Recent papers in Universal
Several classification systems are in use for Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Three of them : Catterall, Salter Thompson and Herring (Lateral Pillar) are most commonly used. There has been debate on which is most reliable. The purpose of this... more
Non-functional requirements such as performance, program size, and energy consumption significantly affect the quality of software systems. Small devices like PDAs and mobile phones have little memory, slow processors, and energy... more
Researchers spend a great deal of time reading research papers. However, this skill is rarely taught, leading to much wasted effort. This article outlines a practical and efficient three-pass method for reading research papers. I also... more
The paper presents an outline of a new personality theory on the basis of its language phenomenology. The basic assumptions of the new theory are preceded by theoretical analysis of the contemporary "methodological market" of... more
In the present growing world of emerging technology, the micro machining process has demanding operation in various sectors like aerospace, oil, defence, automobile, biomedical science and many industries at micro and nano levels of... more
Nsukururú Sambia moto. (Dios en el cielo y Dios en la tierra.) FRASE RITUAL CONGA. El misticismo africano es una forma apasionante, compleja y bella de misticismo: una fuente en que las almas pueden calmar su sed y beber el cielo.
Pour citer cet article: LANGLUMÉ Diane, « Quand le cinéma d’horreur rencontre la comédie musicale : Phantom of the Paradise et l’histoire du rock horrifique », in PAQUET-DEYRIS Anne-Marie (dir.), CinémAction n°136 - Les cinémas de... more
After a period of oblivion, a renewal of interest in coroutines is being ob- served. However, most current implementations of coroutine mechanisms are restricted, and motivated by particular uses. The convenience of providing true... more
In SLA, it has been often assumed that the effect of the first language (L1) is not very strong in the acquisition of grammatical morphemes (e.g., . However, such an assumption has not been systematically examined in the literature. This... more
This study is dedicated to the chapter Metaphysics My 10, which, in my opinion, represents an example of basic research as regards Aristotle’s ontological investigations. The aim of my analysis is to point out that the chapter constitutes... more
Carta de Evald Ilienkov a Yuri Zhdanov, escrita em janeiro de 1968, em que Ilienkov comenta sobre a obra Sobre a Contradição Fundamental do Socialismo e a tese de Zhdanov sobre o trabalho universal-parcial no socialismo.
La educación no puede continuar siendo la misma, simple, ortodoxa. Nuestro reto es la excelencia humana y tratar de hacer florecer en la vida diaria aquellos valores que forman parte de nuestra más íntima esencia...
In this paper, we present HOME, a new environment for distributed hypermedia. We mainly concentrate on the server side, and provide access to World-Wide Web clients through a gateway mechanism. Data and metadata are strictly separated in... more
The paper discusses Leibniz's theory of denominations, expression, and individual notions, the central claim being that the key to many of Leibniz's fundamental theses is to consider his argument, starting from his predicate-in-subject... more
cerned, nothing said by a philosopher could possibly justify drawing such a conclusion. We are far more certain of the findings of science and commonsense than of the validity and soundness of any philosophical argument deployed against... more
In this paper, we consider multi-parametric method for solution of unsteady temperature twodimensional MHD laminar boundary layer. Outer magnetic field induction is assumed as function of longitudinal coordinate and time with force lines... more
La mondialisation semble faire ressurgir la notion de communaute humaine mondiale afin de penser un ordre juridique commun ou mondialise qui lui soit applicable ; il permettrait de depasser le phenomene des Etats souverains et de... more
In a component-based development process the selection of components is an activity that takes place over multiple lifecycle phases that span from requirement specifications through design to implementation and integration. In different... more
This master's thesis examines the criminal liability of Canadian corporations for their involvement in international crimes committed in part or entirely overseas. First, we observe that initial developments by the military tribunals... more
Entre a aparência e a verdade Falta a palavra Irremediavelmente lúcida Que rompa como um uivo A crosta do mundo Aos que escolhem o seu caminho Tudo impede a verdadeira morte.
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Decision-making involves choosing between one ore more alternatives, to achieve one or more goals. To support this process, there are decision support systems that employ different approaches, supporting groups or not. Generally, however,... more
objcto' en el contexto del Tradatus. Se argumenta que (i) los 'objetos' son entidades lógicas, nados de la red lógica común a todos los mundos posibles; (u) los términos generales no son 'nombres' y, por tanto, los 'objetos' son... more
Many fuzzy automaton models have been introduced in the past.
La mondialisation semble faire ressurgir la notion de communauté humaine mondiale afin de penser un ordre juridique commun ou mondialisé qui lui soit applicable ; il permettrait de dépasser le phénomène des États souverains et de... more
The Data Warehouse (DW) design is based on multidimensional (MD) modeling which structures information into facts and dimensions. Due to the confidentiality of the data that it stores, it is crucial to specify security and audit measures... more
The present essay is the first part of an analysis regarding aspects of Aristotle’s ontology. Aristotle’s ontology is, in my opinion, a formal ontology that examines the fundamental structures of reality and that investigates the features... more
Many methods in the area of Human-Computer Interaction have been developed for deriving user interfaces considering individual users. However, nowadays information systems include more than single interaction, there is a need to... more
Hofstede identified four value dimensions at the country level but did not find matching dimensions at the individual level. Schwartz discriminated different sets of value constructs at individual and country-levels, based on separate... more
In this second part of my analysis dedicated to Aristotle’s way towards a new ontology, I shall mainly deal with the following subjects: - aspects of Aristotle’s criticism of ideas; - Aristotle construction of a new ontological scheme... more
Resumo: Essa comunicação possui dois objetivos. Em primeiro lugar, pretendo esboçar as diferentes alternativas teóricas contemporâneas que procuram responder ao conhecido " problema dos universais". Para isso, apresentamos os nominalismos... more
The design of the groupware systems is a progressively extended task, which is difficult to tackle. There are not proposals to support the joint modeling of collaborative and interactive issues of this kind of systems, that is, proposals... more
Among theory theorists, it is commonly thought that folk psychological theory is tacitly known. However, folk psychological knowledge has none of the central features of tacit knowledge. But if it is ordinary knowledge, why is it that we... more
More than 60,000 people die suddenly each year in France due to cardiac arrhythmias. The current techniques used to diagnose cardiac arrhythmias such as HOLTER, R.TEST and telemetry system are partially efficient owing to the limitation... more