Recent papers in Monotheism
RÉSUMÉ L'article retrace l'émergence du monothéisme biblique après la destruction de Jérusalem en 587 avant l'ère chrétienne. Dès le début, ce monothéisme s'ex-prime de manières très différentes ; d'ailleurs la Bible a gardé de nombreuses... more
Note that this book is actually part of a quadrology.
Psalm 24, along with Psalm 15 and others, has long been recognized as a "temple entry liturgy," a song to be sung on the occasion of the pilgrimage and entrance to the temple in Jerusalem. If we establish that both Psalms 15 and 24 are... more
This thesis has two primary goals: (1) to analyze the countours and extent of the generic category of deity in the Hebrew Bible, and (2) propose a semantic base for the term. It begins with a description of the fields associated with... more
Theos Hypsistos known as The Supreme God has attracted attention as a cult since the time of the first researches until now. In conclusion to the curiosity for the Ancient Civilizations, inscriptions, starting at 19th Century, about that... more
traces an anonymous work of ethics first written by a presumably pagan Hellene as it is adopted by Christian Arab, Mulim, and Jewish thinkers in the medieval period
In the history of Human-culture, story is like one who is absent while he is present, and almost all monotheistic and non-monotheistic religions have used it in their Holy Books to convey their messages and teachings, in a way that the... more
Jan Assmann: Exodus. Die Revolution der Alten Welt, München (C.H. Beck) 2015, 493 S. € 29,95. Rezension publiziert in: Frankfurter Zeitschrift für islamisch-theologische Studien 3 (2016), Universalität und Universalismus im Islam, S.... more
Dqs Mittelalter l0 (2005) 2: Produktive Kulturkonflikte frtihe vollplastische Skulptur vorhanden ist, zum anderen auch nicht klar ist, wie das Golgothakreuz wirklich aussah, d. h. ob es überhaupt mit einem Corpus Christi versehen war. Ob... more
Akhenaten and the Origins of Monotheism, Oxford: University Press, 2015. 392 pages. Hardcover. Price £37.49. ISBN 9780199792085.
ISBN 978-88-7092-da definire Prima della pubblicazione questo saggio è stato sottoposto a peer review da parte di due referee anonimi, esterni alla direzione della collana
Voor het vak Wereldgodsdiensten dienden wij een persoon die een aanhanger is van een andere religie dan het christendom (i.c. de islam, hindoeïsme, boeddhisme of jodendom) te interviewen. Daar ik al een aantal jaar leerkracht protestants-... more
إن "التوحيد" جوهر الإيمان الذي أرسى القرآن دعائمه، وشاد أركانه وبنيانه، وهو أعلى قيم القرآن المجيد وقمة مقاصده. ولكي يحيا، ويكون فاعلا، وليحقق كل ما أنيط به، لا بد أن يوجد في الأمة، ويتحرك وينشط بالدعوة ويحيا الثلاثة - التوحيد والأمة... more
The Debate between Wilhelm Schmidt and Raffaele Pettazzoni about Monotheism and the Supreme Being In the West throughout centuries the discourse about religion was under the monopoly of the Church. According to the Bible, God sent direct... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
The Cultural Atlas of Islam. Gives an overview of Arabia as the crucible of Islam; its language and history, religion and culture, and the essence of Islamic civilization. Also discussed are The Qur'an, The Sunnah, institutions, the... more
The research presented in this book aims to interpret Exod. 3:14 within the context of Exodus and its literary composition. The story of how this verse was received in the West shows that it has more often than not been read through the... more
Resumo: Trata-se aqui de demonstrar o percurso desenvolvido por David Hume na obra História Natural da Religião (1757), a saber, a origem psicológica do pensamento religioso como fruto da combinação de medo e ansiedade, assim como a... more
Presented at the 2011 annual meeting of SBL in San Francisco, 20th November 2011. There is a danger in assuming that monotheistic discourse must reflect a monotheistic belief: it may represent, rather, a way of speaking about 'the... more
The image of the stone with seven eyes in the book of Zechariah 3-4 is very puzzling, and has been interpreted in various ways. In this study I will suggest that the most logical interpretation of this image lies in the Babylonian kalû... more
This article, which contains what I regard as the most important result of my classifier studies to date, would not have come into being if not for Friedrich Junge. It was Friedrich, with an open-mindedness rare in Egyptology, who was... more
Hotel Capital Plaza, Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara nr. 54.
