Uranium exploration
Recent papers in Uranium exploration
Joachimsthal in Saxony was an important silver mining district since the Middle Ages when around the 1770s production started to decrease and the mining town was about to become a ghost town. It was at that time that Martin Heinrich... more
ОПЫТ СОВЕРШЕНСТВОВАНИЯ ОБЪЕКТИВНОГО КОНТРОЛЯ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ СИСТЕМ РАДИАЦИОННОЙ ЗАЩИТЫ ПЕРСОНАЛА ПЕЧНЫХ ОТДЕЛЕНИЙ. При добыче урана методом подземного скважинного выщелачивания (ПСВ) бóльшая часть рудного тела с сопутствующей... more
Повышение результативности, качества, дешевизны, доступности и скорости выполнения геологоразведочных работ является актуальной задачей для развития и восполнения минерально-сырьевой базы Казахстана и мира в целом. Современный прогресс... more
Understanding paleohydrologic systems in terms of basin evolution requires the integration of information derived from the sedimentology, stratigraphy, diagenesis and geology of basin-filling successions. Combination of these is... more
Reservoir-infiltration uranium deposits («sandstone» type) today are the main active source of uranium mineral raw materials in the world and the only one in Kazakhstan. Their main advantage in the form of better environmental... more
Australian uranium ores are often composed of complex mineral assemblages. Differences in ore compositions and textures are seen between deposits as well as within a single deposit, which can host a range of ore types. Such a wide variety... more
В статье приведен обзор современного состояния минерально-сырьевой базы урана, отрабатываемого способом подземного скважинного выщелачивания. Озвучены актуальные проблемы и инновационные способы их решения. Предложены идеи... more
By far the biggest use for uranium is to produce electricity - the U.S. produces almost 20% of its electricity via nuclear power. One pound (0.45 kg) of yellowcake (U3O8—the final product of the uranium milling process) has the energy... more
In that article I try to understand a scheme of trafficking from North Korea to China that had been organized by a then-North Korean state employee. That former state employee claimed to had smuggled several types of items and goods,... more
Uranium is a naturally-occurring radioactive element that is used mainly to generate nuclear power to produce relatively cheap electricity. Several developing countries have strived to acquire and utilize nuclear technology, as well as... more
Mr. Campbell and Dr. Conca provided one of the 10 summaries for energy resource commodities on uranium, thorium, and rare earths (pp. 450-458). Other experts provided sections on geothermal, coal and unconventional energy resources, and... more
Mr. Campbell provided the section on uranium, thorium, and rare earths (pp. 62-79) in this 10 section review of energy resources. Immediately after the Fukushima tsunami disaster in 2011, nuclear power seemed doomed, again. Japan shut... more
Mineral exploration conducted during the summers of the latter 1970s and early 1980s by personnel of United Resources International (URI) on behalf of the Omega Energy Corporation confirmed the existence of mineralized zones containing... more
Abstr act Var ious geochemical processes within the aquifer and anthropogenic activities in the area influence the spatial and tempor al var iations of sur face and groundwater quality. The pr esent study on seasonal var iati on and i... more
Parasia and adjoining areas expose Betul–Chhindwara crystalline complex, which falls in Central India Tectonic Zone (CITZ). It consists of volcano-sedimentary supracrustal assemblages, which are affected by post-tectonic mafic-ultramafic... more
The features and similarities in the geology of paleovalley-related uranium mineralizing systems in Australia and China can be used to refine strategies for exploration. Paleovalley-related uranium resources include sandstone-,... more
I propose that the space science might have been skeptical about to not take in account the correlation of Schumann resonances and the elf magnetism is intra- generated between the sun and Uranus & Neptune concurrent. Regarding the amount... more
Southeastern part of Vindhyan–Mahakoshal basin developed along Son–Narmada mega rift zone exposes Palaeoproterozoic Mahakoshal and Meso- to Neo-proterozoic Vindhyan Supergroup of rocks over Chhotanagpur Granite Gneissic Complex (CGGC).... more
Environmental History of Nuclear Energy. Contents INTRODUZIONE. TEMPI STORICI, TEMPI GEOLOGICI (p. 9) CAPITOLO 1. AMBIENTE SETTANTA (p. 21) 1.1 Il senso di un decennio (p. 21) 1.2 Scienza, ambiente e istituzioni negli anni Settanta.... more
Uranium mineralization occurs in Palaeoproterozoic metasediments of the Aravalli Supergroup in the Umra area, Udaipur district, Rajasthan, India. The host rocks for mineralization were deposited in a shallow marine shelf type environment... more
Pada tanggal 16 Juli 1945 jam 5 pagi waktu setempat, kesunyian dan kedamaian Gurun Jemez di utara New Mexiko tiba-tiba dikoyak suara ledakan keras. Inilah ledakan bom nuklir pertama dunia yang lahir dari Proyek Manhattan. Setelah... more
Spatial and temporal variations in chemistry of groundwater are primarily governed by hydrogeochemical processes within the aquifer and other anthropogenic activities. Chemical analyses of groundwater samples from areas under active... more
Banganapalle Formation (Kurnool Group) comprises intercalated arenaceous and argillaceous lithofacies with a basal conglomerate unit. Geochemically, basal conglomerate unit shows wide variation in major oxide contents due to the presence... more
Hydrogeochemical technique, an important tool in uranium exploration program, has been successfully utilised to delineate potential target zones in Baramkela–Saria–Ambabhona area, Raigarh district, Chhattisgarh exposing Mesoproterozoic... more
The Manitou Falls Formation, deposited during the early evolution of the eastern Athabasca Basin, is composed of flat-lying, unmetamorphosed sandstone and conglomerate that change stratigraphically upward from polymictic pebble... more
В статье рассмотрены проблемы слабого уровня развития и восполнения минерально-сырьевой базы урана Казахстана на фоне её интенсивного истощения, актуальность мониторинга её состояния и бережливости её отработки, решение по... more
Radon emanometry (close circuit technique), an important tool for rapid evaluation of uranium potential in soil covered areas, was tested in three blocks in Beharchuwa–Bokarda–Labed area, Janjgir–Champa and Korba districts, Chhattisgarh... more
At the beginning of the industrial atomic age, launched by President Dwight Eisenhower's speech on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy (“Atoms for Peace”, addressed to the United Nations General Assembly, New York, 8 December 1953), and... more
Here is what was covered during Mr. Campbell's presentation : Gold and other Commodities on Properties in Queensland, Australia Phosphate and Potash Properties in Queensland Australia Uranium Properties in South Australia and Texas... more
The structure of the Ciudad Rodrigo area (Iberian Massif, Central Iberian Zone) has been revisited in order to integrate new geological data with recent models of the evolution of the Iberian Massif. Detailed mapping of fold structures... more