Robin Redmon Wright
Robin Redmon Wright is Associate Professor of Lifelong Learning and Adult Education at Penn State Harrisburg. Her research interests reflect a critical perspective on adult identity development, feminist identity development, popular culture and adult learning and development, and adult learning, educational access and social class. She sees pedagogy as a critical tool for social activism that can be integrated into adult lives to produce lifelong learners actively involved in improving the lives of human beings in their individual communities and across the globe. Recent publications include:
Wright, R. R. (50%), Sandlin, J. A., & Burdick, J. (2023). What is Critical Media Literacy in an Age of Disinformation? New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education: Critical Media Literacy in a Pandemic of Disinformation and Conspiracy, 178, 11-25. https://doi.org/10.1002/ace.20485
Wright, R. R. (2023). The Way Forward: Adult Educators Combating Mis/Disinformation via Formal and Informal Education. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education: Critical Media Literacy in a Pandemic of Disinformation and Conspiracy, 178, 119-130. https://doi.org/10.1002/ace.20491
Wright, R. R. (2022). Teaching through Pain: Finding Peace, of Sorts, after Unimaginable Loss. Adult Learning, 0(0). 1-10, Online First. https://doi-org.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/10.1177/10451595221126664
Veldheer, S., Wright, R. R. (Co-Author, 35%), & Foulds, J. R. (2019). What Low-Income Smokers Have Learned from Public Health Pedagogy: A Narrative Inquiry. American Journal of Health Behavior, 43(4), 691-704. https://doi.org/10.5993/AJHB.43.4.4.
Wright, R. R. (Co-Author, 70%), & Sandlin, J. A. (2017). (Critical) learning in/through everyday life in a global consumer culture. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 36(1-2), 77-94. ISBN/ISSN: 10.1080/02601370.2017.1270068
Ciano, C., King, T. S., Wright, R. R. (Co-Author, 25%), Perlis, M., & Sawyer, A. M. (2017). Longitudinal study of insomnia symptoms among women during perimenopause. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 46(6), 804-813. ISBN/ISSN: 10.1016/j.jogn.2017.07.011
Wright, R. R. (2017). Academic rigor or academic rigor mortis? Supervising dissertations is serious business. Adult Learning, 28(1), 35-37. ISBN/ISSN: 10.1177/1045159515593896.
Wright, R. R. (2016). Comics, class, and kitsch: An autoethnographic exploration of an accidental academic. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 29(3), 426-444. ISBN/ISSN: 10.1080/09518398.2015.1078518
Tisdell, E. J., Wright, R. R. (Co-Author, 35%), & Taylor, E. (2016). Adult Education Faculty and Programs in North America: Faculty Background, Work, and Satisfaction. Adult Education Quarterly, 66(1), 76-95. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741713615618781
Wright, R. R. (2023). Teaching Students to Think Critically in the Age of TikTok, Tweets, and Tenacious Titillation. In Joellen E. Coryell, Lisa M. Baumgartner, & Jeremy W. Bohonos (Eds.), Methods for Facilitating Adult Learning: Strategies for Enhancing Instruction and Instructor Effectiveness. Sterling, VA: Taylor & Francis/Routledge. Peer-reviewed/refereed. [In Press - forthcoming August 2023].
Wright, R. R. (2023). A Doctor Who Academy for Dystopian Times. In Marcus Harmes and Richard Scully (Eds.), Seen and Unseen Universities - Academia and Higher Learning in Popular Culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [In Press - forthcoming July 2023].