مقدمة: لا يراودُ القارئَ شكٌ في أنَّ دينَ الإسلام، هو جوهرُ الحضارة الإسلامية، وأنَّ التوحيدَ هو جوهرُ هذا الدين؛ إذلم تصطبغ أية حضارة في القديم والحديث بطابع ديني كما حصل ذلك في الحضارة الإسلامية. ولعلَّ خصائصَ هذا الدين الذي يجعلُ... more
In light of the common sense of non-monotheists, the Trinity, this crucial issue on spirituality is deeply related to the new human activity of herding animals. The three monotheistic religions came about in the regions where animal... more
Our research has surveyed the philological origins of the word "science" and "religion". Furthermore, it has reexamined the definitions of "The Science of Religion" and "The Science of Comparative Religion". Building on this foundation,... more
Le Livre d’Adam de Charles d’Hooghvorst est une compilation exceptionnelle d’articles comprenant des textes traditionnels et leurs commentaires, qui permettront au lecteur de découvrir le lien qui unit les trois grandes religions... more
This article offers a sustained reinterpretation ofGilbert Crispin's (1045/6-m7) Disputation ef a Christian with a Pagan as a genuine philosophical dialogue. The traditional reading of this work (R. W. Southem, A. Sapir Abulafia and G. R.... more
My review of Peter Schaefer's "Two Gods in Heaven" (English version)
L'amour dans le Coran (Love in the Quran) is a translation into French of the Syrian Shaykh's book al-Hubb fî al-Qur'ân (2009), an essay on the theme of God's love for humankind, and how humans can return that love to God. The second part... more
This interview was made in April 2017 and published in Estonian in the Estonian edition of Jan Assmann’s "Die Mosaische Unterscheidung: oder der Preis des Monotheismus": Jan Assmann, "Moosese eristus ehk monoteismi hind". Tallinn: Tallinn... more
The article offers an overview of the (dis)continuities between the major Abrahamic religions (especially Christianity) and transhumanism, as well as some possibilities envisioned by scholars for their ongoing dialogue. Important points... more
2 Kgs 17:24–41 uses the phrase yere YHWH in two distinct ways and that the tension between the two different meanings of this phrase is an essential part of the narrative. This phrase can refer to cultic worship and also to exclusive... more
כדי להציג ולהדגים את גוון האמונה ההיברידית של אברהם נבקש להתחקות אחר שיירים של מיתוס זר, למתוח את הציר שבין נוכחותו בפועל ובין ייצוגו באופן אך סמלי, ולזהות את היסוד שמטשטש את הקשר ויוצר למעשה את הפער. בהתאם להגדרתנו "אמונה היברידית"... more
The Author proposes to describe the possible foundations of a Trinitarian theism that may be a philosophically adequate translation of the Johannine declaration: " God is love " , introduced by some contemporary thinkers as a key to... more
An expanded book review of this interesting book about the devotion to Jesus in early Christianity as a historical phenomena which characterized the Christianity from the early beginning.
This volume introduces ancient Israel's Scriptures, or the Hebrew Bible, commonly called the Old Testament. It also traces the legacy of monotheism first found in the pages of the Old Testament. Where pertinent to the message of the Old... more
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
Die Geschichte der Amarnazeit und das Wirken der verschiedenen Charaktere, deren Namen Echnaton, Nofretete, Tutanchamun oder Aja II. wohl vielen Individuen ein Begriff sein dürften, ist in der Ägyptologie auch weiterhin ein... more
This is the research paper I wrote when I did independent study of monotheism in seminary. In this paper I isolate and analyze several Qur'anic verses that insist on the oneness of God, then I explore their implications for the... more
is a Ph.D. student at the University of Cape Town where he is researching monotheism in Japan. He serves as an instructor at Atlanta Bible College, and is the author of several books and articles on monotheism and Christology including... more
Multiple entries in a brief theology of God as Trinity: Primary challenges. Is Christian faith a true monotheism? Does it fit in the Biblical narrative? Is today main historical narrative truer? What does Tradition set about Trinity, in a... more
View online: This entry treats the state religion of Pre-Islamic South Arabia from the second half of the fourth century CE until the region was absorbed by the Sassanians in the seventh century... more