
focused remedial measures are assessed.
Models and Data
Models are only as good as the information upon which they are
based. For the purposes of the present discussion, this information
can be divided into science and data.
Science represents numbers and mathematical constructs that
reflect scientific understanding. These consist of default parameters ~e.g., Bowie et al. 1985; Schnoor et al. 1987; EPA 1990!,
model constructs ~the science embedded in the model equations!,
and modeled parameters. The latter are values that are calculated
with formulations based on scientific studies ~for example, evapotranspiration and reaeration formulas!.
Data are numerical values that are site-specific and obtained
by direct measurements. These consist of spatial data ~topology,
topography, soil types, land use, areas, morphometry!, forcing
functions ~meteorology, point loads!, state data ~temperature,
flow, concentration, water transparency!, and rate data ~direct
measurement of model parameters such as settling velocity, SOD,
Although both science and data bear on model credibility, the
present discussion focuses on data. In particular, the forcing function and state data that figure prominently in model calibration
and confirmation are emphasized. This data can be broken into
three categories: monitoring data, old model data, and new model
Monitoring refers to data that are measured on a routine basis
for reasons other than modeling ~e.g., compliance or detection!.
Fig. 4. An example of how model resolution influences sampling
strategies. If diurnal variations of state variables are being simulated,
adequate temporal sampling must be conducted to capture such variability. This may cause data collectors to install continuous sampling
devices or to sample at several times of day to capture both the mean
and the range.
Although such data can be of great value to TMDL modeling,
there are two problems that can detract from their utility. First,
because they are not aimed at supporting models, the wrong variables might be measured. For example, most current monitoring
plans originated from the need to assess the performance of
wastewater treatment plants. Hence, treatment-oriented parameters such as carbonaceous BOD ~and in some cases, 5-day BOD!
are frequently used to characterize organic carbon. As described
by Chapra ~1999!, current models ~e.g., Cerco and Cole 1993;
Connolly and Coffin 1995! are carbon based and require direct
measurement of organic carbon species ~e.g., labile dissolved carbon, refractory dissolved carbon, and particulate organic carbon!.
In such cases, BOD measurements are inadequate.
Second, the monitoring data may not be collected properly in
space and time. For example, a traditional monitoring program
might situate sampling locations below point-source inflows. Although such information is valuable, models evaluating nonpoint
sources must be distributed more evenly to resolve more gradual
spatial variations in water quality. The same holds for temporal
monitoring. For example, dissolved oxygen might be traditionally
sampled at a single time during daylight hours. For systems with
strong diurnal variations, critical oxygen levels usually occur at
dawn. If a model simulated diurnal changes, a more effective
sampling strategy might be to ~1! install a continuous monitoring
device or ~2! sample at dawn and late in the afternoon ~see Fig.
The use of monitoring data is also complicated by the fact that
multiple agencies with differing mandates collect such data ~Table
1!. For example, drinking water utilities routinely measure quantities such as UV-254, turbidity, and TOC in order to assess disinfection byproducts and bacterial contamination. In contrast,
many do not sample the standard limnological data necessary to
model water quality ~species of carbon, nutrients, algae, etc.!. It
should be noted that water utilities are increasingly looking to
watershed controls as a means to improve the quality of their raw
water. Thus, beyond their utility for TMDLs, water-qualityoriented data would prove directly useful in such efforts.
The second class of data is that collected to support past modeling studies. Such studies were often conducted to assess oxygen
and/or eutrophication during the 1960s and 1970s. These data sets
are often imperfect, in the sense that they might not be compatible
with present analytical and modeling standards. However, they
Table 1. Different Measures of Organic Carbon Employed by Four
Measures of organic carbon
Water quality compliance
Sewage treatment effluent
Drinking water
Modern WQ model
UV254, TOC
labile DOC, refractory POC,
detrital POC, algal POC
Note: CBOD5carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand; TOC5total
organic carbon; COD5chemical oxygen demand; UV2545absorption of
ultraviolet light at 254 nm; DOC5dissolved organic carbon; POC
5particulate organic carbon.
can still have great value for model assessment. In particular, they
might prove extremely useful in model confirmation, as discussed
in the next section.