Wright, R. R. (2023). How Adult Learning from Media Cultures Changed the World in 2020. In Dr. Karen Evans, Dr. Wing-On Lee, Dr Jörg Markowitsch and Professor Miriam Zukas (Eds.), Springer Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning (pp. 1-23). Basel: Springer. Peer-reviewed/refereed. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67930-9_58-1
Phone: 717-948-6405 work
Address: Robin Redmon Wright, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Adult Education
Penn State Harrisburg
777 West Harrisburg Pike
Olmsted W314
Middletown, PA 17057
[email protected]
Wright, R. R. (50%), Sandlin, J. A., & Burdick, J. (2023). What is Critical Media Literacy in an Age of Disinformation? New Directions in Adult and Continuing Education: Critical Media Literacy in a Pandemic of Disinformation and Conspiracy, 178, 11-25. https://doi.org/10.1002/ace.20485
Wright, R. R. (2023). The Way Forward: Adult Educators Combating Mis/Disinformation via Formal and Informal Education. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education: Critical Media Literacy in a Pandemic of Disinformation and Conspiracy, 178, 119-130. https://doi.org/10.1002/ace.20491
Wright, R. R. (2022). Teaching through Pain: Finding Peace, of Sorts, after Unimaginable Loss. Adult Learning, 0(0). 1-10, Online First. https://doi-org.ezaccess.libraries.psu.edu/10.1177/10451595221126664
Veldheer, S., Wright, R. R. (Co-Author, 35%), & Foulds, J. R. (2019). What Low-Income Smokers Have Learned from Public Health Pedagogy: A Narrative Inquiry. American Journal of Health Behavior, 43(4), 691-704. https://doi.org/10.5993/AJHB.43.4.4.
Wright, R. R. (Co-Author, 70%), & Sandlin, J. A. (2017). (Critical) learning in/through everyday life in a global consumer culture. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 36(1-2), 77-94. ISBN/ISSN: 10.1080/02601370.2017.1270068
Ciano, C., King, T. S., Wright, R. R. (Co-Author, 25%), Perlis, M., & Sawyer, A. M. (2017). Longitudinal study of insomnia symptoms among women during perimenopause. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing, 46(6), 804-813. ISBN/ISSN: 10.1016/j.jogn.2017.07.011
Wright, R. R. (2017). Academic rigor or academic rigor mortis? Supervising dissertations is serious business. Adult Learning, 28(1), 35-37. ISBN/ISSN: 10.1177/1045159515593896.
Wright, R. R. (2016). Comics, class, and kitsch: An autoethnographic exploration of an accidental academic. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 29(3), 426-444. ISBN/ISSN: 10.1080/09518398.2015.1078518
Tisdell, E. J., Wright, R. R. (Co-Author, 35%), & Taylor, E. (2016). Adult Education Faculty and Programs in North America: Faculty Background, Work, and Satisfaction. Adult Education Quarterly, 66(1), 76-95. https://doi.org/10.1177/0741713615618781
Wright, R. R. (2023). Teaching Students to Think Critically in the Age of TikTok, Tweets, and Tenacious Titillation. In Joellen E. Coryell, Lisa M. Baumgartner, & Jeremy W. Bohonos (Eds.), Methods for Facilitating Adult Learning: Strategies for Enhancing Instruction and Instructor Effectiveness. Sterling, VA: Taylor & Francis/Routledge. Peer-reviewed/refereed. [In Press - forthcoming August 2023].
Wright, R. R. (2023). A Doctor Who Academy for Dystopian Times. In Marcus Harmes and Richard Scully (Eds.), Seen and Unseen Universities - Academia and Higher Learning in Popular Culture. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [In Press - forthcoming July 2023].
Wright, R. R. (2023). How Adult Learning from Media Cultures Changed the World in 2020. In Dr. Karen Evans, Dr. Wing-On Lee, Dr Jörg Markowitsch and Professor Miriam Zukas (Eds.), Springer Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning (pp. 1-23). Basel: Springer. Peer-reviewed/refereed. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-67930-9_58-1
Phone: 717-948-6405 work
Address: Robin Redmon Wright, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Adult Education
Penn State Harrisburg
777 West Harrisburg Pike
Olmsted W314
Middletown, PA 17057
[email protected]
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