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The media are home to an eclectic bunch of people. This book is about who they are, what they do, and what their work means to them. Based on interviews with media professionals in the United States, New Zealand, South Africa, and The... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesPR and AdvertisingJournalism
Report produced by AHRC-funded research project ‘Calling the Shots: women and contemporary film culture in the UK, 2000-2015’ based at the University of Southampton. The source data for this report is the BFI’s Research and Statistical... more
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      ScreenwritingGender StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDirecting
Understanding visual communication has become ever more important in the visual culture of the 21st century. As Felten (2008) observed, "The centuries-long domination of text and word in cultural production, particularly in Western... more
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      Visual LiteracyTelevision and Film ProductionThe Handmaid's Tale
The editor seeks short essays (to be grouped into chapters) that describe the new fields of producing in today's shifting context of production, distribution and audiences. In a student-friendly style, the book discusses the skills and... more
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      Film StudiesTelevision StudiesFilm ProductionTelevision
This article argues that the Political Economy of Communication (PEC) has generally failed to develop theories of media production. Such theory as exists has been heavily influenced by accounts of mass production and flexible... more
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      Media StudiesMedia EconomicsCreative IndustriesFilm History
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      ScreenwritingScriptwritingScreenwriting and StoryboardingScreenplay Studies
The war that changed us, produced by Electric Pictures, directed by Don Featherstone, and co-written by Don Featherstone and Clare Wright, aired on ABC1 in July 2014. This essay reflects on the role of the professional historian in the... more
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      Australian HistoryDocumentary FilmTelevision and Film Production
The recent introduction of video streaming services into the Australian television industry has already had a significant impact on the local broadcast and subscription ecology. Undoubtedly, the sudden influx of foreign content and... more
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      Television StudiesTelevision ProductionDigital Content DistributionTelevision and Film Production
These essays all—in various ways—address the relationship between adaptation, “true events,” and cultural memory. They ask (and frequently answer) the question: how do we script stories about real events that are often still fresh in our... more
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      EthnographyVisual CultureScriptwritingAdaptation
"Focusing on the award winning costume designer Yves Barre’s work for The League of Gentlemen (BBC, 1999-2002), this article explores the role of the costume designer in television production. As a highly branded TV show by the authorial... more
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      Costume DesignTelevision and Film Production
This chapter provides a critical introduction to the finance and production of independent film and television production in the UK. Film, long considered entertainment rather than art, continues to suffer from low levels of public... more
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      Cultural PolicyFilm StudiesTelevision StudiesFilm History
From film to television to games and beyond, Storytelling Across Worlds gives you the tools to weave a narrative universe across multiple platforms and meet the insatiable demand of today’s audience for its favorite creative property. *... more
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      Game DesignVideo Game DesignTransmedial StorytellingTelevision
Good Girls is an original, comedy-crime drama created by Jenna Bans. It premiered on February 26th, 2018 on NBC as a mid-season entry. From publicly-available sources, I determined (1) the creator’s track record of success and (2) the... more
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      Television StudiesMass CommunicationContent AnalysisTelevision genres
This article explores what two regional film production companies in Norway do to survive and succeed with their goals. The production of feature films in Norway is largely an Oslo-based effort, but despite this reality, there are... more
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      Organizational CultureSocial CapitalRural EntrepreneurshipTelevision and Film Production
E-book completo disponível em: Esta é a primeira parte de um estudo em dois volumes apresentado por Maíra Bianchini, no qual a autora reflete sobre os desenvolvimentos históricos que... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesGlobal mediaU.S. Television Studies
Research on filmmaking outside urban centres tends to concentrate on regional development— researchers note that the cultural industries have a positive impact on tourism, place branding and the local economy (Hedling 2010). More... more
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      Place and IdentitySense of PlaceFilm and Media StudiesTelevision and Film Production
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Readers The Art and Craft of Motion Picture Editing by Michael Hoggan (ACE) might be tempted to begin at the end, rather than the beginning of this slim volume. That would be a good choice since the Appendix, "Film Production's Historical... more
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      Technology (Film Studies)Film ProductionTelevision ProductionTelevision and Film Production
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      Film StudiesFilm ProductionTelevision and Film Production
This textbook is about basic television production techniques. The book is written in simple language for graduate and postgraduate students covering topics related to photography, video camera handling, sound, lighting, television news... more
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      Television StudiesPhotographyTelevision ProductionTelevision and Film Production
Sul modello di analoghe esperienze internazionali, anche in Italia la produzione della soap opera televisiva – una “fabbrica a ciclo continuo” che richiede ritmi sostenuti di scrittura, ripresa e montaggio, oltre al pieno controllo dei... more
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      Media StudiesTelevision StudiesMedia EconomicsMedia Industries
Managing Media Work provides a comprehensive, cross-national overview of the theory and practice of working in the media in the digital age. Focusing on three key areas-new media work, media professions, and media management-this text... more
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      ManagementMedia StudiesPR and AdvertisingNew Media
In film and media production, ambient sound is a standard term that denotes the site-specific background sound component providing locational atmospheres and spatial information of public places. In this article, the specific role of... more
