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Токенизация и блокчейн в сфере искусства Андрей Ханов 16:40, 19 марта 2021 103 В качестве краткого высказывания о современной «токенизации картин»-приведу (это будет смена контекста)-высказывание одного знакомого физика: «И, что мне... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophy of MindArt TheoryTokenization
Free Download here: Smart contracts promise a world without intermediaries. However, that promise has quickly proved elusive, including in the context of Initial Coin Offerings... more
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      Corporate LawSecurities LawTokenizationGatekeepers
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      Cognitive ScienceComputer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingComputational Linguistics
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      Database SystemsData WarehousingData WarehouseTokenization
There has been an emerging trend of a vast number of chat applications which are present in the recent years to help people to connect with each other across different mediums, like Hike, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. The proposed... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingNetworkingNamed Entity RecognitionDictionary
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      Digital CultureMetaverseEstoniaDecentralized Cooperation
A medida que blockchain se introduce en el modelo de negocio de las corporaciones se crean ecosistemas de empresas internacionalizados desde el origen. Estos ecosistemas transfronterizos se denominan metaversos cuando incorporan realidad... more
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      MetaverseNegocios InternacionalesTokenizationBlockchain
In the web, amount of operational data has been increasing exponentially from past few decades, the expectations of data-user is changing proportionally as well. The data-user expects more deep, exact, and detailed results. Retrieval of... more
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      TokenizationStemmingInformation Retrieval (IR)
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      Information RetrievalNatural Language ProcessingInformation ManagementMachine Learning
The mobile digital wallet has been revolving around the world. However, factors are influencing the adoption and use of a mobile wallet. The purpose of the qualitative phenomenological study was to examine the perceptions of the use of... more
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      NVivoTokenizationMobile PaymentThreats
Asset tokenization refers to the usage of digital tokens to indicate asset ownership. These assets could range from real estate, fine art, and jewelry to smart contracts on a blockchain (to handle these ownership rights). Asset... more
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    • Tokenization
The potential implications of blockchain technology have turned into a highly popular stream of research topics among scholars in many business-related communities, such as supply chain management, marketing, finance, tourism, and, quite... more
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      Token EconomyTokenizationTokenBlockchain
The emerging field of token engineering aims to open “economy itself as design space,” using blockchains and other distributed ledger and smart contract tech- nologies in combination with game theory and behavioral economics. This paper... more
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      Sociology Of MarketsGame TheoryMateriality (Anthropology)Anthropology of Finance
Schloss-Post, Issue N.6 - Rethinking Affordance - Oct. 1, 2018
Available at:
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      Affordance TheoryTokenizationBlockchainsArt and Blockchain Technology
Sign Language Translation (SLT) first uses a Sign Language Recognition (SLR) system to extract sign language glosses from videos. Then, a translation system generates spoken language translations from the sign language glosses. Though SLT... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceComputer VisionNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
Text mining is the process of extracting interesting and non-trivial knowledge or information from unstructured text data. Text mining is the multidisciplinary field which draws on data mining, machine learning, information retrieval,... more
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      Mining EngineeringMachine LearningData MiningClassification (Machine Learning)
The development of information technology is very rapid, resulting in an overflow of data. The amount of data can be used to obtain information needed by the user. The problem is, not all information can be found easily, especially very... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingNamed Entity RecognitionQuestion Answering SystemTokenization
The problem of implementing modern technologies into the electric power industry is quite relevant in the world. The article considers the models of decentralized platforms providing services for energy distribution and trade, their main... more
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      TokenizationSmart EnergyBlockchainBlockchain Technologies
Twenty-one pieces of cryptoart by Dmitry Borshch will be shown next month in two physical locations at Skolkovo. This innovation center hosts PimPay and Elfin, startups that provided high-resolution displays, big enough to display the... more
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      Russian & Soviet ArtRussian ArtJewish ArtistsArt of Russian Emigration
La tecnología blockchain ha supuesto una profunda transformación de los más diversos ámbitos socio-económicos. En este breve artículo analizamos el impacto de la tecnología de registro distribuido en la industria cultural, en los modelos... more
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O mercado imobiliário é um de principais setores da macroeconomia brasileira, influenciando, diretamente, os índices de inflação e taxas de juros. Entretanto, ainda que o setor seja de reconhecível importância, a realidade que... more
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      Real EstateReal Estate EconomicsDireitoCrowdfunding
Peer review is a necessary and essential quality control step for scientific publications but lacks proper incentives. Indeed, the process, which is very costly in terms of time and intellectual investment, not only is not remunerated by... more
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      Mechanism DesignCryptographyPeer ReviewToken Economy
Sentence word segmentation and Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging are common preprocessing tasks for many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. This paper presents a practical application for POS tagging and segmentation... more
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      Hidden Markov ModelsTokenizationLattices
Presentación realizada en la Asociación de Escribanos del Uruguay en la Comisión de Jóvenes Nóveles.
