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Semiflexible pavement (SFP), a composite pavement, is formed by filling into a very open porous asphalt skeleton a specifically designed water consistency fluid mortar with a very high early and 28-day strength. The amalgamation of both... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceMaterials Science and EngineeringPhysical sciences
Objective: Smaller hippocampal volume has been reported in several stress-related psychiatric disorders, including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), borderline personality disorder with early abuse, and depression with early abuse.... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingComorbidityHippocampusChild
The extent to which the phenotype of children comorbid for velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS) and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) differs from that of VCFS-only has not been studied. The sample consisted of 41 children (20 females) with... more
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Métodos de arqueo en el siglo XVL por José Luis Rubio Serrano29 Las dos piedras con naves en relieve de la catedraly torre inclinada de Pisa, por Laureano Carboneil Relat.... 71 La lucha anticorsaria en Valencia durante la Edad Media. El... more
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      Naval EngineeringFinite Volume MethodsNaval History16th Century (History)
espite the fact that instrumental analysis has rightfully assumed an overwhelmingly major role in the analytical laboratory, there remains a limited, although important, need for classical analysis. Instrumental analysis is most useful... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnalytical ChemistryPerspectiveCase History
Advances in digital recording technology make it possible to document three-dimensional data during excavation. Yet this opens up the question: what do we do with this data? Is there an added value to recording 3D data that exceeds... more
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      Archaeology3D GISDigital ArchaeologyArchaeological Stratigraphy
En el presente informe se exponen los resultados de la práctica de laboratorio en la cual se valoró el ácido acético de una muestra de vinagre. Para ello fue necesario preparar una solución de hidróxido de sodio 0,15 M, la cual se... more
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      TitrationAcetic AcidVolumetric Analysis
Por medio de análisis volumétrico, se valoró por complejometría, usando EDTA como agente quelante, dos muestras de antiácido de fabricantes diferentes, siendo la primera una tableta compuesta en un porcentaje significativo por aluminio... more
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      Inorganic ChemistryVolumetryVolumetric Analysis
El análisis volumétrico, se basan en la medición de volúmenes de soluciones y aunque tiene una variedad de instrumentos de medida nos enfocamos en lo que es la pipeta y su uso correcto. Es importante y necesario que los operadores de... more
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    • Volumetric Analysis
1. Memahami metoda/prinsip kerja yang digunakan pada kalibrasi buret 2. Melakukan kalibrasi dan verifikasi buret II. DASAR TEORI Buret merupakan salah satu alat ukur kuantitatif dengan tingkat ketelitian tinggi. Biasanya digunakan dalam... more
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      Quality ControlQuality AssuranceSains dan TeknologiSains Biology
1. Memahami metoda/prinsip kerja yang digunakan pada kalibrasi pipet volume 2. Melakukan kalibrasi pipet volume dan membandingkannya dengan standar II. DASAR TEORI Pipet volume digunakan untuk memindahkan cairan dari suatu wadah ke wadah... more
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      ChemistryAnalytical ChemistryChemicalSains and Technology
1. Memahani metoda/prinsip kerja yang digunakan pada kalibrasi labu ukur 2. Melakukan kalibrasi dan verifikasi labu ukur II. DASAR TEORI Labu ukur atau labu takar adalah salah satu ukur kuantitatif dengan tingkat ketelitian tinggi yang... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemical EducationChemicalChemical Reaction Engineering
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      ChemistryLaporanAnalisisLaporan Praktikum Kimia
— The application of bituminous mixtures modified with rubber from scrap-tires require attention and care during mixing and compaction. Rubber modifies the properties because it reacts in the internal structure of bitumen at high... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentAsphalt materialSuperpaveMix Design
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    • Volumetric Analysis
3D data captured from archaeological excavations are frequently left to speak for themselves. 3D models of objects are uploaded to online viewing platforms, the tops or bottoms of surfaces are visualised in 2.5D, or both are reduced to 2D... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyDigital ArchaeologyArchaeological Methodology
Coğrafya eğitiminin önemini taa orta çağ döneminde fark eden İbni Haldun bu durumu özetle "Coğrafya Kaderdir" der. Michael Palin ise "Coğrafya Geleceğimizin Anahtarını Elinde Tutan Branştır" der. Bizler de kader birliği yapmak,... more
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      Dam and ReservoirsEffects of Dams on RiversVolumetric Analysis
The persistent poor performance of students in practical tests in chemistry has been blamed on poor choice of teaching methods and poor understanding of basic concepts in qualitative and quantitative analysis. The purpose of this study... more
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      EducationAcademic achievementVolumetric Analysis
Archaeology, like several other disciplines studying the physical landscape, is inherently about three-dimensional data; that is, about physical objects and volumes and their associated properties. Yet our records of this 3D reality have... more
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      Archaeology3D GISVolumetric Analysis
Moisture damage in asphalt mixtures can occur within the mastic (cohesive fracture) or at the aggregate-mastic interface (adhesive fracture or failure). Whether or not a cohesive or adhesive failure occurs depends on the nature of the... more
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      Properties of materialsSurface EnergyVolumetric Analysis
A maximum likelihood framework for the probabilistic assessment of cyclicallyinduced reconsolidation settlements of saturated cohesionless soil sites is described. For this purpose, over 200 case history sites were carefully studied.... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringSoil MechanicsLiquefaction
3D data captured from archaeological excavations are frequently left to speak for themselves. 3D models of objects are uploaded to online viewing platforms, the tops or bottoms of surfaces are visualised in 2.5D, or both are reduced to 2D... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern Archaeology3D GISDigital Archaeology
Semiflexible pavement (SFP), a composite pavement, is formed by filling into a very open porous asphalt skeleton a specifically designed water consistency fluid mortar with a very high early and 28-day strength. The amalgamation of both... more
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      AggregatesPavementsStrength of materialsMetals
