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This paper surveys the most important algorithmic and computational results on the Vertex Coloring Problem (VCP) and its generalizations. The first part of the paper introduces the classical models for the VCP, and discusses how these... more
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      Information SystemsApplied MathematicsAlgorithmsBusiness and Management
Motivated by the definition of linear coloring on simplicial complexes, recently introduced in the context of algebraic topology [9], and the framework through which it was studied, we introduce the linear coloring on graphs. We provide... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsCombinatorics
In this paper, we deal with the notion of star coloring of graphs. A star coloring of an undirected graph G is a proper vertex coloring of G (i.e., no two neighbors are assigned the same color) such that any path of length 3 in G is not... more
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      Graph TheoryPure MathematicsData StructureDimensional
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      EngineeringGraph TheoryRepresentationDistance
An arc of a graph is an oriented edge and a 3-arc is a 4-tuple (v, u, x, y) of vertices such that both (v, u, x) and (u, x, y) are paths of length two. The 3-arc graph of a graph G is defined to have the arcs of G as vertices such that... more
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      Applied MathematicsVertex ColoringDiscrete Applied MathematicsDomination number
• changes may be made before publication, this preprint is made available with the ,. understanding that it will not be cited or reproduced without the permission of the author.
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      AlgorithmsImage ProcessingMesh generationGeometry
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      EngineeringMathematical SciencesGraph AlgorithmVertex Coloring
Every graph G contains a minimum vertex-coloring with the property that at least one color class of the coloring is a maximal independent set (equivalently, a dominating set) in G. Among all such minimum vertex-colorings of the vertices... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsVertex Coloring
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      Graph TheoryGenetic AlgorithmsUniversity timetablingGraph Coloring
This paper surveys frequency assignment problems coming up in planning wireless communication services. It particularly focuses on cellular mobile phone systems such as GSM, a technology that revo­ lutionizes communication. Traditional... more
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      Mathematical ProgrammingGraph ColoringMobile phoneMathematical Model
A star coloring of an undirected graph G is a proper vertex coloring of G (i.e., no two neighbors are assigned the same color) such that any path of length 3 in G is not bicolored. The star chromatic number of an undirected graph G,... more
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      Graph TheoryPure MathematicsDimensionalGraphs
We discuss the design and implementation of new highlyscalable distributed-memory parallel algorithms for two prototypical graph problems, edge-weighted matching and distance-1 vertex coloring. Graph algorithms in general have low... more
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      Distributed Shared Memory SystemScientific ComputingGraph matchingGraph Coloring
Given an undirected graph G = (V , E), the Vertex Coloring Problem (VCP) requires to assign a color to each vertex in such a way that colors on adjacent vertices are different and the number of colors used is minimized. In this paper, we... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsColumn GenerationDiscrete Optimization
The vertex coloring problem has been the subject of extensive research for many years. Driven by application potential as well as computational challenge, a variety of methods have been proposed for this difficult class of problems.... more
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      Combinatorial OptimizationTabu SearchMathematical SciencesGraph Coloring
The local chromatic number of a graph was introduced in . It is in between the chromatic and fractional chromatic numbers. This motivates the study of the local chromatic number of graphs for which these quantities are far apart. Such... more
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      Mathematical SciencesLower BoundVertex ColoringChromatic Number
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      GeneticsRelational DatabaseEfficiency AnalysisUpper Bound
We give nontrivial bounds for the inductiveness or degeneracy of power graphs G k of a planar graph G. This implies bounds for the chromatic number as well, since the inductiveness naturally relates to a greedy algorithm for... more
