Recent papers in SPAM
COMO CITAR: RODRIGUES, Lucas Troyan; STANSKY, Maria Claudia . Análise do Spam à Luz da Proteção de Dados Pessoais. In: MORIM, José dos Campos; VEIGA, Fábio da Silva; AZEVEDO, Patrícia Anjos. (Org.). Desafios do Legaltech. 1ed.Porto:... more
In this paper we discuss a new architecture to reduce unsolicited e-mail messages. We propose a system architecture that introduces two classes of messages-trusted e-mail and e-mail from untrusted sources. Trusted e-mail messages are... more
Crowdsourcing can be used to obtain the ground truth that is needed to evaluate information retrieval systems. However, the quality of crowdsourced ground truth may be questionable using workers of unknown quality with possible spammers... more
e-mailhasbecomeanimportantmeansofelectroniccommrrnicationbuttheviabilityofitsusageis marred bv un_solicited B"
Language classification is the process of identifying the disposition of a presented text, such as classifying an email or a text document into a particular category. Classifying text can involve determining the genre of a book,... more
Unsolicited communications currently accounts for over sixty percent of all sent e-mail with projections reaching the mid-eighties. While much spam is innocuous, a portion is engineered by criminals to prey upon, or scam, unsuspecting... more
Fake checks are one of the most common instruments used to commit fraud against consumers. This fraud is particularly costly for victims, since they generally loose thousands of dollars as well as being exposed to judicial proceedings.... more
La comunicación corporativa está mutando y la gamificación se ha convertido en una herramienta poderosa a la hora de proveer de nuevos modelos y metodologías. Las Universidades, por sus especiales características, deben hacer un esfuerzo... more
Resumen Este artículo presenta una revisión general de los modelos de detección y filtrado de correo spam existentes en la actualidad. En concreto, se realiza una subdivisión de las técnicas existentes en dos grandes tipos: modelos... more
With advancement in technology most of the modern day communication takes place through emails. This has made the process of communication much faster and easier as it saves time. One probable disadvantage of using emails as a prime mode... more
Спам -это массовая анонимная незапрошенная рассылка почтовых сообщений пользователям, причем нет разницы, коммерческая ли это реклама или просто полезная по мнению отправителя информация. Следует отличать спам от легальных почтовых... more
E-mail has become the most popular communication tool in the professional environment. Electronic communications, because of their specific nature, raise a number of ethical issues: e-mail communications are distance, asynchronous,... more
The aim of this research was to determine how search engine exclusion policies and spam affect the indexing of e-Commerce websites. The Internet has brought along new ways of doing business. The unexpected growth of the World Wide Web... more
Social networks are recognized as popular communication channel but in this, there is one of the problems is spam messages. Spam messages can contain malware in the form of the executable file and the link to the malicious websites or the... more
Jedną z "plag", jakie się pojawiły wraz z rozwojem Internetu i innych form elektronicznej komunikacji - jest tak zwany SPAM. Tą nazwą (jak wiadomo) określa się nie chciane i niepotrzebne odbiorcy informacje, które trafiają do skrzynek... more
Email has become afast and cheap means of online communicction. The main threat to email is Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE), commonly known as spam email. The cument work aims at identification of slang words in Pornogrophic UBE. The motives... more
The main aim of this paper is to present briefly how “fear” contributes to the construction of deception through the abovementioned narratives. We will take into account not only the linguistic and psychological elements used to cause... more
Now a day's email marketing is being increasingly recognized as a cost-effective marketing tool in different organizations to market their products or services. Further email marketing provided marketers with communication that permitted... more
Electronic Mail (E-mail) is playing the most important and significant role taken in the world of information communication for users. Nowadays, Email is the most common and effective mode of communication technology for communication and... more
These scumbags got my email address and now send me tons of emails about things that all lead to them asking for money from me to find out why they are emailing me.
Email marketing is a legitimate, lucrative, and widely used business tool, but it is in danger of being overrun by unwanted commercial email (also known as spam).
–The Spam Emails are regularly causing huge losses to business on a regular basis. The Spam filtering is an automated technique to identity SPAM and HAM (Non-Spam). The Web Spam filters can be categorized as: Content based spam filters... more
The most widely recognized form of spam is e-mail spam, however the term “spam” is used to describe similar abuses in other media and mediums. Spam 2.0 (or Web 2.0 Spam) is refereed to as spam content that is hosted on online Web 2.0... more
In a previous paper we provided guidelines for scholars on optimizing research articles for academic search engines such as Google Scholar. Feedback in the academic community to these guidelines was diverse. Some were concerned... more
My post was banned by Facebook staff if it was a spam. In fact, it was my Personal Homepage and naturally, I bear full responsibility for every information placed in it. Since the responsible Facebook, employees do not give me the... more
The new threat of the Internet, but little known to the 'general public' is constituted by botnets. Botnets are networks of infected computers, which are headed by a pirate called also 'Attacker' or 'Master'. The botnets are nowadays... more
The abstract of my thesis "Characteristics and management of spam in social networks"
The new trend of spammers and criminals in emails, for communicating spam and suspicious messages is via images embedded with multilingual text. We present an anti-spam and suspicious filtering framework for text-based and image-text... more
Understanding the phenomenon of spam reviews in social media is now an emerging and important issue since some enterprises may hire spammers to post fake reviews to promote their product or demote product of their competitors. The hired... more
Laundering e-mail spam through open-proxies or compromised PCs is a widely-used trick to conceal real spam sources and reduce spamming cost in the underground e-mail spam industry. Spammers have plagued the Internet by exploiting a large... more
A speech to the Lions Clubs of Vienna and Fairfax, Virginia, on May 9, 2017. The movie "Witness" and Sam Cooke's song, "Wonderful World" open a discussion of civic knowledge, American history, and the weakened state of social studies... more
We consider an infinite-horizon differential game played by two direct marketers. Each player controls the number of emails sent to potential customers at each moment in time. There is a cost associated to the messages sent, as well as a... more
This article introduces and discusses the concept of academic search engine optimization (ASEO). Based on three recently conducted studies, guidelines are provided on how to optimize scholarly literature for academic search engines in... more
Today’s popularity of the internet has since proven an effective and efficient means of information sharing. However, this has consequently advanced the proliferation of adversaries who aim at unauthorized access to information being... more
PERMEN PU Nomor 20 Tahun 2006 ttg Kebijakan dan Strategi Nasional Pengembangan (KSNP) Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum (SPAM)
"Les attaques de spams sont désormais plus précises. Les récentes failles en matière de cybersécurité ont permis la capture de nombreuses données... et potentiellement plus d'arnaques. D'autant plus qu'en se focalisant sur... more
The Internet of Things (IoT) enabled users to bring physical objects into the sphere of cyber world. This was made possible by different tagging technologies like NFC, RFID and 2D barcode which allowed physical objects to be identified and... more
Proyek Bendungan Merangin merupakan inisiasi penyediaan infrastruktur bendungan multiguna (multipurpose dam) pertama yang dilaksanakan melalui Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Badan Usaha (KPBU) di Indonesia. Salah satu fungsi prioritas... more
Email has become afast and cheap means of online communicction. The main threat to email is Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE), commonly known as spam email. The cument work aims at identification of slang words in Pornogrophic UBE. The motives... more