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Introduction: Traditional Leaders are known to be relevant stakeholders as they demonstrate remarkable authority through which political and religious leaders reach out to the members of a given community. Traditional Leaders resolve... more
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      AdvocacyTraditional LeadershipCaregiversMEASLES VACCINATION
Hybridity conveys the idea of the interweaving of practices, norms and identities that defy any compartmentalisation into fundamentally bounded entities. This results from processes of hybridisation whereby actors cross boundaries that... more
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      HybridityMozambiqueJusticeTraditional Leadership
African royalty, referred to as ‘traditional leadership’ in South Africa, evolved over centuries in Africa amidst the ravages and pillage of colonialism and apartheid through the strategies of indirect rule and divide-conquer-and-rule.... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesAfrican HistoryDemocratizationColonial Administration
The chieftaincy institution is a revered institution and as such attempts have been made to maintain its sanctity. However, over the years, the institution has been fraught with disputes thereby bringing its image into disrepute. The... more
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    • Traditional Leadership
Whereas the belief that political parties are necessary elements of democracy is widespread in political science, it is in fact empirically false. Six small Pacific island democracies function without parties, and several explanations for... more
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      Political PartiesDemocracyPalauTraditional Leadership
In South Africa, proposals for mining are becoming increasingly situated in rural areas, with communities impacted negatively by local resource extraction due to environmental and social impacts. Unfortunately, traditional leadership... more
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      Indigenous StudiesDemocracyMiningTraditional Leadership
This document will show the definition, characterictics and examples of a traditional leader
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      LeadershipTraditional LeadershipTraditional Methods
There are various levels of traditional leaders in Zimbabwe. Traditional chiefs and headmen are the commonest ones, but only the chiefs will be discussed in this paper since headmen have very little, if anything, to do with local... more
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      Local GovernmentTraditional Leadership
The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore a phenomenon concerning why organizational leaders have transitioned from academically recommended leadership theories to their own non-traditional leadership practices. Existing... more
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      LeadershipChange LeadershipLeadership and MentoringTransformational Leadership
Raghnhild Louise Muriaas, Vibeke Wang, Lindsay J. Benstead, Boniface Dulani, and Lise Rakner. “Why Campaigns to Stop Child Marriage Can Backfire.” The Washington Post Monkey Cage, December 13, 2018.... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderInternational DevelopmentHuman Rights
The main thrust of this investigation was to explore the roles played by the traditional leadership in conflict resolution and peace building in the rural communities in Zimbabwe. The study investigated the gaps in the execution of the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesGovernanceConflict ResolutionTraditional Leadership
D espite constitutional provisions for traditional leadership in South Africa, traditional leaders have not been clearly recognised since the advent of democracy in 1994. Yet centuries ago, this type of leadership served as part of the... more
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      Public AdministrationLeadershipLocal GovernmentGender
Presentation of paper presented at the West African Peace and Security Network Symposium 2018, Bamako, Mali. 4-5 May 2018.
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesInternational LawAfricaMediation
This article discusses traditional leadership laws that entrench the 'tribal' boundaries which make up the former homelands, and recent policies that foreclose landownership for the majority of rural people. I argue that these laws and... more
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      Customary LawTraditional LeadershipBantustansTribal Homelands
The main thrust of this investigation was to explore the roles played by the traditional leadership in conflict resolution and peace building in the rural communities in Zimbabwe. The study investigated the gaps in the execution of the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical ScienceGovernanceConflict Resolution
The intent of the study is to investigate and analyse the impact of the Commission on Traditional Leadership Disputes and Claims to the rural communities in South Africa. The authors opine that the issue of traditional leadership has been... more
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    • Traditional Leadership
Active citizenship and participatory community-development approaches have evolved partly in response to perceived aid-dependency among rural communities. In Solomon Islands these methods have met with mixed success. This article reflects... more
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      AnthropologyComparative PoliticsSocial AnthropologyDevelopment Studies
Decentralisation facilitates participation and helps deepen democracy. Nevertheless, it has been confronted with diverse challenges in Lesotho. First, the process has not succeeded to improve participation relative to the traditional... more
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      Public AdministrationDevelopment StudiesLocal GovernmentParticipation
The role of traditional authorities, particularly traditional leadership in the democratic South Africa (1994-2013) seems to be a complex and multifaceted process. When the African National Congress (ANC) came into power in May 1994, the... more
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    • Traditional Leadership
This article presents an analysis of the recently published Draft Traditional Affairs Bill, 2013 and, in particular, clause 25 thereof. Clause 25 (‘[a]llocation of roles…’) contemplates something akin to the delegation of legislative... more
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      Constitutional LawPublic International LawCustomary LawAdministrative Law
The main thrust of this investigation was to explore the roles played by the traditional leadership in conflict resolution and peace building in the rural communities in Zimbabwe. The study investigated the gaps in the execution of the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesGovernanceConflict ResolutionTraditional Leadership
Since the breakdown of the Suharto regime in 1998 and the passing of a new autonomy law in 1999, we can observe trends to revive local traditions all over Indonesia. In parallel, a bloody conflict was fought out in the Moluccas in Eastern... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyConflict
Traditional authorities play an important role in South Africa. Not everyone is, however, prepared to recognise them as role players. In government circles, on the one hand, a tendency exists to marginalise the role of traditional leaders... more
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      Customary LawTraditional Leadership
Traditional authorities p lay an important role in South Africa. N ot everyone is, however, prep a red to recognise them as role players. In governm ent circles, on the one hand, a tendency exists to marginalise the role o f traditional... more
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    • Traditional Leadership
Since 2001 a decentralization policy has increased the responsibility placed on local government for improving child health in Indonesia. This paper explores local government and community leaders’ perspectives on child health in a rural... more
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      Child healthLocal Government and Local DevelopmentIndonesiaMidwifery
This article makes an assessment of policy initiatives on traditional leadership to promote electoral democracy in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia in order to provide intervention mechanisms. In Southern Africa reports of abuse of the... more
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      Traditional LeadershipElectoral democracy
In 2007, village kings from all over the Moluccan province gathered in Ambon city and founded a pan-Moluccan raja forum called Majelis Latupati Maluku (MLM). The association is meant to unite traditional leadership, re-integrate Moluccan... more
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      HistoryAnthropologySocial AnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Development StudiesTraditional Leadership
The main thrust of this investigation was to explore the roles played by the traditional leadership in conflict resolution and peace building in the rural communities in Zimbabwe. The study investigated the gaps in the execution of the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical ScienceGovernanceConflict Resolution
Traditional leadership often coexists with modern political institutions, yet we know little about how traditional and state authority cues—or those from male or female sources—affect public support for human rights issues. Using an... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HealthWomen's RightsWomen and the Law
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      DemocratisationEast TimorTimor-LesteTraditional Leadership
Decentralisation facilitates participation and helps deepen democracy. Nevertheless, it has been confronted with diverse challenges in Lesotho. First, the process has not succeeded to improve participation relative to the traditional... more
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      Public AdministrationDevelopment StudiesLocal GovernmentParticipation
The legal framework for South Africa’s democracy is provided by the widely lauded Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (‘the Constitution’), which was adopted in the context of deep racial inequality and injustice that were... more
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      AccountabilityCustomary LawCitizenshipTraditional Leadership
Raghnhild Louise Muriaas, Vibeke Wang, Lindsay J. Benstead, Boniface Dulani, and Lise Rakner. “Why Campaigns to Stop Child Marriage Can Backfire.” The Washington Post Monkey Cage, December 13, 2018.... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderInternational DevelopmentHuman Rights
Conference programme
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      South African Politics and SocietyDemocratizationTraditional LeadershipDemodernization
(BA LLB (Pret) LLM LLD (Unisa)). 1 Much has been written about this period in the history of colonial Natal and Zululand. The following materials were consulted regarding the general background: The Court of the Special Commissioners for... more
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      SociologyTraditional Leadership
The main thrust of this investigation was to explore the roles played by the traditional leadership in conflict resolution and peace building in the rural communities in Zimbabwe. The study investigated the gaps in the execution of the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical ScienceGovernanceConflict Resolution
Traditional approaches for understanding environmental governance — such as environmental policy analysis or natural resources management — do not adequately address the gamut of human–natural system interactions within the context of the... more
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      African StudiesClimate Change AdaptationEnvironmental StudiesAfrica
One of the most violent conflicts of the post-Suharto era took place in the Moluccas, Eastern Indonesia, from 1999 until 2003. Due to a strategic mobilisation process, it was mainly fought out between Christians and Muslims. After the... more
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      SociologyAnthropologySocial AnthropologyPeace and Conflict Studies
The author uses the expression "official disinterest" to describe the kingdom of Buganda's attitude of indifference towards most of the temples that preserve the relics of past kings. Even though the kingdom promoted protects that have... more
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      Cultural HeritageUgandaCultural Heritage ManagementTraditional Leadership
For citations: Валиева Е. Г. Современное положение традиционных лидеров нгони: опыт кросс-культурного исследования // Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. Востоковедение и африканистика. 2019. Т. 11. Вып. 4. С. 542-565.... more
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      Public Opinion ResearchSub-Saharan AfricaTraditional LeadershipEthnicity and National Identity
This chapter details how the law has been used to entrench structural inequality in post-apartheid South Africa. I argue that laws analysed here advance the interests of a small elite at the expense of the property and citizenship rights... more
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      Land LawMiningTraditional Leadership
The chieftaincy institution is a revered institution and as such attempts have been made to maintain its sanctity. However, over the years, the institution has been fraught with disputes thereby bringing its image into disrepute. The... more
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      Political ScienceTraditional Leadership
Abstract In South Africa, proposals for mining are becoming increasingly situated in rural areas, with communities impacted negatively by local resource extraction due to environmental and social impacts. Unfortunately, traditional... more
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      Indigenous StudiesPolitical ScienceDemocracyMining
Этническая общность нгони, возникшая в результате миграции из Южной Африки небольшой группы людей в период Мфекане (1810-1830-е гг.) представляет значительный интерес для исследования феномена этнической самоидентификации. Таких... more
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      Public Opinion ResearchTraditional Leadership
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      Legal PluralismRights of Indigenous PeoplesTraditional LeadershipCommunal land ownership
... 10.1080/18186870902840358 Mashupye Herbert Maserumule Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa [email protected] Shadrack BO Gutto University of South Africa [email protected] Abstract Good ...
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      LeadershipGovernanceAfricanTraditional Leadership
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      AnthropologyPolitical AnthropologyCameroonDemocratisation
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      DemocracyTraditional LeadershipPatronage