The final class is new data collected expressly for model support. Although these would seem to be the most reliable, problems can occur because modelers are sometimes not included in
the sampling design process. In such cases, the correct variables
and sampling frequencies required for the model may be omitted.
This sometimes occurs because agency monitoring groups are
employed to collect the data. Because they are set up to measure
traditional variables, they are sometimes unaware that the modelers might require differing and additional data. It can also occur
because the modeler is hired after the data collection effort is
already underway.
It should be noted that the question of sampling design is a
‘‘two-way street.’’ As mentioned above, monitoring groups should
be sensitive to the needs of the modelers. On the other hand,
modelers should not propose state variables that are difficult or
impossible to measure. For example, it makes no sense to model
six species of phosphorus if it is economically infeasible or operationally impossible for typical laboratories to measure them. It
should be stressed that purely scientific models developed for
exploratory purposes are not necessarily subject to this constraint.
It should also be stressed that along with adequate state data,
accurate estimates of the model forcing functions are equally
critical. If the loadings are highly inaccurate, model calibration
and confirmation become meaningless exercises.
Some general conclusions regarding modeling and data collection:
• Modelers should be an integral part of the sampling design
• All modelers should use the same data. The most conflicted
analyses occur when modelers use different data. Any data that
bear on the TMDL decision process should be available to all
parties involved in the process.
• Data should be archived with accompanying quality assurance
information ~precision, method, etc.!.
• Data collection should be coordinated among different collectors. Although each entity must collect data that support its
own mission, additional parameters might be included at marginal cost in order that the data sets are more broadly useful.
Model Calibration and Confirmation
Once adequate data sets are compiled, the model should be run
and compared with state data. The initial runs can be made with
default parameters and any site-specific measured process rates
that are available ~e.g., reaeration rates, settling velocities, etc.!.
Fig. 5. Natural flow of model calibration process
Invariably this will result in a poor ‘‘fit’’ to the data. At this point,
the model parameters are adjusted to optimize agreement between
the model output and the state data. If the final fit is deemed
adequate, the model is considered calibrated. Assessing the adequacy of a model fit involves graphical comparisons and statistical tests. Because the subject has been discussed in great depth
elsewhere ~Reckhow and Chapra 1983a; Berthoux and Brown
2002; McCuen and Snyder 1986; etc.!, I will not cover it here.
When the submodels composing the framework are independent, the calibration process can be conducted sequentially ~Fig.
5!. This sequence is dictated by the natural information flow between the major submodels: watershed→receiving water. Similarly, within each submodel there is a hierarchy dictated by both
information flow and the uncertainty of the estimates. First, the
hydraulic model ~flows! would be calibrated. Next, heat and conservative tracers can be calibrated to ~1! provide an independent
check on the hydraulics, and ~2! demonstrate that the constituent
transport is adequate. Finally, the least certain part of the
process—the water quality component would be simulated. Note
that in stratified systems, temperature and tracers can significantly
affect the hydraulics, and hence the three must be calibrated simultaneously. The important point is that once the physical processes are calibrated, they should be not modified during the
water quality calibration.
Three techniques can greatly enhance the model calibration
• Sensitivity analysis. The model parameters can be perturbed,
and the variations in the state variables observed. A number of
techniques are available for this, including first-order error
analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, and generalized sensitivity
analysis ~Spear and Hornberger 1980!. The objective is to
identify which parameters have the greatest impact on key
state variables. This information can improve manual calibration by guiding the modeler to focus on the most sensitive
parameters. It can also influence decisions regarding direct rate
measurements, as described next.
• Direct rate measurements. As stated above, the conventional
approach to model calibration involves adjusting uncertain
model parameters such that a model output time series compares favorably with state-data time series. Another approach
is to directly measure model parameters so that they are esti-
mated with greater precision and accuracy. Common examples
include reaeration rates, settling velocities, primary production
rates, community respiration rates, and sediment oxygen and
nutrient fluxes. If these rates can be ‘‘pinned down’’ via field
or laboratory experiments, the model’s degrees of freedom can
be reduced. The intent is to reduce the degrees of freedom
sufficiently that fewer parameters are subject to adjustment.
