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This project is on troubleshooting and repair of a Miller Gold Star 602 welding machine that provides electric current to join material usually metals, it is applicable in some welding processes like Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW),... more
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      Electrical EngineeringWelding EngineeringRepair and MaintenanceTroubleshooting
Humans and robots will need to collaborate in order to create a sustainable human lunar presence by the end of the 2020s. This includes cases in which a human will be required to teleoperate an autonomous rover that has encountered an... more
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      Computer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionStereoscopyVirtual Reality
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      Computer ScienceInformation ScienceExpert SystemsKnowledge Management
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      NursingEmergency MedicineMedical ImagingUltrasound
This project is on troubleshooting and repair of a Miller Gold Star 602 welding machine that provides electric current to join material usually metals, it is a multi – process which can be used for Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW), Gas... more
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      Welding EngineeringRepair and MaintenanceTroubleshooting
The OSI model, developed by ISO in 1984, attempts to summarize complicated network cases on layers. Moreover, network troubles are expressed by taking the model into account. However, there has been no standardization for network troubles... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworksNext Generation NetworksComputer Networking and Telecommunication
In this article we explain approach in using Access Performance Manager System (APM) for analyses of ADSL lines in production of broadband (BB) Operator. Results of monitoring and optimization are shown. In our case optimization is done... more
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      Computer ScienceOptimizationDSLSignal to Noise Ratio
El conocimiento, desde la perspectiva de los griegos, es de cuatro tipos: empeiría, tékhne, epistéme y noús. Estos tipos presentan diferentes características, según se orienten a la dimensión del origen (hechos o conceptos), o a la... more
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      KnowledgeTroubleshootingindustrial data
• Troubleshoot EIGRP configurations.
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dalam makalah ini dijelaskan jenis-jenis partisi harddisk dan cara membuat harddisk menjadi banyak (disekat-sekat) agar lebih indah dan kreatif, makalah ini adalah tugas trouble shooting dan dijelaskan juga tips merawat harddisk.
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      CryogenicsCavitation in Centrifugal PumpTroubleshooting
... This paper presents DUMBO (Qescobrindo sol&o'es Manipulando uma Base de Qcorrincias) [9], a system that incorporates Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) [5] paradigm in a traditional existing TTS architecture... more
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      Computer ScienceNetwork ManagementComputer NetworkSystem Architecture
Seluruh elemen kelistrikan yang terdapat pada sepeda motor membutuhkan suplai arus listrik yang terus menerus memberi energi listrik. Namun baterai memiliki keterbatasan jika harus terus menerus meyuplai arus listrik. Sehingga adanya... more
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      Sepeda MotorJurnal Pendidikan Kejuruan OtomotifTroubleshootingTeknik dasar Otomotif
This paper looks into troubleshooting,networking, Wireless ad hoc configuration,OS installation and upgrading.It can undoubtedly be used as a manual to tackle a lot of problems one might experience in various computing fields.
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    • Troubleshooting
Makalah ini dibuat untuk melengkapi tugas mata kuliah Perancangan dan Troubleshooting.
Semoga bermanfaat :)
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      Computer ScienceComputer HardwareTroubleshooting
Over the decades there have been several papers on the coloration of cotton-based textiles. The number of articles dealing with the processing of cotton, including preparation, dyeing, and finishing, may be in the thousands. An... more
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      Environmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringChemistryDyes
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      NetworkingWired NetworksTroubleshooting
Troubleshooting is the ability of individuals to adopt a systematic approach towards identifying and then solving the problem or issue. In simple words, troubleshooting are the problem solving abilities of a person. The researcher choose... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer troubleshooting, Networking, InternetTroubleshooting
Sistem kelistrikan bodi merupakan salah satu sistem penting pada kendaraan. Sistem kelistrikan bodi bekerja sebagai penerangan dan peringatan pada kendaraan, dengan adanya sistem kelistrikan bodi yang bekerja dengan baik, resiko saat... more
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      Sepeda MotorTroubleshooting
Steam reforming bersifat endotermik berkebutuhan panas besar dari keseluruhan tahap-tahap pembuatan ammonia. Pemenuhan kebutuhan panas reaksi melalui panas reaksi eksotermik hasil pembakaran gas alam dengan udara. Perubahan komposisi gas... more
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      Process Modeling and SimulationTroubleshooting
N ine hundred case histories of malfunctioning towers reported over the last 50 years were surveyed and analyzed. Our analysis shows rapid growth in the number of malfunctions with no signs of decline. Plugging, especially of tray active... more
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      Chemical EngineeringDistillationCase HistoriesTroubleshooting
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      SoftwareHardwareLocal Area NetworksWide Area Network
In computer domain the professionals were limited in number but the numbers of institutions looking for computer professionals were high. The aim of this study is developing self learning expert system which is providing troubleshooting... more
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      Expert SystemsKnowledge ManagementLanguage AcquisitionSelf-regulated Learning
Este manual presenta en forma detallada los diferentes temas necesarios para emprender el estudio sistemático del curso "Principios de Bombeo Mecánico". Se analiza el comportamiento de producción de los pozos, describe los diferentes... more
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      Oil and gasPRODUCTION ENGINEERINGPumpsIngeniería de Producción
Banyaknya pengguna komputer yang kurang memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup terhadap penanganan kerusakan hardware mengakibatkan banyak sekali pengguna komputer atau suatu institusi yang mengeluarkan biaya yang tidak sedikit hanya untuk... more
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Since the New vs Legacy RefWorks are on offer, users can mistakenly try to login to the non-intended version from a newly installed WriteNCite 4. It then is not possible to login to the RefWorks account in WriteNCite. Re-installing WNC... more