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      Pure MathematicsMetrologyGreedy AlgorithmVertex Coloring
In the paper we apply graph vertex coloring for verification of secret shares. We start from showing how to convert any graph into the number and vice versa. Next, theoretical result concerning properties of n-colorable graphs is stated... more
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      Coding TheoryGraph ColoringSecret SharingVertex Coloring
This paper analyzes some graph issues by using the symbolic program Mathematica and its version for the Web, webMathematica. In particular, we consider the problem of graph coloring: the assignment of colors to the vertices/edges of the... more
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      Information SystemsDistributed ComputingGraph ColoringVertex Coloring
We study the problem of finding occurrences of motifs in vertex-colored graphs, where a motif is a multiset of colors, and an occurrence of a motif is a subset of connected vertices whose multiset of colors equals the motif. This problem... more
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      Distributed ComputingParameterized ComplexityPattern MatchingVertex Coloring
In this paper, we propose a novel simple heuristic algorithm for scheduling the secondary link activation and provide a dynamic spectrum sharing in cognitive radio networks. This algorithm is presented for spectrum underlay where primary... more
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      Computer ScienceSchedulingGreedy AlgorithmsCognitive radio
We show that the vertices of any plane graph in which every face is incident to at least g vertices can be colored by (3g − 5)/4 colors so that every color
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      Pure MathematicsGraph ColoringColor AppearanceDecision Problem
8 1 0 a r t i c l e i n f o 11 12 Keywords: 13 Vertex coloring problem 14 Learning automata 15 Cellular learning automata 16 1 7 a b s t r a c t 18 Vertex coloring problem is a combinatorial optimization problem in which a color is... more
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      Cellular AutomataMathematical SciencesLearning AutomataLearning Model
A list assignment L of a graph G is a function that assigns a set (list)
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      Graph TheoryPure MathematicsGraph ColoringMinimum Distance Inference
Extensions and variations of the basic problem of graph coloring are introduced. The problem consists essentially in finding in a graph G a k-coloring, i.e., a partition V 1 ,. .. , V k of the vertex set of G such that, for some specified... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsGraph ColoringTree
A set D of vertices of a graph G is a dominating set if every vertex in V \ D is adjacent to some vertex in D.

In this paper, we provide a constructive characterization of trees with unique minimum dominating set.
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      Graphic DesignDecision TreeK-vertex ConnectivityVertex Coloring
M.M. and M. Szegedy, Lower bounds for on-line graph coloring, Theoretical Computer Science 130 (1994) 163-174.
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      Theoretical Computer ScienceMathematical SciencesSuper Line GraphRandomized Algorithm
Many classes of graphs where the vertex coloring problem is polynomially solvable are known, the most prominent being the class of perfect graphs. However, the listcoloring problem is NP-complete for many subclasses of perfect graphs. In... more
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      Computational ComplexityMathematical SciencesVertex ColoringPerfect Graph
This article studies a degree-bounded generalization of independent sets called co-k-plexes. Constant factor approximation algorithms are developed for the maximum co-k-plex problem on unit-disk graphs. The related problem of minimum... more
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      Applied MathematicsGraph ColoringNumerical Analysis and Computational MathematicsApproximate Algorithm
In this paper we describe a new probabilistic approach to the role engineering process for RBAC. In particular, we address the issue of minimizing the number of roles, problem known in literature as the Basic Role Mining Problem... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityMachine LearningData Mining
In this note, the authors generalize the ideas presented by Tucker in his proof of the Strong Perfect Graph Conjecture for (K4 − e)-free graphs in order to ÿnd a vertex v in G whose special neighborhood allows to extend a !(G)-vertex... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsVertex Coloring
villages gateway node Fig. 1. A rural wireless mesh network.