Finally it should be noted that autocalibration might have
some utility in guiding and informing the calibration process.
This involves setting up bounds for automatically adjusting model
parameters ~within constrained ranges! to optimize some objective function that reflects goodness of fit ~e.g., least squares!. For
systems with a large data uncertainty, one difficulty with such
approaches is that the resulting parameters often bump up against
the constraints, suggesting that the optimum lies outside the parameter space. Nevertheless, because of advances in computing
speed, the value of such automatic calibration approaches should
be explored.
Once the model is calibrated, its reliability must be established. This process has traditionally been mislabeled as verification or validation. As pointed out by Reckhow and Chapra
~1983b!, validation ~the ascertainment of truth! is inconsistent
with the logic of scientific research. The only real validation of a
model is confirmation by independent observations ~Anscombe
1967!. The testing of scientific models is considered an inductive
process, which means that, even with true premises we can at best
assign high probability to the correctness of the model. Thus, the
terms confirmation or corroboration are preferred ~Reckhow and
Chapra 1983b; Oreskes et al. 1994!.
The purpose of confirmation is not to validate that the model is
‘‘true’’ but rather to ensure that the model predictions are considered sufficiently credible for decision making. The fact that models can never be absolutely verified has significant policy implications. By admitting that models are approximations, it negates
stall tactics based on the premise that remedial action be indefinitely postponed because models can never be demonstrated to be
absolutely true.
From the standpoint of practical applications, the issue of
model confirmation then reduces to two considerations: assessment of ‘‘goodness’’ of fit and required tests. As noted previously,
the former has been addressed in detail elsewhere. The latter will
be discussed here.
In essence, there is a hierarchy of tests that can be applied:
• Level 0: Application to a case almost identical to the calibration case. This is merely additional calibration disguised as
confirmation. It is next to useless, unless the new case fails.
One possible explanation for a failure would be that the original model was highly influenced by its initial conditions. This
can commonly occur for long residence time systems such as
large lakes.
• Level 1: Application to a case with different meteorology than
the calibration case—for example, a wet year versus a dry year
or a cold year versus a warm year. Such confirmation usually
yields adequate corroboration for the physical model. In addition, it may partly corroborate the water quality model. Such
would be the case for systems dominated by meteorologically
driven nonpoint loads, which are typically highly influenced
by runoff.
• Level 2: Application to a case with significantly different loadings. This provides a means to corroborate the model’s adaptive mechanisms ~e.g., species shifts, long-term shifts in sediment oxygen, and nutrient fluxes! as a result of loading
Fig. 6. Relationship between trophic state and loadings for conventional pollutants. More pristine systems tend to be more sensitive to
load changes than highly degraded systems.
In practice, it is easier to obtain the proper data to confirm the
physical model ~Level 1!. Given a three- to five-year observation
period, it is likely that meteorological conditions would vary sufficiently to assess whether the hydraulics, tracers and temperature
are simulated adequately.
Level 2 confirmation is more problematic. As with the physics,
the intent is to simulate data sets that differ significantly from the
calibration set. As noted, for systems dominated by nonpoint
sources, it is possible that physically different years would exhibit
different loadings. However, it is less likely that these meteorologically induced load variations would mimic the reductions
needed to bring the system to the desired quality.
This is especially vexing when the water body is far from the
desired target. This stems from the fact that the relationship between trophic state and loadings is nonlinear. If the trophic continuum were linear, one would expect that a 50% reduction in
loadings would result in a 50% improvement in receiving water
quality. In fact, nonlinear mechanisms, e.g., algal limitation ~temperature, nutrients, and light!, sediment-water interactions, and
species shifts are nonlinear. And, as depicted in Fig. 6, the larger
the load reduction, the more the curvature comes into play.
Today, nonlinear algal limitation is included in most models,
and rational sediment-water submodels ~e.g., Di Toro et al. 1990;
Di Toro and Fitzpatrick 1993; Di Toro 2001! are increasingly
being employed. The remaining issue is the inclusion of adequate
constructs to predict species shifts. Although some models do
include multiple phytoplankton groups ~and a smaller number include attached plants!, very few systematic tests have been conducted to corroborate whether these formulations adequately
simulate species shifts across trophic states.
In rare cases, data are available for both the polluted case and
either the prepolluted or postcleanup states. Lake Washington ~in
Seattle! represents a classic example ~Edmondson 1994!. The lake
was enriched with increasing phosphorus loading from 1941 to
1963. Over this period, the abundance of algae increased severalfold. Further, the species composition became dominated by cyanobacteria ~in particular, Oscillatoria!, which were inedible by
higher organisms. In the period 1963–1968, sewage was diverted
around the lake. As a result, phosphorus concentration and phytoplankton abundance decreased. The Oscillatoria essentially disappeared and were supplanted by edible diatoms and green algae.
The zooplankton assemblage became dominated by Daphnia, a
filter-feeding zooplankton that is extremely efficient at clearing
the water of edible phytoplankton. Hence, the water clarity improved to a greater degree than would be expected.
For calibrated model applications where the end points involve
long-term water clarity and dominant species, applying them to
systems like Lake Washington could provide a kind of crosssectional confirmation. Such applications would involve Lake
Washington’s system-specific data, but with kinetic parameters
taken from the calibration run. If the new run adequately predicts
the observed changes, such an exercise greatly strengthens the
model’s credibility.
This type of cross-sectional confirmation of longitudinal models can be generalized to the notion of benchmark data sets. Such
sets could be developed for the range of water bodies ~e.g., lakes,
impoundments, streams, rivers, estuaries! and water quality problems ~eutrophication, pathogens, toxics, sediments, etc.! for
which TMDLs are actively being pursued.
This idea can be further systematized by developing a confirmation portfolio for all modeling software used for TMDLs. Such
a portfolio could comprise case studies ~along with their input
files! demonstrating that the model works adequately well for the
systems and water quality problems for which it was designed. If
peer reviewed, the portfolio could also serve as a source of benchmarks against which new models could be tested. Further, a documented track record of the model’s general success would increase confidence in its application to cases where confirmation
data were sparse.
As described next, water quality models should include estimates of model uncertainty. Thus, the confirmation might also
include special cases/watersheds/waterbodies where error analysis
was conducted for each of the large process models. This would
at least provide some official, reported estimate of error. While
this would not be quite the same as a site-specific error analysis,
it would provide the model user with some sense for the uncertainty.
Finally, after the model has been calibrated and confirmed, the
model can then be recalibrated to the entire data set to obtain an
optimal fit ~Reckhow and Chapra 1983a!. By using all the available data, this pooling of information further strengthens the model’s reliability in the actual TMDL prescription.
Models and Uncertainty
Several investigators have made persuasive arguments for including uncertainty as an essential and explicit part of the water quality modeling process, and the TMDL process in particular ~e.g.,
Reckhow 1977, 2003; Reckhow and Chapra 1983a; NRC 2001;
Beck 1987!. Most engineers and scientists agree with this argument because we all know that ~1! our models are imperfect and
that ~2! these imperfections are best expressed probabilistically.
At minimum, this means that estimates of uncertainty accompany
all model predictions and that the margin of safety ~MOS! should
be formulated probabilistically ~Reckhow 2003!.
That said, performing a complete error analysis of a processoriented water quality model is not trivial. The fact that very few
have been conducted ~most notably by Di Toro and van Straten
1979 and van Straten 1983! supports this contention. Hence, because of the heavy data demands of a proper error analysis ~i.e.,
considering both parameter and model error, as well as covariance! and the severe time constraints for TMDL development, it
is simply unrealistic to require that such complete analyses be
implemented as part of every TMDL process. Hence, Reckhow
~2003! has suggested that, in the short term, more practical but
incomplete uncertainty analyses could be conducted and incorporated into the decision process.
In the long term, he suggests, models might be restructured so
that a relatively complete error analysis is feasible. Although such
approaches could prove extremely useful, the suggestion to restructure modeling bears some scrutiny lest it be misinterpreted or
misconstrued. At face value, restructuring might be taken to imply
that simpler empirical/statistical approaches would supplant complex process-oriented/numerical models. Although the statistical
approaches by nature greatly expedite a complete uncertainty
analysis, something is lost in the bargain.
By their nature, empirical models are slaves to their training
data sets. For cross-sectional models ~based on data from many
water bodies!, this means that training data sets must span the
entire range of decision alternatives. For example, a model intended to evaluate nutrient load should be trained on data spanning the full range of trophic states. Otherwise, predictions
amount to highly uncertain extrapolations.
Although effective cross-sectional models can be developed in
such a manner ~particularly when developed regionally!, prospects seem less sanguine for longitudinal models, that is, those
based on time-series data from a single water body. Unless detailed historical data sets spanning polluted and unpolluted conditions are available, it would seem that the resulting predictions
would again involve extrapolation.
Such models would also seem limited for highly distributed
systems like rivers and estuaries with multiple inputs. In particular, the ability of such models to disaggregate the effects of individual point and nonpoint sources would seem to be problematic.
The latter might be particularly difficult, because their dependence on precipitation might make them covary significantly.
These deficiencies suggest that whereas empirical approaches
might yield more precise predictions ~as reflected by lower uncertainty!, they might be less accurate ~as reflected by their ability to
predict central tendency!. Conversely, the complex process models might yield more accurate but more uncertain predictions.
Regardless, it is clear that both approaches have utility and
will be important over the short term ~three-year horizon!. There
will certainly be problem contexts where empirical approaches
will be superior to process models, and vice versa. In fact, wherever they both have been developed, empirical approaches should
be used in tandem with process-based models in a complementary
rather than in competitive fashion. This occurred 25 years ago
when empirical ~Vollenweider et al. 1980!, simple lumped
mechanistic ~Chapra 1980!, and highly developed process models
~Thomann and Segna 1980; Di Toro 1980! were used to develop
a consensus regarding Great Lakes phosphorus control ~Bierman
For the long term, research on model uncertainty should be
increased with particular emphasis on rationalizing the margin of
safety, facilitating uncertainty analysis through simpler models,
and investigating how Bayesian approaches might be constructively employed. In addition, research should be directed toward
practical and feasible approaches to incorporate uncertainty into
process-oriented, mechanistic models. Finally, intermediate hybrid approaches could prove a useful means to capture the
strengths of both types. These would consist of simpler process
models that would account for key mechanisms, but which would
be sufficiently simple to accommodate a more thorough yet
feasible uncertainty analysis ~e.g., Chapra 1977; Chapra and Robertson 1977; Walker 1985, 1986; Chapra and Canale 1991; Haith
et al. 1992; Borsuk et al. 2001!. Such models might be particularly useful in the sort of adaptive implementation scheme suggested in this volume by Reckhow ~2003!.
Fig. 7. Information flow between components in decision-making process: ~a! Historical and ~b! present. Note that the ‘‘decision makers’’ in ~b!
refer to both regulatory agencies and stakeholders.
As stated previously, the use of models for TMDLs is not a
‘‘one size fits all’’ type of endeavor. Although the inclusion of
uncertainty is a laudable goal, it would be tragic if the issue
undermines the great value of process models for TMDL prescription. This is particularly vexing in light of history. Despite the fact
that little or no uncertainty analyses were conducted, processoriented models have been used effectively over the past 75 years
to determine load allocations for a broad range of pollutants in a
wide range of receiving waters. Although admittedly imperfect,
they have been deemed as sufficiently sound engineering tools for
rationalizing water quality management. It would seem ironic if
healthy discussions of uncertainty were misconstrued as a negation of this historical fact.
Decision Support
When computers were not ubiquitous and water quality problems
dealt primarily with point-source discharges, the modeler was
usually at the center of the decision process @Fig. 7~a!#. Thus, the
modeler acted as the interface between the model analysis and a
single decision-making agency.