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Berikut ini merupakan topologi jaringan lokal, yaitu: Dari topologi di atas diketahui beberapa jaringan local. Beberapa jaringan lokal tersebut dapat kita lakukan troubleshooting dengan memanfaatkan tool-tool jaringan seperti ipconfig,... more
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      Command and ControlLocal Area NetworksTroubleshooting
Abstract For every engineer, Technician or mechanic, however complex your task could get so long as you got a manual, chances are 97.8% you are likely to provide the right solution and a better analysis of the system. This manual however... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringTemperature SensorsRefrigeration Air ConditioningCompressors
Laju perkembangan Teknologi di masa sekarang berkembang dengan begitu pesat, tak terkecuali teknologi Telekomunikasi. Teknologi telekomunikasi sangatlah penting pada masa sekarang ini , karna dengan berkembangnya teknologi telekomunikasi... more
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This seminar focuses on the core building blocks of hydrogen sulfide treating process systems, equipment and economics. This program will emphasize the process unit operation fundamentals, safe utilization of these fundamentals by... more
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      Refinery ProcessesHydrogen SulfideTroubleshootingAmine
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This publication presents a system of proactive classroom management for use in elementary school, grades K-6. Characteristics of the proactive concept are described as: (1) planning for prevention rather than reaction toobehavior... more
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      PsychologySchedulingElementary EducationAcademic achievement
We created a manual for teachers at a high school for our Senior Project at DeVry, 2003.

Co-Team members: Nina Lynch and Rebecca Carrillo
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      Computer NetworksComputersComputer troubleshooting, Networking, InternetTroubleshooting
En este articulo se presentan los resultados del diagnostico y analisis de algunas causas que obstaculizan el aprendizaje del Algebra Lineal en los estudiantes de ingenieria de la Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira. Igualmente pretende... more
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      MathematicsLinear AlgebraLearningTroubleshooting
Expert systems use human knowledge often stored as rules within the computer to solve problems that generally would entail human intelligence. Today, with information systems turning out to be more pervasive and with the myriad advances... more
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      Expert SystemsInformation TechnologyFuzzy LogicUser Interface
A study by the Libyan Petroleum Institute of Libya (LPI) evaluated the performance of desalination at four Libyan oil-processing companies for two years of operation. The performance criteria were performance ratios, conversion ratios,... more
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El criterio vigente para enfrentar situaciones indeseadas es tomar decisiones en base a conceptos y paradigmas predefinidos, con lo que se “resuelve” un aspecto del problema, pero se genera fallas en otros aspectos, que devienen en... more
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      Troubleshootingindustrial data
Whereas product-oriented worked examples only present a problem solution, process-oriented worked examples additionally explain the rationale behind the presented solution. Given the importance of understanding this rationale for... more
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      PsychologyProblem SolvingCognitive LoadElectrical Circuit Theory
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      CodingComparative AnalysisCurriculum and PedagogySource Code
In this brief presentation, I use language associated with troubleshooting to articulate pedagogy as an ongoing project continually in need of maintenance, such as routine diagnostics checks, software updates, and occasional recalibrations.
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricPedagogyTeaching
Abstract Examines some of the reasons why the task of developing intelligent multimedia applications is so complex. The authors describe some ideas being explored in an effort to reduce the complexity of this software development task.... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceAnimation
Anecdotal and research evidences show that the Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS) development model has produced a paradigm shift in the way we develop, support, and distribute software. This shift is not only redefining the software... more
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      Information TechnologyComputer Science EducationEngineering EducationActive Learning
Capillary LC is one of the most powerful analytical tools available for separation scientists. Its unique analytical properties are associated with numerous technical issues that may cause operation of such systems to be somehow... more
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      Analytical ChemistryProteomicsNanotechnologySeparation Science
The OSI model, developed by ISO in 1984, attempts to summarize complicated network cases on layers. Moreover, network troubles are expressed by taking the model into account. However, there has been no standardization for network troubles... more
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      Computer NetworksComputer Networking and TelecommunicationComputer NetworkingComputer troubleshooting, Networking, Internet
This paper presents a theory of continuum mechanics for strongly orthotropic materials that proposes a more informative asymmetric strain and rotation tensor. The infinitesimal strain tensor and likewise, Green-Lagrange strains avoid this... more
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      MathematicsPublishingContinuum MechanicsAcademic research
find inconsistencies in the time reporting of a Tobii T60XL eye tracker. Their study raises important questions about the use of the Tobii T-series in particular, and various software and hardware in general, in different infant eye... more
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      PsychologyBiasInfancyReaction Time
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      Electrical EngineeringComputer EngineeringService QualityCalibration
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Protetive atmospheres are used in powder metallurgy to prevent oxidation and to reduce oxides, to control carbon contents of iron and iron alloys, and to flush volatilized lubrificants from the furnace. Another important function of the... more
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      AtmosphereOxidationTroubleshootingdew point
Diagnose and solve your PC problems with this easy-to-understand guideWritten by veteran For Dummies author Dan Gookin, this straightforward guide shows you how to diagnose and solve the most common hardware and software problems your PC... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceTroubleshooting