Desde meados do ano de 2018 que todos os edifícios públicos no estado da Baviera, na Alemanha, passaram obrigatoriamente a ostentar junto à(s) respectiva(s) porta(s) de acesso um crucifixo. Ou seja, um símbolo cristão.
Siyasi dünyayı karşılaştırmak ve anlamak için burada bulunan konuların araştırmalarının çoğuyla zaten ilgilendim ve başka bir bölüm için daha kapsamlı çalışmaları zaten okudum, ancak bir araştırmacı olarak burada bağımsız bir bilimsel... more
Tayari nimeshughulikia uchunguzi mwingi wa mada zinazopatikana hapa ili kulinganisha na kuelewa ulimwengu wa kisiasa, na tayari nimesoma masomo ya kina zaidi kwa sehemu nyingine, lakini kama mtafiti singethubutu kufanya uumbaji wa nyenzo... more
Waxaan hore ula macaamilooday inta badan sahaminta mowduucyada halkan lagu soo helay si aan isbarbar dhigo oo aan u fahmo dunida siyaasadda, qayb kalena waan ka akhriyey daraasaddo dheeraad ah oo dhamaystiran, laakiin cilmi baadhise ahaan... more
Я уже имел дело с большинством исследований найденных здесь тем, чтобы сравнить и понять политический мир, и я уже прочитал более тщательные исследования для другой части, но как исследователь я не решился бы взяться здесь за создание... more
Think tank experts and their opinions have acquired a very influential position in China's public diplomacy. While the presence and roles of think tanks is rarely questioned within developed democracies, their position in emerging powers... more
Conference Report on the Interdisciplinary Conference I Organized: "Die Krux mit der Expertise" (September 19-20, 2024, Hamburg)
Saya telah pun berurusan dengan kebanyakan penerokaan topik yang terdapat di sini untuk membandingkan dan memahami dunia politik, dan saya telah membaca kajian yang lebih menyeluruh untuk bahagian lain, tetapi sebagai seorang penyelidik... more
Saya telah berurusan dengan sebagian besar eksplorasi topik yang ditemukan di sini untuk membandingkan dan memahami dunia politik, dan saya telah membaca studi yang lebih menyeluruh untuk bagian lain, tetapi sebagai seorang peneliti saya... more
Natalakay ko na ang karamihan sa mga paggalugad ng mga paksang matatagpuan dito upang maihambing at maunawaan ang mundo ng pulitika, at nabasa ko na ang mas masusing pag aaral para sa ibang bahagi, ngunit bilang isang mananaliksik hindi... more
የፖለቲካውን ዓለም ለማነፃፀርና ለመረዳት እዚህ ላይ የተገኙትን አብዛኛዎቹን ርዕሰ ጉዳዮች ከወዲሁ አነጋግሬያለሁ። ከወዲሁ ምሁራኑ ምሁራዊ ውንጀላ በሌላው ክፍል የበለጠ ጥልቀት ያለው ጥናት አንብቤያለሁ። ነገር ግን እንደ ተመራማሪእዚህ ነጻ የሆነ ሳይንሳዊ ጽሑፍ ለመፍጠር አልደፍርም ነበር። ቀሪውን ግን የማውቀው በአጠቃላይ ምሁራዊ ዕውቀት ደረጃ ብቻ ነው። ነገር ግን ወደ... more
Já tratei da maior parte das explorações dos temas aqui encontrados para comparar e compreender o mundo político, e já li estudos mais aprofundados para outra parte, mas como investigador não me teria atrevido a empreender aqui a criação... more
J'ai déjà traité de la plupart des explorations des sujets que l'on trouve ici afin de comparer et de comprendre le monde politique, et j'ai déjà lu des études plus approfondies pour une autre partie, mais en tant que chercheur, je... more
Here, just asking questions is a human intellectual additive to ChatGPT4o, but of course a series of consecutive questions on a given topic is fundamental to what the result of knowledge mining will be from the total knowledge of... more
Itt csak a kérdések feltevése a ChatGPT4o-nak jelenti az ember szellemi adalékát, de persze egy-egy témában az egymást követő kérdések sorozata alapvető abban, hogy a mesterséges intelligencia témát illető totális tudásából mi lesz a... more
Az agytrösztök, mint politikai kutatással és érdekképviselettel foglalkozó szervezetek, elsősorban a 19. század végén és a 20. század elején jelentek meg, hogy segítsék a politikai versenyt. Fejlődésüket szellemi, politikai és társadalmi... more
This article addresses the path of policy analysis in Brazil based on literature that distinguishes between policy studies and policy analysis. This is essentially a work of bibliographic research focused on studies about state... more
Desde a campanha eleitoral, o presidente brasileiro Jair Bolsonaro emula a retórica e iniciativas do presidente estadunidense Donald Trump e proclama o alinhamento do Brasil com os Estados Unidos. Diante deste realinhamento, o presente... more