In the late 1980s, environmental and water resource engineers
began developing decision support systems, or DSS ~e.g., Loucks
et al. 1985; Fedra and Loucks 1985; Loucks and Fedra 1987;
Reitsma et al. 1996; Chapra and Canale 1987!. Due primarily to
computer advances, a DSS can now be developed to allow decision makers and stakeholders to interact more intimately and efficiently with the modeling environment @Fig. 7~b!#. Today, computer improvements allow much of the modeling process to be
integrated electronically ~e.g., Chen et al. 1999!. By designing a
graphical user interface expressly designed for decision making,
the modeler is no longer at the center of the process. Rather, the
decision makers ~including stakeholders! can be empowered to
explore the decision space in a more transparent and direct fashion.
Before proceeding, it should be stressed that the simple fact
that a model has an interface does not mean that it is a decision
support framework. In fact, model interfaces are often written for
modelers rather than to support the decision process. Modeling
interfaces are usually motivated by the need to perform simulations in order to calibrate and confirm the model. Thus, they
might include tools to expedite the preparation of input files, display graphs and statistical comparisons of model output and versus data, and perform sensitivity analyses.
By contrast, decision support interfaces should be designed for
the needs of decision makers. In particular, they should enhance
exploration of the decision space. For example, they would allow
users to readily modify such forcing functions as loads and
weather. In contrast, users would not be permitted to change
model parameters established during the calibration/confirmation
phases. In the same vein, scenario generation tools would be included so that users could conveniently assess varieties of management options.
As a final observation, although there has been extensive research on the use of optimization algorithms for decision support
in a variety of water quality management contexts, including
wasteload allocation of point sources of pollution ~Thomann
1972; Loucks et al. 1981!, there has been very little attention
given to the problem of integrating optimization algorithms into
the TMDL problem. In other words, the very essence of the
TMDL decision problem has yet to be cast as a decision problem.
Including an optimization component in DSS to allow costeffective management scenarios to be identified could do this.
Modeling Infrastructure
Thomann’s ~1998! ‘‘Golden Age’’ may not be realized if sound
infrastructure is not in place to support the modeling process. To
date, most modeling support has been directed toward software
development ~e.g., BASINS!. Equally important are software support, modeling institutions, and human expertise infrastructure.
Software Support
Historically, many of our major water quality frameworks have
been developed as spin-offs from high-profile modeling projects
~e.g., Ambrose et al. 1988; Cerco and Cole 1993!. Others were
developed by consulting firms, academia, and government and
subsequently moved into the public domain. Over the years, these
models have been archived, maintained, and updated by various
government entities, such as the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency’s Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling ~CEAM!, in
Athens, Georgia, and the Army Corps’ Waterways Experiment
Station ~WES! in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Unfortunately, these
centers have not always been adequately funded to support their
missions. Increased use and software complexity of water quality
models have exacerbated this problem. As a consequence, model
updates and upgrades are presently not implemented quickly
enough to meet user needs and to keep pace with scientific advances.
A specific example is the QUAL2E model, which has not been
modified since 1987 ~Brown and Barnwell 1987!. Hence this
valuable framework, which is part of BASINS, is unsuitable for
modeling shallow streams dominated by attached plants. Similarly, although a viable framework for modeling sediment-water
fluxes was published nearly 10 years ago ~Di Toro and
Fitzpatrick 1993!, this mechanism is just now being integrated
into the publicly available models.
No software company in the world would stay in business
operating in such an ad hoc fashion. Government agencies should
establish some centralized mechanism responsible for maintenance, upgrading, and quality assurance of their software products. These groups should consist of modelers as well as software
As stated above, government agencies have decommissioned, deemphasized, or dispersed much of their water quality centers of
excellence. The most notable of these has been the Center for
Exposure Assessment Modeling ~CEAM!, in Athens, Ga. The
government should reestablish and strengthen such centers. This
would have a number of benefits, including quality control, standardization, and maintenance ~including updates!. In addition, a
modeling center could have a research and development component that would allow scientific advances to be more rapidly integrated into modeling practice.
