Recent papers in Telos
TELOS no comparte necesariamente las opiniones vertidas en los artículos firmados, que expresan, como es obvio, la posición de sus autores. La Revista TELOS está incluida en los índices internacionales y nacionales, Latindex, E-Revistas y... more
This research attempts to analyze the relevance that the knowledge and effective handling of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers as a strategy for communications both for individuals and for organizations; basing it’s importance on... more
La investigacion tiene sentido en la practica social generando una relacion de interdependencia entre ellas, circulando suficiente produccion intelectual para generar riqueza en el marco de una relacion justa y equilibrada. Estas premisas... more
Frente a la ausencia de un impulso coordinado de empresas y profesionales, el periodismo de precisión va creciendo gradualmente en España. Se precisa, sin embargo, de una mayor metodología y de programas de rastreo informático.
In questo lavoro di tesi ho provato ad esporre lo scontro tra giustizia e moralità, le loro difficoltà di convivenza, nonché le differenti interpretazioni che filosofi e intellettuali hanno attribuito alla diatriba. L’idea è nata nello... more
Esta nota trata sobre las escalas de medicion en estadistica y la necesidad de su estudio. La estadistica forma parte de nuestra vida cotidiana. Es comun hablar de estadisticas referentes a multiples hechos: el precio del dolar, el precio... more
Analisi del film La finestra sul cortile - Rear window analysis
This study of Greek time before Aristotle’s philosophy starts with a commentary on his first text, the Protrepticus. We shall see two distinct forms of time emerge: one initiatory, circular and Platonic in inspiration, the other its... more
Another appraisal of Aristotle´s configuration of potentiality and actuality and the latter as a division between Entelecheia and Energeia may open up a new consideration of being and power. Through it, we may dispel Agamben´s... more
Page 1. Alasdair MacIntyre is one of the foremost critics of liberalism. As an alternative to the abstract utilitarianism and emotivist relativism of lib-eral moral theory, he has proposed virtue-ethics and tradition-constituted... more
Analisi del film Rashomon
Each of the elements has thus found its partisan, except earthearth has found no supporter.
Energy independence as the goal of EU energy policy encourages energy efficiency measures and renewable energy sources (RES) implementation. Photovoltaic (PV) plants represent the usual technical solution when... more
Hegel arrived injena early in 1801, freed from his tutorial duties by the inheritance he received upon the death of his father. There he aided Schelling in the editing of the Critical Journal of Philosophy, won a post at the university,... more
El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar la influencia de los mapas conceptuales en lo afectivo-valorativo del estudiante para aprender Biología. Las teorías que sirvieron de apoyo las fueron Díaz y Hernández (2007), Novak... more
The Dialectic of Synthesis
As a result of the Cartesian dichotomy of external reality and the inner mind, the physical body has no end purpose, or telos, within the modern West. Postmodern philosophy sees the body as irrelevant when one’s identity is grounded in... more
El concepto de Negocios Inclusivos (NI) con la Base de la Pirámide (BDP) ha sido formulado para describir y sistematizar un conjunto de experiencias surgidas en los años 2000, orientadas a generar inclusión social mediante la creación de... more
En este artículo se analizan algunas de las implicaciones que tienen las prácticas de triaje para la ética de desastres. Se considera la centralidad técnica de la cuantificación en los modelos algorítmicos y numéricos de triaje y se... more
partially translated byT.M. Knox and Z.A. Pelczynski, eds., Hegel's Political Writings (Oxford, 1964). Knox has subsequently translated the natural law essay and the System der Sittlichheit. Both will be discussed in the sequel to this... more
By way of a lecture and assesment ofHume's «On Suicide» (written in 1755-1757, posthumately published in 1777 edition ofthe withdrawn essays), a defense of the right to commit suicide or autonomotanasia is offered. Being translated this... more
La colección que presentamos es un reflejo que pretendemos fiel de dicha co~ondencia bolivarianadde -Eentham;-. -f'R~e3-EO )-(;o~g !te~-algunas de sus cartas, y para su publicación completa habrá que
Over the past five decades, anti-racism institutionalized itself within all democratic nations. Yet the movement also turned against itself by intellectualizing and politicizing itself among minorities actively engaged in a "radical... more
The night is far gone, the day is at hand. Let us then cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.
Nesrin ŞEVİK • Muharrem TOSUN • Öz Çalışmamızda modern çeviribilim kuramının ana kavramlarından olan "erek" kavramının etimolojisini inceleyeceğiz. Erekbilim (teleoloji) alanının merkez kavramı olan ve Aristoteles'in teleolojik... more
This chapter compares Western philosophical and scientific foundations with Buddhist philosophies on the topic of flourishing in nature. It argues that flourishing is good by querying the purpose of nature, the existence of God and the... more
Plato's Symposium contains two accounts of eros which explicitly aim to reach a telos. The first is the technocratic account of the doctor Eryximachus, who seeks an exhaustive account of eros, common to all things with a physical nature.... more
Öz Çeviribilimde etkin bir rol oynayan Skopos kuramı çeviride erek odaklılı-ğı öne çıkaran bir kuram olmakla birlikte, kuramın bilimsel anlamda ağır-lık noktasını çeviride amacı öncelemesi oluşturmaktadır. Kuramın öncüsü olan Alman... more
In 'On the Political: Schmitt contra Schmitt', Arditi is occupied with the task of revitalising Schmitt, to open or retrace various interpretative paths that allow us use Schmitt in trajectories which he did not envisage or did not... more
Delivered at the Collège de France between January and March 1980, the lectures entitled On the Government of the Living (Du gouvernement des vivants) seem to be the missing piece in the Foucauldian puzzle. Still unpublished, those eleven... more
El instrumento más utilizado para realizar un análisis que permita extraer implicaciones estratégicas para el mejoramiento de las actividades es la Cadena de Valor, la cual identifica el valor para los clientes, fuente confiable de la... more
En este trabajo se muestra la evolución actual del sistema tecnocientífico (STC). Este sistema ha pasado de una perspectiva neutral a otra policontextural. En esta última la interpenetración intersistémica luhmanniana tiene gran... more
The following research analyzes, from a political and socio-semiotic perspective, some of the most important aspects of the Civil War by Marvel Comics, as an expression of the events of September 11, 2001, in the United States of America.... more
Resumen: Por lo general se piensa que los problemas económicos venezolanos solamente pueden ser descritos por la denominada síntesis neoclásica. Existió a finales del siglo XIX y el siglo XX una serie de aportes que desafiaron las ideas... more
El presente trabajo planteó analizar las funciones gerenciales de los centros de investigación de dos (2) instituciones públicas colombianas, constituidas por la Universidad de La Guajira y Del Magdalena. Para lo cual, se consultaron los... more
ÖZET Çeviribilim doğası gereği farklı disiplinlerle ilişki içinde olmak durumundadır. Kuramsal, kavramsal ve düşünsel yanını felsefeyle ilişkisinde, dilsel ve anlamsal yanını dilbilim ve hermeneutikle ilişkisinde, sosyal ve kültürel... more
... Whether this inspiration is drawn from Abbey's Road, The Monkey Wrench Gang, A Fool's Progress, Desert Solitaire, Good News, Down the River, Black Sun, or Hayduke Lives! ... 4 . Edward Abbey,Hayduke Lives! A Novel (Boston:... more