In the last decade, Romania has faced new and challenging experiences, going through a period of change with a broad social, economic and political impact: the accession to NATO and to the EU and the need to adapt to European and... more
As Ukraine faces challenges in its counteroffensive against Russian aggression, setting another priority might boost Ukrainian morale and arm Ukrainian troops. If this path is accomplished, people's curiosity will shift from “What will... more
In this chapter, Moldova's EU path is analysed from a historiographical perspective, emphasizing recent developments. A hypothesis about the political elite's view of Moldova's irreversible EU accession process was explored in nine... more
The National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s national legislature, met in early March 2024 to chart its annual policy direction. Following a period of uneven economic recovery, characterized by a multitude of challenges such as tepid... more
The Security Sector Governance Report provides an independent, objective, and comprehensive analysis of Moldova’s security sector and the state of reform implementation in this area, examining the performance of both security providers... more
Los cambios políticos, acontecidos en Argentina después del levantamiento militar que destituyó el gobierno constitucional el 24 de marzo de 1976, marcaron el punto de partida de una nueva etapa socio-económica que extendió sus efectos a... more
Alle rechten van reproductie, aanpassing of vertaling, op welke wijze ook en in alle landen, zijn voorbehouden aan de uitgever, tenzij met uitdrukkelijke toestemming van de uitgever of zijn rechthebbenden. Omslag: Marie-Hélène Grégoire... more
At its creation in 2010, WAI was charged with analyzing the ̳obstacles, constraints and challenges‘ to West African regional integration in order to offer solutions and contribute to social transformations in West Africa. It is now five... more
Cualquier forma de reproducción, distribución, comunicación pública o transformación de esta obra solo puede ser realizada con la autorización de sus titulares, salvo excepción prevista por la ley. Diríjase a CEDRO (Centro Español de... more
En este artículo se caracterizan componentes básicos del Sistema Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (SNCTI) de Paraguay, enfatizando por una parte los instrumentos utilizados para aumentar las capacidades que permitan generar... more
A strawberry plant, when set in healthy soil, sends out runners that root, creating a strawberry patch. When we take the time to plant ideas and ensure they are well rooted, they spread, attracting others to work together to build better... more
A strawberry plant, when set in healthy soil, sends out runners that root, creating a strawberry patch. When we take the time to plant ideas and ensure they are well rooted, they spread, attracting others to work together to build better... more
As in the rest of Europe, September 11" and its global consequences have triggered an intensive security-political debate in the European Union, the effects of which will become noticeable in the field of the Reform of the Security... more
This text describes on a synthetic way the history that characterizes the development of public Latin America´s universities. Through an intense literature review three core aspects are identified: enrollment generalization, the growth of... more
إستهدفت الدراسة البحث في ظاهرة إدارة الأرباح, وإسكتشاف مدى ممارستها من قبل الشركات الصناعية المساهمة العامة الأردنية المدرجة في بورصة عمان, وأثرها على سياسة توزيع الأرباح وانعكاسها على القيمة السوقية للشركة خلال الفترة الممتدة من عام 2012... more
Zusammenfassung • Wissenschaftliche Politikberatung ist eine besondere, da hybride Art der wissenschaftlichen Tätigkeit: Wissenschaft in ihrer beratenden Funktion gerät in den Konflikt, Inhalte wissenschaftlich glaubwürdig, sachbezogen... more
This article reflects on the findings of 2023 Think Tank State of the Sector Report published by On Think Tanks. The author outlines six crucial factors for a prosperous think tank environment. As per the author's perspective, these... more
Si los académicos se sienten ignorados y los gobiernos sólo confían en los estudios que les llegan avalados por corporaciones privadas, nuestra sociedad tiene un problema muy serio. Si sólo escuchamos a los think tanks y a las grandes... more