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This commentary is based upon the author's lecture given as the 2010 recipient of the award named in honor of Drs. Joseph V. Brady and Charles R. Schuster, given by the Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse Division (Division 28) of the... more
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      AddictionRegulationNicotineBehavioral Pharmacology
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared novel coronavirus (COVID-19) as a worldwide pandemic that has caused in high number of deaths in many countries and across national boundaries. In its early stage, governments all over the... more
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      International LawHuman RightsPolitical ScienceGlobal Health
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      NATOPolitical ScienceEuropean Security and Defence PolicyNATO-Russian Relations
In comparative regional integration (RI) analysis, the European Union’s (EU) advancing of its own experience as a model is a significant problem. This article explores this problem by focusing on comparative aspects of RI in the EU and... more
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      RegionalismRegional IntegrationTreatyInstitutionalization
Have investment treaty arbitrators responded to the so-called 'legitimacy crisis' that has beleaguered the international investment regime in the past decade? There are strong rational choice and discursive-based reasons for thinking that... more
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      LawInternational RelationsLegitimacy and AuthorityEuropean Law
Öz Osmanlı Devleti’nin Diplomasi alanındaki serencamını siyâsî serüveninden ayrı düşünmek mümkün değildir. Nasıl ki siyasi serüveni kendine has bir mecrada seyretmiştir diplomasi alanındaki gelişimi de aynı şekilde kendine özgü olmuştur.... more
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ABSTRACT Since Non-proliferation treaty has entered into force, in many occasions it faces numerous issues regarding it is application and that is because of the shortage and flaw that NPT has, thus the lacks of NPT may allow... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawPolitical ScienceNuclear Non-Proliferation Policy
Artikkel käsitleb rahvusvahelisi suhteid Esimese maailmasõja järel, keskendudes 1920. aastal Nõukogude Venemaa ja Eesti Vabariigi vahel sõlmitud Tartu rahulepingule, mis tähistas iseseisva Eesti riigi sündi. Tegemist oli esimese leppega,... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceTreatyConciliation
In this ar tic le the aut hor exa mi nes de ci si ons ren de red by the UN-CI TRAL ar bi tral tri bu nal in an in vest ment ca se Ac hmea v. Slo va kia and jud gment of the Eu ro pean Co urt of Ju sti ce re gar ding the com pa ti bi lity... more
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      LawPolitical SciencePublic International LawInternational Investment Law
It is now standard in contemporary international law commentary to note that the latter part of the twentieth century has seen a move away from the traditional understanding of international law as fundamentally based on the consent of... more
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... 87–108 ERIC PHILIPPART Centre Facultaire de Recherches Internationales – Université Libre de Bruxelles and GEOFFREY EDWARDS Centre of International Studies, University of Cambridge ... Blackwell Publishers Ltd 1999 ERIC PHILIPPART AND... more
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      SociologyLawEuropean integrationPolitical Science
Is it strategically wise for the USA to stretch its protective umbrella over small nations in Eastern Europe? Prominent critics have faulted US allies for acting recklessly and free-riding on US security guarantees. The evidence presented... more
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      GeopoliticsPolitical ScienceChinaTransatlantic studies
In this essay, we examine empirically whether the revised draft of the business and human rights (BHR) treaty is a normative advance on the existing jungle of global instruments. Since the 1970s, almost one hundred global corporate social... more
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      International RelationsCorporate Social ResponsibilityInternational LawPolitical Science
Contributors List of Abbreviations PART I Chapter 1: Overview, Jonathan Todres, Mark E. Wojcik & Cris R. Revaz Chapter 2: An Introduction to the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, Cris R. Revaz Chapter 3: Analyzing the Opposition... more
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      LawHuman Rights LawInternational LawPolitical Science
Non-governmental organizations have been playing an important role in global scenario. The growth of the number of NGOs shows that their importance, influence, representativeness and participation in the international community is... more
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      Political ScienceTreatyEcsa
Afghanistan is a land-locked country that depends on its neighboring countries to transit essential commodities. Iran, for its proximity and access to the high seas, seems to have the most economical route to meet Afghanistan’s needs.... more
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      EngineeringPlasma PhysicsOncologyRadiology
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      InternationalHong KongInformationTax
Hong Kong recently implemented the necessary changes to the domestic legislative to enable it to adopt the expanded exchange of information provisions based on the 2004 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) model... more
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