Text and Music
Recent papers in Text and Music
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
The principle question concerning the setting of any text to music is: What does the music actually do to the text? How does it change or transform it? The answer is twofold: first, music provides increased expressivity, and second, it... more
Il saggio discute il problema ritmico della lauda duecentesca italiana, alla luce di nuove considerazioni paleografiche, filologiche e di contesto. Attraverso la considerazione del ritmo e del metro dei testi, di pattern ritmico-musicali... more
Statistically the most performed and listened to contemporary composer in the world, Arvo Pärt is a musical and cultural phenomenon. This book is an essential resource for anyone interested in his extraordinarily innovative and uniquely... more
Alltägliche und ästhetische Kommunikationsprozesse, insbesondere die heutigen, zeichnen sich durch den Einsatz unterschiedlicher Ausdrucksmittel aus: In Filmen, Opern, Comics, Werbekommunikaten u. v. m. interagieren die sprachlichen... more
Den Danske Salmebog er kendetegnet af mange tekster af høj litterær kvalitet og teologisk dybde og er domineret af fremstående digterpræster fra flere perioder. To af disse, Thomas Kingo (1634 – 1703) og Hans Adolf Brorson (1694 –... more
Given the importance of text to the analysis of many musical works, it is worth thinking about the methods we use when examining the text’s connection to the music. A preliminary analysis comparing separate settings of the same text seems... more
This article examines the representation of Cold War Berlin in Emine Sevgi Özdamar’s novel Seltsame Sterne starren zur Erde (2003), paying particular attention to the unique role played by sound within this text. Specifically, it is... more
Performance production types are performative behaviours formed by its space, performer's quality and reproduction at every turn. When trying to analyze music through analytical approaches, such as what music represents as a text, what it... more
A post-modern concept of intertextuality allows for re-contextualization and re-interpretation of familiar and unfamiliar music, thus offering intriguing structural and semantic insights, otherwise unapparent. This article focuses on two... more
La discussion qui oppose Eschyle à Euripide, dans les Grenouilles d'Aristophane, n'est pas seulement littéraire : sur près de 120 vers, Aristophane passe au crible la musique des deux compositeurs, depuis leurs sources d'inspiration... more
The poet and the music: 120 years of Tchernichovsky and music.
Survey and interpretation of music set to the poetry of Tchernichovsky.
Survey and interpretation of music set to the poetry of Tchernichovsky.
Secondo H. Spanke i generi eterostrofici (o meglio eteromodulari) romanzi come il lai lirico e il descort presuppongono un ‘primato’ della musica, nel senso che la struttura musicale sembra essere preordinata a quella metrica, e dunque un... more
Selon une opinion communément répandue, il ne faut pas traduire les noms propres puisque des entités s’appellent toujours de la même façon dans toutes les langues. Cette thèse a été abrogée par de récentes études qui ont ouvert de... more
Dante's explanation of the final part of the canzone, which he calls ‘tornata’ (Convivio, II, xi, paras. 2–3), as a formal return that includes metrical and musical components casts fresh light on the poetic motive of return used in some... more
O trabalho versa sobre as relações entre texto poético e texto musical, na obra "Um Olhar sobre a Morte" (1991) de Rita Domingues (n.1963) para duo de contrabaixo e mezzo-soprano.
Abstract: The following article sought to determine which were the implications of the junction between text and music and in which way it dictated, determined or aided the compositional process of a large-sized atonal and athematic... more
Данная статья посвящена исследованию музыкально-поэтических отношений в песенном корпусе Треченто. В основе моего аналитического подхода лежит описанный Антонио да Темпо феномен equivocus («эквивокации»), который я экстраполирую, с одной... more
The recent loss of composer Robert Ashley (1930–2014) prompted in some of us a grab-bag of reflections – private but perhaps peculiarly shareable. My first encounter with Ashley's music was when I was working in college radio in Chicago.... more
Participating as an underlying presence throughout the composition process, a text can provide several elements, both semantic and structural, capable of informing a correlative musical work, through the use of encoding and enciphering... more
This article explores the topos of transformation/metamorphosis and its role in creating unusually fluid and ambiguous scenarios of musico-textual behaviour in Trecento and Quattrocento song. Examining Paolo da Firenze’s ballata Lena,... more
https://www.conservatoriocilea.it/index.php/produzione-e-ricerca-h/3060-pubblicazioni-on-line-3 (conference proceedings)
The importance of text in musical composition and pratical consequences of text understanding to musicians
This article explores Hugo von Hofmannsthal's and Richard Strauss's treatments of Sophocles' Electra and uses them to shed new light on the original play. Rather than presenting a holistic account, the paper focuses on a set of techniques... more
In 1960s pop/rock, the end of a prechorus often uses text, breakaway from harmonic loops, hyper-meter, or a change of melody to heighten expectation for tonic harmony and create structural closure. Songs harness this heightened... more
This paper presents some possible interpretations concerning the conception of Leonard Bernstein’s Third Symphony Kaddish and the composer’s intentions in writing the piece. The views are based on aspects of the composer’s background and... more
I dette forstudiet til "Music Reading Poetry" viser jeg hvordan den musikalske resepsjonen av Hölderlin kan deles i to hovedperioder, og at dette tidsskillet etableres gjennom et paradigmeskifte på 1960-tallet. Jeg har tatt for meg... more
Conversation with Thomas Gartmann (Bern University of Applied Sciences) on Michel Roth's opera "Im Bau" (2012, Lucerne Festival/Theater Basel/Barcelona a.o.) for mezzo soprano, ensemble and live-electronics after a fragment by Franz... more
La distinzione tra generi e registri poetici o formali è di nodale importanza per la definizione del rapporto tra poesia e musica nelle diverse tradizioni di lirica romanza. Il proposito teorico è illustrato tramite esempi da tre ambiti... more
Did Bach draw up a detailed ground plan when composing church cantatas, stipulating the number of bars in the work, and did it bear any relationship to the numerical value of the biblical text? In ...
My contribution consists of an original musical work on Madame Bovary and the following text that is a description of the ideas behind the composition. The link between text and music dates back to the History of humankind and it always... more
Med begrepet ”close listening”, eller nærlytting, har jeg her villet omtale en side av kunstsangen som ikke fanges inn i bildet av tonesetting som ”lesning”. Edward Cone, Roland Barthes og Michel Poizat har alle svært særegne ideer om... more
https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01803498v2 (ARTÍCULO COMPLETO DESCARGABLE — versión sin las erratas del impreso) RÉSUMÉ : On ne conserve que deux exemplaires imprimés (BNE, HSA) et aucun manuscrit du curieux panégyrique de 1681... more
La discussion qui oppose Eschyle a Euripide, dans les Grenouilles d'Aristophane, n'est pas seulement litteraire : sur pres de 120 vers, Aristophane passe au crible la musique des deux compositeurs, depuis leurs sources... more
In this paper, I intend to show that there is a crucial difference between the musical tradition of the madrigal and its poetic practice. In the Iberian case, the conditions of their encounter are scarce and specific. And the... more
Did Bach draw up a detailed ground plan when composing church cantatas, stipulating the number of bars in the work, and did it bear any relationship to the numerical value of the biblical text? In Bach and the Riddle of the Number... more