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      Media StudiesFilm SoundFilm Music And SoundSoundscape Studies
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      ScreenwritingTelevision StudiesGlocalizationTelevision Production
'The River' a South African Telenova (created by Phathutshedzo Makwarela and Gwydion Beynon) set in the modern heterotopia follows different trajectories embarked by various characters who are emblems of Refilwe's utopia. Each character... more
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      South African LiteratureTelevisionTelevision and Film ProductionFilm and Television
Production studies has developed into an interdisciplinary field of inquiry of film and television "production cultures," going beyond traditional examinations of authorship and industry structure. Studying production as culture involves... more
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      Media SociologyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesTelevision Studies
Pay fiction experienced a production boom in Europe between 2008 and 2017. The output of original productions in Europe’s five main markets (France, Italy, Germany, Spain, and the UK) leapt from 8 series in 2008 to 47 in 2017 – a rise of... more
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      Media StudiesMedia IndustriesTV studiesTelevision Production
Bollywood is at once inspired by the fashion industry in India both thematically and professionally, and simultaneously inspires the fashion industry. This cross pollination between two industries means artists can cross into parallel... more
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      Fashion designIndian CultureFibres and textilesTelevision and Film Production
to be published in CINEMONTAGE
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      Television and Film ProductionFilm and Television ProductionFilm EditingTheories of Film Editing
The globalization of film production shows healthy film market results for the coming years. This is seen as one of the advantages for film production companies, but it is also has becoming a challenge for them to produce more quality... more
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      Project ManagementFilm ProductionTelevision and Film ProductionProject Phases
Una ricostruzione della complessa vicenda produttiva di "Gomorra. La serie" e delle fasi alterne di collaborazione e di scontro con il territorio rappresentato.
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      Television StudiesMedia IndustriesTelevisionTelevision and Film Production
Dove nasce il successo di una serie tv come Romanzo criminale? Perché il caso letterario Gomorra rivive sul piccolo schermo? Quali sono i rapporti di queste narrazioni con la letteratura, il cinema e la fiction generalista? In che modo si... more
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      Television StudiesMedia IndustriesSeries TVTelevision
This book is the first to evaluate contemporary Spanish cinema and television in the new context of transmedia, perhaps the most pressing problem in current media studies. It is divided into three sections-film, television, and... more
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      Film StudiesTelevision StudiesSpanish CinemaContemporary History of Spain
Ian Inglis writes in his introductory chapter to the collection: “Andy Bennett and Sarah Baker consider the contribution made by BBC’s Classic Albums series to the concept of ‘heritage’ (and the growth of a heritage industry) that... more
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      Cultural SociologyPopular MusicPopular CultureEmotional Labour
Video Production Course at Bilkent University
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      Digital media ProductionVideo ArtTelevision ProductionTelevision and Film Production
"Representation, stereotyping, 'race' and multiculturalism in film, television and other audio-visual forms have been subjected to numerous studies in Britain and the United States. However there hasn't been a concerted effort, and a... more
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      Television StudiesAnimationAnimation TheoryStop-motion Animation
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      Film ProductionCinemaEntertainment LawFilm
Textbook on television practise. Television as an institution, television as a broadcaster, television as a producer. Published by EU grant, in Czech language, 160 pgs.
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      TelevisionTelevision and Film Production
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      Television StudiesDigital media ProductionTelevision and Film ProductionChicana/o and Latina/o Studies
The intersection of race, ethnicity and sexuality circumscribes the boundaries of American identity. Historically, homosexuality was tethered to unpopular racial, ethnic, and ideological minorities. In recent years, mainstream film and... more
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      American StudiesMedia StudiesRacial and Ethnic PoliticsFilm Studies
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesFilm ProductionFilm and Media Studies
We extract textual and content data from the pilot episode scripts of 181 new, dramatic television series and use it to predict the 18-49 demo ratings for the first five episodes of the series' first seasons. As expected, we find that the... more
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      Television StudiesContent AnalysisTelevision genresU.S. Television Studies
This article argues that transatlantic hybridity connects space, visual style and ideological point of view in British television action-adventure fiction of the 1960s-70s. It analyses the relationship between the physical location of TV... more
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      Television StudiesBritish television historyTelevision History1960s
Professionals in the television industry are working towards a certain future—rather than end—for the medium based on multi-platform storytelling, as well as multiple screens, distribution channels and streaming platforms. They do so... more
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      Television StudiesCross-Media StudiesDigital MediaArchives
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
Appel à communications pour le colloque international "Freak accidents : de l' accident improbable et monstrueux au cinéma" À l'Université de Caen Normandie et l'école supérieure d'arts et médias de Caen/Cherbourg les 6 et 7 avril 2022.... more
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      Disability StudiesOccupational Health & SafetyFilm HistoryPaul Virilio
Review of the Book JUMP CUT about moving from assistant editor to editor in film and television in Hollywood today
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      Contemporary HollywoodTelevisionTelevision and Film ProductionFilm Editing
La revolución digital ha transformado de un modo decisivo la industria del entretenimiento audiovisual, especialmente la del sector televisivo. Los operadores españoles han pasado de gestionar una cadena de televisión a un grupo de... more
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      Television StudiesMedia ManagementTelevisionTelevision Production
Journal of Popular Film and Television 45.2 (Jun. 2017): 64 -126. Print.
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderAvant-Garde CinemaFeminist Theory