Recent papers in Uart
This paper is focused on automation process of driving system of vehicles. In case of public transport systems, the small negligible errors can cause a massive disaster. To mitigate this problem AI and IOT can be implemented. In this work... more
Biometric system is a pattern identification system that recognizes an individual by determining the originality of the physical features and behavioral characteristic of that person. Of all the recently used biometric techniques,... more
In the earlier era of electronics the UART (Universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter) played a major role in data transmission. This UART IP CORE provides serial communication capabilities, which allow communication with modems or... more
The proposed paper describes the universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter i.e. UART which is the kind of serial communication protocol which allows the full duplex communication in serial link. This paper presents the hardware... more
The object of this paper is to design and simulation of SPI (serial peripheral interface) master and slave using verilog HDL. The SPI (serial peripheral interface) is a kind of serial communication protocol. It transfers synchronous... more
LPC24XX User manual release UM10237_4
Sebuah Embedded Multi Stopwatch digunakan untuk merekam perlombaan mobil dengan jumlah lap sebanyak 4 Lap dan diikuti oleh 3 kendaraan. Pembangkitan timer dilakukan oleh Embedded Controller, sementara tampilan jarak yang ditempuh untuk... more
The UART (universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter) module provides asynchronous serial communication with external devices such as modems and other computers. The UART can be used to control the process of breaking parallel data... more
We demonstrate how 1-of-n encoded speed-independent circuits provide a good framework for constructing smart card functions that are resistant to side channel attacks and fault injection. A novel alarm propagation technique is also... more
This paper is to establish a bidirectional serial communication between a mobile robot and computer. This communication aims at data interaction in real time between the two so that the PC through a graphical interface can record robot... more
Programar el módulo MEI&T04 para que envíe por puerto serial el conteo ascendente de una variable de 8 bits (0-255), el envío se realizará cada 500 milisegundos. Monitorear el dato recibido en código ASCII por el AccesPort.
This paper describes an investigation to build an Android application that gathers the air pollution information and displays information via a GPRS network. The air pollution data is collected by hardware modules transmitted to Zigbee... more
This paper presents the design of a universal asynchronous receiver and transmitter (UART), which is fully functional and synthesizeable. Due to its modularity, configurability and extremely compact size, the proposed UART is named as... more
It has been a want to monitor status and performance of machines and systems from remote places with authentic collected data, information and time stamping. This needs to be saved for permanent record were the user can view at any part... more
This paper is focused on automation process of driving system of vehicles. In case of public transport systems, the small negligible errors can cause a massive disaster. To mitigate this problem AI and IOT can be implemented. In this work... more
We demonstrate how 1-of-n encoded speed-independent circuits provide a good framework for constructing smart card functions that are resistant to side channel attacks and fault injection. A novel alarm propagation technique is also... more
A Built-in-Self Testable UART has the main objective of firstly satisfying specified testability requirements and secondly to generate the lowest-cost with the highest performance implementation. The development of the design will be... more
This paper describes an investigation to build an Android application that gathers the air pollution information and displays information via a GPRS network. The air pollution data is collected by hardware modules transmitted to Zigbee... more
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1451 family of standards defines a set of common communication interfaces for connecting smart transducers (sensors or actuators) to microprocessor-based systems, instruments,... more
The proposed paper describes the universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter i.e. UART which is the kind of serial communication protocol which allows the full duplex communication in serial link. This paper presents the hardware... more
A Built-in-Self Testable UART has the main objective of firstly satisfying specified testability requirements and secondly to generate the lowest-cost with the highest performance implementation. The development of the design will be... more
Background differencing algorithm was developed to detect moving objects from a stable system in which visual surveillance plays a major role. Among all existing algorithms it was chosen because of low computational complexity which is... more