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Der Predigtentwurf zu 1Petr 5,1–4 reflektiert die zugrundeliegenden exegetisch-hermeneutischen, systematisch-theologischen und homiletischen Entscheidungen. Der Aufbau der Arbeit folgt dem „Stufenmodell der Predigtvorbereitung“ bei... more
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      HomileticsThe First letter of Peter
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      Spiritual GiftsThe First letter of Peter
Durante mucho tiempo, el centro de atencion en los estudios dela primera carta de Pedro fue la estrategia propuesta por el autor a sus destinatariospara que, sin renunciar a su fe, superaran la hostilidad de la queeran victimas. El... more
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      Catholic EpistlesNew Testament and Christian OriginsApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersFirst Peter
This study examines the perceptions of Christians within the most important socio-political milieus in today’s Turkey. Methodically it undertakes a qualitative content analysis of five Turkish daily newspapers. First a retrospect depicts... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesModern TurkeyMedia in TurkeyHistory of Middle Eastern Christianity and Minorities
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      Greek LiteraturePapyrologyGreek LanguageNew Testament
When looked at from the modern reader’s perspective, the “Marriage Table”, which is one of the elements of the so-called Haustafeln (household codes), is a quite difficult passage. This is more so since there are a few of them in the New... more
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      Domestic ViolenceNew TestamentSlaveryPauline Literature
In Turkey, we find a remarkable degree of prejudice against Christians. Opinion formers of the nationalistic and the Islamist ideologies use and deepen the existing prejudice to define Christian identity in a way that may lead to more... more
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      Muslim Converts / Reverts (Sociology)Religious PersecutionPersecution of ChristiansChristians In Turkey
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      IntertextualityBook of GenesisOT in the NTFirst Peter
El presente artículo tiene por objeto examinar de modo introductorio el significado del término diáspora en la primera carta de Pedro, y a la vez, ofrecer al lector perspectivas de análisis que enriquezcan la comprensión del mensaje de la... more
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      New Testament and Christian OriginsApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersNew Testament StudiesFirst Peter
Resumen: El presente artículo examina la Primera carta de Pedro a partir de la perspectiva que el documento La sinodalidad en la vida y en la misión de la Iglesia ofrece acerca de la sinodalidad y sus dinamismos. A partir de un análisis... more
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      sinodalidadThe First letter of PeterSinodality
In 1 Pt 2:4-10 the community of Christian believers is exposed as a group that is integrated like a family. The disciples of Jesus believe in the same values and live them amidst the world that is strange and hostile. The instructions of... more
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      EcclesiologyChristian SpiritualityEcclesiology & ChristologyThe First letter of Peter
Lo studio enuclea all'interno della Prima Lettera di Pietro il nesso intercorrente tra la testimonianza ecclesiale e la memoria creativa di Cristo crocifisso e risorto, o - detto con le parole di Papa Benedetto XVI - tra... more
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      TheologyEarly ChristianityBiblical StudiesBaptism