IT Value
Recent papers in IT Value
The state of Rajasthan is situated between 23o3’ and 30o12’ N latitude and 69o30’ and 78o17’ E longitude . The total land area of the state is about 3,24,239 km2 , out of which about 1,98,100 km2 is arid and the rest semi arid. The... more
The goal of the firm is to maximize shareholder value. While most firms devote their main efforts to exploit financial value drivers such as mergers and ac- quisitions, not enough attention is being paid to managerial value drivers like... more
K E Y W O R D S: antral follicle count; in-vitro fertilization; ovarian blood flow; ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS); three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound ABSTRACT Objective To test the hypothesis that ovarian vascularity is... more
This paper deals with enhancement of hydrogen storage capacity for AB5 type alloy MmNi4:6Fe0:4 from ∼ 1:5 to ∼ 2:04 wt%. It has been shown that through suitable processing involving ball milling with speciÿc parameters (200 rpm, 20 min),... more
The aim of the study was to evaluate the activity of decitabine, our preliminary experience with decitabine in patients with a hypomethylating agent, in the treatment of patients with accelerated and blastic phases of CML. chronic... more
In assessing erythropoietic agents for chemotherapy-induced anemia, traditional single time-point end points (e.g., hematopoietic response [HR]) fail to reflect clinical benefits over the entire therapy course. Area under the hemoglobin... more
From modest beginnings in 1973 to over 60 programs nationwide, the PACE concept has proven the value of integrated, interdisciplinary-based care for frail older adults. The evolution of PACE and its regulatory and reimbursement model have... more
The differential group delay (DGD) due to varying local birefringence and random polarization mode coupling is a statistical quantity. Its value at any wavelength fluctuates in time. At any given moment it is wavelength sensitive. Hence,... more
The research presented in this paper is focused on the effect of silicon carbide (SiC) on friction-wear properties of semi-metallic friction composites (FC). Semi-metallic FC with increasing content of silicon carbide (SiC: 0, 3.4, 5.6, 9... more
We develop a new filter which combines spatially adaptive noise filtering in the wavelet domain and temporal filtering in the signal domain. For spatial filtering, we propose a new wavelet shrinkage method, which estimates how probable it... more
It is shown analytically that the degree of polarization of a beam generated by an electromagnetic Gaussian Schellmodel source which propagates through atmospheric turbulence tends to its value at the source plane with increasing distance... more
The major goal of this study was to determine whether protective measures in the case of the Eurasian Griffon Vulture are in accordance with public priorities. To this end we used the Travel Cost (TCM) and Contingent Valuation Methods... more
We combine estimates of the value of patent rights from a survey of patent-holders with a set of indicator variables in order to model the value of patents. Our results suggest that the number of references to the patent literature as... more
The performance concept originated from the concept of firm management. The performance management of the firm involves improving its value-cost relationship, which means that the firm will be able to build a product or service, in terms... more
The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of minor degrees of renal pelvis dilatation that is detected by antenatal ultrasound scanning in an unselected population and its value in the prediction of significant uropathies.... more
The purpose of this paper is to present a hierarchy of progressive IT maturity using Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs as a metaphor for articulating the increasing value that can be derived by the application of Information Technology within... more
PurposeThe purpose of this study is to determine the underlying dimensions of supply chain management (SCM) practices and to empirically test a framework identifying the relationships among SCM practices, operational performance and... more
This article presents the design goals and architecture for a unified execution model (UEM) for cloud computing and clusters. The UEM combines interfaces for logical provisioning and distributed command execution with integrated... more
ABSTRAK Seiring dengan meningkatnya penggunaan Teknologi Informasi (TI) pada perusahaan sekuritas online, maka perusahaan mengharapkan investasi TI yang dilakukan dapat memberikan hasil dan manfaat sesuai dengan harapan. Maka dari itu... more
This paper highlights a distinctive way to research and present issues within education using metaphor and the qualitative narrative methodology known as auto ethnography. Auto ethnographic writing links the personal to the cultural and... more
In the present work polyurethane foams containing variable concentrations of nano-sized clay and esparto wool were prepared and studied, with the objective of developing new multi-scalar rigid foams. The addition of montmorillonite clay... more
The state of Rajasthan is situated between 23º3' and 30º12' N latitude and 69º30' and 78º17' E longitude . The total land area of the state is about 3,24,239 km² , out of which about 1,98,100 km² is arid and the rest... more
Background: In Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS), mental retardation and compulsive hyperphagia cause early obesity, the co-morbidities of which lead to short life-expectancy, with death usually occurring in their 20s. Long-term weight loss is... more
Radiopharmaceuticals have a long tradition of clinical and research applications. Current legislation of developed Countries includes these compounds in the regulatory environment of medicinal products. Products used under a marketing... more
This paper addresses a commonly raised question regarding wet etching of Pyrex glass: "How are the defects on the glass generated during etching process while most of the masking materials are chemically inert in the etching solution?"... more
... P. Sooraj is the corresponding author and can be contacted at: [email protected]. in. Pratap KJ Mohapatra is a professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur,... more
, H79-U82 This article presents the results of a longitudinal study of 80 subjects between the ages of 3 and 8 years old to determine their conceptions of money and its value The research was conducted within the framework of Piagetian... more
The magnitude and seasonal dynamics of evapotranspiration (ET) for a steppe in central Mongolia was estimated over a full year period (from 25 March 2003 to 24 March 2004, 366 days) using the eddy covariance (EC) technique. The steppe,... more
The paper presents the results from an experimental investigation of the starting parameters of fluorescent lamps operating with electronic ballasts. Two types of lamps are investigated, T5 tubes and compact fluorescent lamps, operating... more
Background: We have previously demonstrated the potential efficacy of a computer-assisted board game as a tool for medical education. The next logical step was to transfer the entire game on to the computer, thus increasing accessibility... more
Introduction The role of 18 F-FDG PET in the management of gynaecologic malignancies remains unclear mainly due to the failure of clinicians to appreciate the signiWcance of this imaging tool. However, this under utilisation is being... more
The aim of this article is to provide an introduction to conjoint analysis as a research tool, and to indicate its value for analyzing consumer preference based on the value that the consumers attach to the attributes of the goods that... more
In the present work, structural, morphological, magnetic and optical properties of nickel ferrite thin films having different thickness are reported. All the films were deposited on Si (100) substrate by pulsed laser deposition technique.... more
This periodically updated reference resource is intended to put eager researchers on the path to fame and (perhaps) fortune.
Using the Taguchi method, this study presents a systematic optimization approach for removal of lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) by a nanostructure, zinc oxide-modified mesoporous carbon CMK-3 denoted as Zn-OCMK-3. CMK-3 was synthesized by... more
The software Petri Net Toolbox, dealing with Petri nets under MATLAB, is presented. It can handle five types of Petri nets (untimed, transition-timed, place-timed, stochastic and generalized stochastic) with finite or infinite capacity.... more
In the present work, structural, morphological, magnetic and optical properties of nickel ferrite thin films having different thickness are reported. All the films were deposited on Si (100) substrate by pulsed laser deposition technique.... more