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A lot of later life care is centred on the family. A member of a family, usually an adult daughter or son, informally care for an older parent. Families often include people who are biological kin but who hold a similar status – ‘fictive... more
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      SociologyPsychologyAgingQuality of life
Growing older is hard to make sense of. Opposing perspectives are presented on everything from individual to population ageing, and there is widespread ambivalence towards many aspects of ageing. Positioning theory is a research approach... more
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      Positioning TheoryAgeing and HealthSociology of AgeingFamily Nursing, Sucessfful Ageing, Qualitative Research, Ethics in Health Cares, Nursing Competencies and Nursing Education
Major historical shifts in the field of fertility, childbirth and parenting have implications for feminist psychologists working on these topics. These shifts include approaches to sexuality and reproduction: a population control emphasis... more
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      Feminist TheorySexual and Reproductive HealthWomen's HealthGender and Sexuality
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      Family studiesFamilyQualitative ResearchMarriage
Arguably we are living in a culture that continues to frame motherhood as fundamental to feminine identity. This examination understands motherhood as a social construction rather than a naturalised female state. A foucauldian analysis is... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesMichel FoucaultIdeologies of Motherhood
Freedom is an often mentioned motive for remaining childfree. However, there is a lack of systematic approaches attempting to disentangle the situated meaning of freedom in voluntary childless women's lives. This article draws on... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesGender and SexualityGender
In Philippine culture, it is the norm to marry and have children. People often say that life is more fulfilling when you have kids and that having children may either affect marital satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to find... more
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      Marital SatisfactionVoluntary Childlessness
This article reports from the first studies on voluntary childlessness in Sweden and addresses a so far neglected issue -the embodied experiences of childfree women. These childfree women reject and resist pronatalist understandings that... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityEmbodimentIdeologies of Motherhood
People who are voluntarily childless, or “childfree,” face considerable stigma. Researchers have begun to explore how these individuals respond to stigma, usually focusing on interpersonal stigma management strategies. We explored... more
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      PsychologyStigmaDiscursive PsychologyOnline Research Methods
This article employs participant definitional analysis, sensitized with feminist poststructuralism and critical ethnography, to understand three identity construction processes that members of childfree LiveJournal communities participate... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryOnline CommunitiesIdentity (Culture)
People who are voluntarily childless, or ‘‘childfree,’’ face considerable stigma. Researchers have begun to explore how these individuals respond to stigma, usually focusing on interpersonal stigma management strategies. We explored... more
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      StigmaDiscursive PsychologyOnline Research MethodsSexual and reproductive health and rights
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      FeminismReproductive JusticeChildfreedomVoluntary Childlessness
Today I'm presenting some of the preliminary findings of a study about voluntary childlessness conducted with Indian, Polish, and fellow South African collaborators. Voluntary childlessness is also frequently referred to as being... more
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      Online CommunitiesStigmaAttitudes towards childlessnessChildfreedom
Family scholars have explored in depth how and why some women choose to never have children. However, some childless-by-choice (also termed childfree or voluntarily childless) women—who have declared their desire and intention to never... more
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      Qualitative methodologyFertilityFeminismFamily Communication
Gender studies and post-constructivist feminist theory are left with a gap in the literature when it comes to motherhood and childlessness. Where liberal feminism has increased the focus on women’s autonomy and individuality in society,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm Studies
In this chapter, we show how the boundaries of acceptable mothering are demarcated and regulated through reference to the ‘Other’ (Woollett & Phoenix, 1997). Using examples of ‘womxn’ who refuse motherhood, terminate pregnancies and... more
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      Feminist TheoryDeconstructionDerridean DeconstructionAbortion
Although sterilization is the most common and effective form of birth control available, childfree individuals often report difficulty actually obtaining the procedure. The ideological and material constraints that impede access have been... more
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      Identity (Culture)Social MediaFaceworkSubjectivity
The aim of the article is to show the socio-cultural conditions influencing the ways of expressing emotions and feelings by mothers. It presents the results of the analysis of the Internet discourse on negative attitudes towards... more
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      Gender StudiesFamily studiesFatherhoodMotherhood
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      New social movementsPublic and private spheresPoliticizationChildfree by Choice
The purpose of this concept analysis is to explore childlessness and provide understanding to professionals involved in the field of infertility. Walker and Avant's method was used to identify descriptions, antecedents, consequences, and... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyPrenatal and Perinatal PsychologyFamily
Feminist scholars have identified a “motherhood imperative” in Western cultures, when heterosexual women are understood to both want and to have children. However, social shifts have resulted in a decrease in pronatalism as well as an... more
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      StigmaPronatalismChildfreedomChildfree by Choice
Biography on Motherhood Baiocchi, Marta. (2012). Cento micron. [One hundred microns]. Roma: minimum fax. Baiocchi, Marta. (2018). In utero. Venezia: Sonzogno. Carlo Antonio Borghi was born in Cagliari in 1949. He studied Archeology and... more
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      Creative WritingLiteratureFeminismContemporary Literature
This article reports from the first studies on voluntary childlessness in Sweden and addresses a so far neglected issue – the embodied experiences of childfree women. These childfree women reject and resist pronatalist understandings that... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesGender and SexualityEmbodiment