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      Data transferWireless Mesh NetworkMESH NETWORKRural Area
The representatives formulation for the vertex coloring problem is revisited to remove symmetry and new versions of facets derived from substructures of the graph are presented. In addition, a new class of facets is derived from... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial ProblemsGraph ColoringVertex Coloring
In a given graph G = (V , E), a set of vertices S with an assignment of colors to them is said to be a defining set of the vertex coloring of G if there exists a unique extension of the colors of S to a c ≥ χ (G) coloring of the vertices... more
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      Applied MathematicsVertex Coloring
Given a graph G and a positive integer d, an L(d; 1)-labeling of G is a function f that assigns to each vertex of G a non-negative integer such that if two vertices u and v are adjacent, then |f(u) − f(v)|¿d; if u and v are not adjacent... more
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsDiscrete MathematicsUpper Bound
Study of algorithms and its design can be progressed in various dimensions. In this paper, we have a definite refinement of lower bound on the number of tracks required to route a channel. The attack is from a complementary viewpoint. Our... more
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      MathematicsOptimization ProblemLocal minimaLower Bound
In this work we study a particular way of dealing with interference in combinatorial optimization models representing wireless communication networks. In a typical wireless network, co-channel interference occurs whenever two overlapping... more
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      Applied MathematicsCombinatorial OptimizationInteger ProgrammingPure Mathematics
We consider vertex colorings of graphs in which adjacent vertices have distinct colors. A graph is s-chromatic if it is colorable in s colors and any coloring of it uses at least s colors. The forcing chromatic number F χ (G) of an... more
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      Computational ComplexityPure MathematicsVertex ColoringDomination number
In this paper, we address the decision problem for a sys- tem of monadic second-order logic interpreted over an!- layered temporal structure devoid of both a finest layer and a coarsest one (we call such a structure totally unbounded). We... more
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      LogicAutomataDecision TheoryAutomata Theory
The purpose of this paper is to enumerate various classes of cyclically colored m-gonal plane cacti, called m-ary cacti. This combinatorial problem is motivated by the topological classification of complex polynomials having at most m... more
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      Discrete MathematicsCombinatorial ProblemsVertex ColoringAutomorphism P-Group
Some scheduling problems induce a mixed graph coloring, i.e. an assignment of positive i n tegers (colors) to vertices of a mixed graph such that, if two v ertices are joined by an edge, then their colors have to be di erent, and if two v... more
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      Applied MathematicsOptimizationGraph ColoringChromatic polynomial
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      Computer ScienceVlsi DesignSoftware EngineeringApproximate Algorithm
A k-edge-weighting w of a graph G is an assignment of an integer weight, w(e) ∈ {1, . . . , k}, to each edge e. An edge weighting naturally induces a vertex coloring c by defining
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      Pure MathematicsBipartite GraphVertex Coloring
We consider a multicast configuration with two sources, and translate the network code design problem to vertex coloring of an appropriately defined graph. This observation enables to derive code design algorithms and alphabet size... more
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      Network codingVertex Coloring
Page 1. On Radiocoloring Hierarchically Specified Planar Graphs: ysy긔cE-Completeness and Approximations Maria I. Andreou1, Dimitris A. Fotakis2, Sotiris E. Nikoletseas1, Vicky G. Papadopoulou1, and Paul G. Spirakis1,⋆ ...
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceVlsi DesignSoftware Engineering
We study connectivity, Hamilton path and Hamilton cycle decomposition, 4-edge and 3-vertex coloring for geometric graphs arising from pseudoline (a ne or projective) and pseudocircle (spherical) arrangements. While arrangements as... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer ScienceComputational Geometry
An extension of the basic image reconstruction problem in discrete tomography is considered: given a graph G = (V , E) and a family of chains P i together with vectors h(P i) = (h i 1 , ..., h i k), one wants to find a partition V 1 ,... more
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      Applied MathematicsNetworksSchedulingDiscrete Tomography
We study optimization problems that are neither approximable in polynomial time (at least with a constant factor) nor fixed parameter tractable, under widely believed complexity assumptions. Specifically, we focus on MAXIMUM INDEPENDENT... more
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      Research DesignOptimization ProblemData StructureTime Complexity
Communications problems that involve frequency interference, such as the channel assignment problem in the design of cellular telephone networks, can be cast as graph coloring problems in which the frequencies (colors) assigned to an... more
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      Pure MathematicsGraph ColoringVertex ColoringGraph Coloring Problem
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      Computer ScienceVlsi DesignSoftware EngineeringApproximate Algorithm