Recent papers in Tablatures
Catalogue of contents of organ tablature from the former library of the Kripplein Christi church in Wschowa (Fraustadt) (PL-Wn Mus.2084).
Tablature: Alternate music notations 1300-1750, under the guidance of John Griffiths, David Dolata and Philippe Vendrix will present ca. 400 examples of tablature for close to forty instruments, with facsimiles, transcriptions, and... more
To coincide with the eightieth anniversary of Willi Apel’s The Notation of Polyphonic of Music, 2022 will see the publication of the first substantial study of tablature notation in early modern Europe since Apel’s book. The fruit of a... more
Composer : Hamamizde İsmail Dede Efendi
Gitara Uyarlayan : Ziya AYDINTAN
Revizyon : Behzat Cem GÜNENÇ
Notasyon : Yusuf BİŞGEN
Gitara Uyarlayan : Ziya AYDINTAN
Revizyon : Behzat Cem GÜNENÇ
Notasyon : Yusuf BİŞGEN
Toccate e ricercari per tastiera nella Germania meridionale tra Cinquecento e Seicento: una sintesi di diversi influssi stilistici Il nuovo stile che emerse nella musica per tastiera della Germania meridionale nel tardo Cinquecento e al... more Placing amateur performers and their instrument of choice at the forefront of inquiry, this article makes a case for the Spanish guitar as an instrument through... more
Compiladas durante as décadas de 1820 e 1830, as Cifras de Música para Saltério, de Antonio Vieira dos Santos (1784-1854), constituem-se numa extensa e variada coleção de música brasileira não religiosa anterior ao Segundo Reinado. Além... more
The Polish tablature written by Johannes of Lublin (collected between 1537 and 1548) contains four of Ludwig Senfl's motets: "Vita in Ligno moritur," "Homo quidam fecit coenam," "Ave rosa sine spinis," and "Philippe qui videt me." With... more
This article invokes the modern concept of “fakebooks” — collections of standard popular songs with partial and easy-to-read musical notation — to contextualize the networks of songs widely published in the guitar-strumming tablatures of... more
Appendix from PhD dissertation (USC 2001). Musical transcriptions of pieces for the five-course guitar notated in tablature. Compiled from codices Coimbra (P-Cug MM 97), Gulbenkian (P-Lcg Serviço de Música), and Lisbon (P-Ln FCR ms ne 1).
Preface to the facsimile edition of the book originally edited by the son of the blind organist of Felipe II of Spain Antonio de Cabezón, Hernando de Cabezón, in 1578, and now published by the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla... more
Wurstisen's lute anthology contains arrangements of Sacred Songs and Psalms in its last part. This is a repertory of fifteen German Protestant chorales and two psalms after the Genevan Psalter. Тhe research on Wurstisen's arrangement are... more
Wurstisen lute book contains twenty two fantasias in total. Main part of them are imitative pieces based on one or more thematic motives. The article in presence is focused on those part of them which can be assumed as polythmatic pieces.... more
11 tabulatur lutniowych, pochodzących ze śląskiego Krzeszowa (olim: Biblioteka Instytutu Muzykologii Uniwersytetu w Breslau, sygn.: Mf. 2001, 2003-2006, 2008-2011 oraz 1938.111 – obecnie w zbiorach Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego –... more
Motet intabulations for organ and lute printed during the second half of the sixteenth century are a barometer of their longevity. More than simply exemplifying instrumental performance practice, they attest to musical fashion and the... more
Morelli's arrangements of Lully: (1) A keyboard realisation example of the guitar and basso continuo part; and (2) An example and explanation of 'filled-out' baroque guitar tablature.
Morelli's arrangements of Lully: (1) A keyboard realisation example of the guitar and basso continuo part; and (2) An example and explanation of 'filled-out' baroque guitar tablature.
It is a project prepared in cooperation with the Polish Digital National Library “Polona” (Sonia Wronkowska, Łukasz Kozak) and Grzegorz Joachimiak. It concerns a manuscript connected with the collection of lute tablature of Krzeszów... more
This article is concerned with one of the largest surviving collections of 18th-century lute tablature manuscripts, from the Cistercian abbey of Grüssau in Silesia (now Krzeszów, Poland). The collection consists of 15 volumes of... more
English abstract on p. 58.
Published in: Opus musicum 49 (2017), No. 3. pp. 82-84.
This paper presents a corpus study that identifies the number of statistically distinct modes used in sacred and secular genres from 1400--1750. Corpora used for the study include Masses, motets, and secular songs from the Franco-Flemish... more
Wurstisen lute book emerges as a very late source of German lute tablature. Written down n the last decade of the 16 th century, it stands out for its remarkable size and repertory. The latter is organized in eight books. Fantasias are... more
Renaissance tablatures for plucked strings such as lute and vihuela form a vast repertoire of pieces whose transmission ranges from 'single' to multiple, and which can serve both for performance, research and modern critical editions. On... more
Intellectual honesty and the will for justice are elements that can go together in a single person. Life can lead us to develop the most varied activities, but these always end up deÐning and characterising us through those fundamental... more
The subject of this thesis is the characteristic features of the 17th-century French lute style defined by the term style brisé. In the first part of the paper the author refers to the state of research on 17th-century French lute music... more
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
Unpublished paper, originally presented at the 14th Annual Conference on Medieval and Renaissance Music, King's College, London, 1986. Revised version presented at the Southeast Chapter of the American Musicological Society, Greensboro... more
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
The article is devoted to one of the lute music manuscript which comes from the lute tablatures collection of Krzeszów (Grüssau) Cistercians from the 18th century. It is kept now at the National Library in Warsaw (call number: PL-Wn Mus.... more
Abstract:The article concerns a rarely explored lute manuscript from the Viennese region (1526–40) and focuses on the “pure” instrumental settings (mainly entitled “Preambulum”) that have been discovered recently. The article contains a... more
IS THE ITALIAN KEYBOARD INTAVOLATURA A TABLATURE? Alexander Silbiger This paper was presented at the Fourth Biennial Conference on Baroque Music, London, July 1990, and was published in Recercare 3 (1991): 81-104. It is accessible... more
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
Sephardic music tablature for mandolin
From the article about the Air: „[...] Johann Anton – a lutenist, was probably born in the Czech Štěkeň in 1650 and grew up in the atmosphere of Jesuit piety and the Czech nobilité environment in Prague, where he lived until his death in... more
A honestidade intelectual e a vontade de justiça são elementos que podem ir juntos numa única pessoa. A vida pode levar-nos a desenvolver as mais variadas atividades, mas estas sempre acabam por nos deÐnir e caracterizar através desses... more
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
Foreword to number 69 of the music yearbook "Anuario Musical (Revista de Musicología del CSIC), this time dedicated monographically to the figure of the composer and organist of Philip II of Spain, Antonio de Cabezón. Prólogo al... more
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.
Sephardic Music Tablature for Mandolin. Printable, single pages for music study and playing. Tablature for non-music readers.