We chose to analyse Hungarian childlessness in order to map whether there is any voluntary childlessness at all in a society which is characterised by strong traditional family values and the widely accepted social norm that everyone... more
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      Family studiesPronatalismPost-Socialist SocietiesLife course
The purpose of this concept analysis is to explore childlessness and provide understanding to professionals involved in the field of infertility. Walker and Avant’s method was used to identify descriptions, antecedents, consequences, and... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyPrenatal and Perinatal PsychologyFamily
Hadley, R. A. (2018). Ageing Without Children, gender and social justice. In S. Westwood (Ed.), Ageing, Diversity and Equality: Social justice perspectives. Abingdon: Routledge, UK
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      Critical TheorySociologyPsychologyDemography
A book on a crucial yet under-examined issue – women’s choices with regard to motherhood – that compels us to re-think norms that may shrink our lives and its purpose. Its sources have an eclectic span—narratives of women who refuse to... more
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      MotherhoodMotheringCare workThe Body Maternal
This article focuses on remaining childless as a result of certain choices and constraints (not on becoming childless as a result of outliving children). There are two main aims of this study. First it seeks to reveal whether any specifi... more
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    • Voluntary Childlessness
Reproducing this article (including by photocopying) is only authorized in accordance with the general terms and conditions of use for the website, or with the general terms and conditions of the license held by your institution, where... more
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      EducationIndiaVoluntary Childlessness
Introduction: Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) affects many women of child bearing age and rates of voluntary childlessness (VC) exceed those of the general population by far. The factors surrounding VC remain incompletely understood.... more
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      IBDInfertilityCrohn's DiseaseInflammatory Bowel Disease
The purpose of this concept analysis is to explore childlessness and provide understanding to professionals involved in the field of infertility. Walker and Avant's method was used to identify descriptions, antecedents, consequences, and... more
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      Maternal and Child HealthChildlessness in WomenVoluntary Childlessness
Resumen : En un contexto de transformaciones culturales, económicas y sociales que han experimentado las familias chilenas y de diversos cambios en el marco de la modernidad, el presente artículo analiza las principales motivaciones que... more
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      Estudios de GéneroMaternidadVoluntary Childlessness
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      Childlessness by ChoiceVoluntary Childlessness
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      Media StudiesDiscourseGenderVoluntary Childlessness
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryHistory of the BookRare Books and Manuscripts
Mentre svela le ambivalenze del desiderio di maternità e mentre afferma che si è donne prima che madri, il libro indaga un tipo di scelta che sembra portare il segno meno: senza figli. E che proprio per la natura negativa di quel segno... more
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      FamilyGender RolesItalyWork-Life Balance
Some women who previously told others they never wanted to have children ultimately do become mothers. These women negotiate their own and their children's childbearing identities. Using performative face theory, a critical poststructural... more
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      Critical TheoryInterpersonal CommunicationFace and Facework TheoryPerformativity
In a neoliberal and postfeminist context, this article undertakes an analysis of the atypical instances of voluntarily childless heroines on contemporary U.S. network television from 2010 to 2015. Drawing mainly from Diane Negra’s and... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesTelevision StudiesTelevision And Social Change
Feminist scholars have identified a “motherhood imperative” in Western cultures, when heterosexual women are understood to both want and to have children. However, social shifts have resulted in a decrease in pronatalism as well as an... more
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В статье проблематизируется недостаток знаний о мужском опыте добровольной бездетности — причем не только в отечественном исследовательском контексте, но и в глобальном. В своих рассуждениях автор стремится объяснить, почему разговор о... more
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      RussiaРоссияChildfree by ChoiceChildfree
Sums up the main philosophical arguments in the anti/natalist debate.
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      EthicsApplied EthicsNatalismSexual Ethics
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    • Voluntary Childlessness
This article applies a media frame analysis in order to highlight representations of voluntary childlessness in Swedish newspapers. The analysis identifies how childfree couples are framed as carefree, fulfilled and content. Childfree... more
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      Feminist SociologyGender StudiesMedia StudiesFeminist Theory
The way in which women decide to have children is affected by many processes, including personal, social, historical, and political. Maternity is seen as an inevitable part of women's happiness and a complement to their femininity. In... more
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    • Voluntary Childlessness
Mentre nella vita reale il tasso di fecondità continua a scendere e sono sempre di più le donne che scelgono di non diventare madri, nei contesti di socializzazione e nell’immaginario la non fecondità stupisce, interroga, a volte... more
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      Childfree by ChoiceMotherhood and MaternityVoluntary Childlessness
В данной статье оспаривается корректность употребления термина «чайлдфри» (от англ. «childfree») исследователями, занятыми изучением граждан, сознательно отказывающихся от рождения детей. Автор подробно рассматривает смысловую нагрузку... more
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      семья в РоссииChildfree by ChoiceChildfreeсемья
Ricordo chiaramente quando dissi a mia madre all'età di 12 anni che non volevo bambini. Dalla sua reazione compresi di averla shoccata, ma credo che lei pensasse quanto io fossi giovane e che non sapessi ancora nulla. Io non ricordo che... more
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      Family studiesChildlessness by ChoiceVoluntary Childlessness
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      Feminist TheoryAnthropology of ReproductionGenderSocial Choice Theory
March sees the first of four seminars on ‘New Frontiers of Family’, a British Psychological Society sponsored series that aims to examine the psychological implications of emerging forms of family in the UK – those beyond genetic... more
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      Family studiesKinshipEmbryo DonationChildfreedom