Estimating the capacity of ceramic vessels or containers made of other materials (metal, stone, glass, etc.) is of great utility for archaeology. In particular, it can improve our understanding of production, distribution and consumption... more
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      ArchaeologySocial Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyPottery (Archaeology)
A novel design of a piezoelectric silicon micropump is proposed, which provides a constant flow rate over a wide backpressure range of up to 30 kPa. This highly appreciable feature is based on a new serial arrangement of two active valves... more
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Aggression and violent acts have been linked with impulsive responding. We investigated whether impulsive personality trait, especially suggestive of dysfunctional impulsivity (i.e. fast and inaccurate responding where this is... more
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      HistoryCognitive SciencePsychiatryViolence
Grouted Macadam composite pavement (GMCP) is generally a composite pavement which is manufactured by preparing a highly workable fluid mortar which is specially designed with a very high early and 28 day strength (1 day - 45 MPa, 28 day -... more
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      Environmental EngineeringMalaysiaHighway engineeringFluids
This paper aims to quantify the effect of modified mixture volumetrics and compaction effort on surface characteristics of asphalt pavements. Specimens were prepared using PG 64-10 asphalt binder mixed with crushed limestone aggregate.... more
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      Asphalt Cement ModifierVolumetric AnalysisRoad Surface Friction
Objective: This paper describes an algorithm which resulted in a practical method for estimating an enclosed volume using three-dimensional ultrasound. It was tested in vitro on thin-walled phantoms. Method." Data was acquired with a... more
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      Computer GraphicsBiomedical EngineeringImage ProcessingUltrasound
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      NeuroimagingMagnetic Resonance ImagingMRIMild Cognitive Impairment
In this work, experimental measurements of isobaric heat capacity as well as speed of sound were performed in the compressed liquid phase of n-undecane from 303.15 to 373.15 K and for pressures ranging up to 60 MPa. These results were... more
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      ThermodynamicsHeat CapacityThermal AnalysisThermophysical Properties
Background: In chronic schizophrenia, the P300 is broadly reduced and shows a localized left temporal deficit specifically associated with reduced gray matter volume of the left posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG). In first-episode... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMaterials ScienceWaterRaman Spectroscopy
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      CognitionAllometryVolumetric Analysis
The detrimental effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the developing brain include structural brain anomalies as well as cognitive and behavioral deficits. Initial neuroimaging studies of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) using... more
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      NeurologyCognitive developmentMetabolismChild Development
This study investigated the relationship between cortisol secretion and hippocampal volume in first-episode psychosis and healthy controls. Hippocampal volume was measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 24 first-episode psychosis... more
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      SchizophreniaBipolar DisorderMagnetic Resonance ImagingHippocampus
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      Decision MakingMagnetic Resonance ImagingCommunityComparative Study
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      AutismSchizophreniaMagnetic Resonance ImagingMorphometry
Four years after the signing of the 2016 Peace Agreement that ended the longest armed conflict in the history of the Americas, violent struggles over territory continue apace in many parts of rural Colombia. Official and academic... more
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      GeographyPolitical EcologyExtractivismoColombian Peace Process
In this paper, a method is proposed that uses an artefact assembled in situ and exploiting the on-machine probing capability to perform a rapid volumetric distortion assessment of a five-axis machine. The 3D reconfigurable uncalibrated... more
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      EngineeringTechnologySystem IdentificationModeling
Intentionality, or Theory of Mind, is the ability to explain and predict the behaviour of others by attributing to them intentions and mental states and is hypothesised to be one of several social cognitive mechanisms which have impacted... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceCognitionSocial Cognition
CITATIONS 75 READS 60 8 authors, including:
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      SchizophreniaMagnetic Resonance ImagingMorphometryAdolescent
This article reviews the evidence for changes in the structure and function of the brain in subjects at high risk of schizophrenia for genetic reasons during the genesis of the disorder. We first highlight the structural and functional... more
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      GeneticsSchizophreniaMetabolismMagnetic Resonance Imaging
A monitoring program, including the acquisition of a series of topo-bathymetric surveys and oblique aerial photos, has been carried out at Anc* ao Inlet since its artificial opening in June 1997. This paper presents morphological and... more
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      Earth SciencesBiological SciencesSediment transportConceptual Model
Background. African-Caribbean and black African people living in the UK are reported to have a higher incidence of diagnosed psychosis compared with white British people. It has been argued that this may be a consequence of misdiagnosis.... more
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      PsychologyNeuroanatomyMagnetic Resonance ImagingComparative Study
A plain, didactically convenient formulation of the electron balance and of the proton balance equations, suitable for complicated redox titration systems with redox, acid-base, precipitation and complexation side-reactions is discussed.... more
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      StandardisationChemical AnalysisChemical equilibriumVolumetric Analysis
CITATIONS 195 READS 72 8 authors, including:
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The thalamus, an important subcortical brain region connecting limbic and prefrontal cortices, has a significant role in sensory and cortical processing. Although inconsistently, previous studies have demonstrated neuroanatomical... more
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      SchizophreniaMagnetic Resonance ImagingBiological SciencesBiological Psychiatry
Objective: The role of dopamine in the addictive process (loss of control and compulsive drug intake) is poorly understood. A consistent finding in drug-addicted subjects is a lower level of dopamine D 2 receptors. In cocaine abusers, low... more
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      Comparative StudyEnergy MetabolismMethamphetamineAmerican