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      Token EconomyTokenizationBitcoinCryptocurrency
Este trabajo presenta diversas propuestas para la regulación del alojamiento colaborativo, considerando el necesario distanciamiento social del COVID-19 como una oportunidad. Para ello, se emplean soluciones existentes en el Derecho... more
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      Civil LawContract LawHousingInternet of Things
With the enormous growth of the World Wide Web, search engines play a critical role in retrieving information from the borderless Web. Although many search engines are available for the major languages, but they are not much proficient... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation RetrievalWeb searchSearch Engines
We present a novel method (“waste”) for the segmentation of text into tokens and sentences. Our approach makes use of a Hidden Markov Model for the detection of segment boundaries. Model parameters can be estimated from pre-segmented text... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsAnnotation
The President of the United States, Donald Trump, signed an Executive Order December 11, 2019 allegedly to reduce discrimination toward Jewish people, particularly on college and university campuses. A primary condition of Liberation is... more
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      ReligionAmerican HistoryJewish StudiesRace and Racism
Email has become an important means of electronic communication but the viability of its usage is marred by Un-solicited Bulk Email (UBE) messages. UBE poses technical and socio-economic challenges to usage of emails. Besides, the... more
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      Machine LearningClassification (Machine Learning)Clustering and Classification MethodsApplications of Machine Learning
Through this research the problem of Sindhi Word Segmentation has been addressed and various techniques have been discussed to solve this problem. Word Segmentation is the preliminary phase involved in any tool based on Natural Language... more
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      Computer ScienceComputational LinguisticsTokenizationSindhi Linguistics
Technological innovations are creating new products, services, and markets that satisfy enduring consumer needs. These technological innovations create value for consumers and firms in many ways, but they also disrupt psychological... more
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      Psychological ownershipTokenizationBitcoinSharing Economy
Text mining is the process of extracting interesting and non-trivial knowledge or information from unstructured text data. Text mining is the multidisciplinary field which draws on data mining, machine learning, information retrieval,... more
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningData MiningComputational Linguistics
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      Question Answering SystemSearch EngineTokenizationQuestion Answering
Resumen En este art culo se describe el sistema ERIAL, llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto del mismo nombre, para Recuperaci on de Informaci on. Tras una primera descripci on externa del proyecto (Secci on 1), se presenta el entorno... more
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      Information RetrievalPhilosophySpanishNatural Language Processing
Digital reviews now play a critical role in strengthening global consumer communications and influencing consumer purchasing patterns. Consumers can use ecommerce giants like Amazon, Flipkart, and others to share their experiences and... more
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      Sentiment AnalysisFeature SelectionClassificationProduct Reviews
En 2019 escribí mi texto La lucha contra el huachicol digital, el cual observaba el ataque hacia suscriptores de redes sociales que ganaban dinero a través de las mismas sin pagarles cuotas. Este modelo, identificado por mi como... more
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The Internet is probably the most successful distributed computing system ever. However, our capabilities for data querying and manipulation on the internet are primordial at best. The user expectations are enhancing over the period of... more
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      TokenizationStemmingPre-ProcessingInformation Retrieval (IR)
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      Real EstateToken EconomyTokenizationMercado de Capitais
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      NLPArabic LanguageTokenizationDecision Tree
In recent years, there has been an exponential growth within the number of complex documents and texts. It requires a deeper understanding of machine learning methods to be ready to accurately classify texts in many applications.... more
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      TokenizationFood Processing and PreservationShort Text ClassificationWord Embedding
We present a novel method ("waste") for the segmentation of text into tokens and sentences. Our approach makes use of a Hidden Markov Model for the detection of segment boundaries. Model parameters can be estimated from pre-segmented text... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsAnnotationTokenization
There has been an emerging trend of a vast number of chat applications which are present in the recent years to help people to connect with each other across different mediums, like Hike, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. The proposed... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingNetworkingNamed Entity Recognition
We consider a set of natural language processing techniques based on finite-state technology that can be used to analyze huge amounts of texts. These techniques include an advanced tokenizer, a part-of-speech tagger that can manage... more
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      Information RetrievalNatural Language ProcessingMorphologyParsing
Structured Query Language (SQL) Injection is a code injection technique that exploits security vulnerability occurring in database layer of web applications [8]. According to Open Web Application Security Projects (OWASP), SQL Injection... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation SecurityDatabase SystemsComputer Security
In software development process, coping of existing code fragment and pasting them with or without modification may be a frequent process. Clone means copy of an ingenious form or duplicate. Software clone detection is vital to scale back... more
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      LexicologyTokenizationMalware Detection TechniquesHashing algorithm
Qué es TOKENIZACIÓN La Tokenización es una de las características más disruptiva y transformadora de la era Blockchain, que permite una mayor eficacia del mercado y donde las personas pueden operar el valor de los bienes de acuerdo a la... more
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      Token EconomyTokenizationTokenism
The mobile digital wallet has been revolving around the world. However, factors are influencing the adoption and use of a mobile wallet. The purpose of the qualitative phenomenological study was to examine the perceptions of the use of... more
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      NVivoTokenizationMobile PaymentThreats