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It's just a draft from a lecture called TK221.31(Turkish for Native Speaker I) from my 2nd year of undergraduate. (2018-Fall)
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      Tanzimat sonrası Türk Edebiyatı, Kadın AraştırmalarıTanzimat Period In Turkish LiteratureTanzimat Literature
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      Gender StudiesFeminismIslamic feminismFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
Zevce , written by Hovsep Maruş, are analyzed narratologically. In the first section of the study, different basic terms and approaches related to narratology are examined. In the second and third sections of the study, the novels are... more
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      Armenian StudiesNarratologyLiterary TheoryArmenian History
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation theoryWorld LiteratureTanzimat Period In Turkish Literature
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryCultural TranslationAhmet Mithat Efendi
Ahmet Midhat Efendi’s famous 1875 novel Felâtun Bey and Râkim Efendi takes place in late nineteenth-century Istanbul and follows the lives of two young men who come from radically different backgrounds. Râkim Efendi is an erudite,... more
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      Turkish NovelTanzimatAhmet Mithat EfendiTanzimat Period In Turkish Literature
Osmanlı Devleti'nin son dönemindeki önemli şairlerinden Mehmet Emin Yurdakul üstüne edebi inceleme/eleştiri.
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      Turkish LiteratureTurkish Poetry and PoeticsTanzimat Period In Turkish Literature