State agencies should assemble their own modeling teams.
These teams should guide or implement models developed for
their particular state’s TMDLs. In addition, they should play the
critical role of archiving models and data and maintaining and
upgrading them for future applications.
Finally, the old idea of basin commissions might be revived.
These arose in the 1960s to acknowledge that watersheds were
the most rational vehicles to organize water quality management.
In addition, they were extremely useful in managing interstate
waters. Such entities are arising today in an ad hoc fashion. For
example, the Charles River Watershed Association, in Massachusetts, has a technical stewardship function on that watershed. This
group conducts sampling and modeling for the watershed. Most
importantly, they serve as a vehicle to maintain the system’s longterm institutional data and modeling memory.
Water quality modeling is not a ‘‘point-and-shoot’’ endeavor. No
matter how advanced the software, modelers must marshal skill,
knowledge, experience, and good judgment in order to be effective. As Di Toro and Thuman ~2001! put it:
... water-quality models are not simple, straightforward engineering calculations. The methodology has not progressed to the handbook stage, and perhaps the following
analogy is useful: Models are less like a radio—plug it in,
turn it on, and it produces beautiful music—and more like a
violin. Only a talented and well-trained violinist can produce beautiful music.
Unfortunately, today there is a serious deficiency in waterquality-modeling expertise. The expertise deficiency is due to a
number of factors. Because of a lack of funding of academic
modeling research over the past 20 years, few universities offer
graduate programs specializing in water quality modeling. Fur-
thermore, many professionally oriented training courses emphasize the use of tools rather than the art and science of modeling.
Because models are becoming easier to use, there are currently a
large group of ‘‘modelers’’ who are essentially button-pushers.
In the short term, several suggestions might help reverse this
• Modeling workshops should place increased emphasis on
modeler education, rather than model operation. Sufficient
time should be devoted to theory so that modelers understand
the inner workings of the software implementations. Such application issues as data analysis, calibration/confirmation, and
interpretation of model sensitivity and uncertainty analysis
could be stressed.
• Guidelines for the assessment of models and specific model
applications should be developed. These should be sufficiently
flexible to allow different modeling approaches but structured
enough to establish standards for assessing quality.
The long-term prospects depend upon the government and universities recognizing that environmental modeling goes well beyond software development. From the government’s perspective,
one idea would be to direct more graduate traineeships and fellowships toward environmental modeling. Increased funding in
support of modeling science would begin to encourage universities to generate the modeling graduate students required to sustain
the discipline.
An old joke ~Chapra and Reckhow 1983! goes like this: A scientist, an engineer, and a lawyer were asked the question. ‘‘What is
two plus two?’’ The scientist immediately answered: ‘‘Two plus
two equals four.’’ The engineer shook her head and retorted: ‘‘Approximately two plus approximately two equals approximately
four.’’ Both then turned to the lawyer and demanded, ‘‘What is
your answer? What is two plus two?’’ The lawyer stared back and
calmly replied: ‘‘Well, what would you like it to be?’’
The joke may be old, but the sentiment remains the same. As
has always been the case, engineers ~and their engineering TMDL
models! find themselves as the moderators between truth-seeking
scientists and answer-seeking policymakers and stakeholders.
Over the next 10 to 15 years, modelers could make a major contribution toward helping disparate groups reach consensus regarding the quality of their watersheds.
As I hope this paper has made clear, water quality modeling
should not be allowed to become a commodity industry where the
‘‘low bid’’ rules the day. Rather, it is an academics-based discipline with a long history of intellectual development and scholarship, one that requires long-term nurturing and investment to be
sustainable. Modeling itself is an expertise that is acquired
through education and experience—and merely generating numbers does not a modeler make. Only by recognizing these facts
will the Golden Age be realized.
This paper is based in part on a keynote address at the American
Water Resource Association Annual Conference, in Point Clear,
Alabama, on November 16, 1998. I would like to thank the referees for several important insights and suggestions.
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