Tamás Farkas
Farkas, Tamás PhD, associate professor with habilitation of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest, Hungary. He is the director of the Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies, and the head of Department of Hungarian Historical Linguistics, Sociolinguistics and Dialectology of ELTE Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Humanities in Budapest. He received his PhD in 2002, and completed habilitation in 2013. He is the editor-in-chief of Névtani Értesítő, the journal of Hungarian onomastics, editor of Magyar Nyelv (Hungarian Language), and the secretary of the Society of Hungarian Linguistics. His main field of research is onomastics, especially anthroponomastics, applied and general onomastics. He has published most of his papers in the framework of dimensional linguistics, studying the proper names as temporally, geographically, socially and culturally determined phenomena.
Address: ELTE BTK Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies
H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/A
Address: ELTE BTK Institute of Hungarian Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies
H-1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/A
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Books by Tamás Farkas
The corpus is based on a well-founded and rich collection of 14,101 different historical Hungarian family names, originally published in Miklós Kázmér's Dictionary of Hungarian Historical Family Names: 14th-17th Centuries (Budapest, 1993, 1172 pp.). It publishes the date of the first occurrence of the name, and identifies the name category with codes. The full name lists of family name categories are published in an appendix. The work aims to be a tool to the typology-centred analysis of the Hungarian family name stock, also for researchers of other countries.
Periodicals by Tamás Farkas
Papers by Tamás Farkas
dimension of pursuing this academic field. It presents the institutional background of international onomastics: organizations and academic forums (conferences, journals, and the most important types of resources). It also pays attention to the possibilities in international cooperation, and emphasizes its importance in the field.
The corpus is based on a well-founded and rich collection of 14,101 different historical Hungarian family names, originally published in Miklós Kázmér's Dictionary of Hungarian Historical Family Names: 14th-17th Centuries (Budapest, 1993, 1172 pp.). It publishes the date of the first occurrence of the name, and identifies the name category with codes. The full name lists of family name categories are published in an appendix. The work aims to be a tool to the typology-centred analysis of the Hungarian family name stock, also for researchers of other countries.
dimension of pursuing this academic field. It presents the institutional background of international onomastics: organizations and academic forums (conferences, journals, and the most important types of resources). It also pays attention to the possibilities in international cooperation, and emphasizes its importance in the field.
A nevek megváltoztatása mint a különbségek eltörlése: A személynév mint etnikai szimbólum, a családnév-változtatások jellemzői és a családnevek magyarosítása Magyarországon.
Promena imena kao brisanje različitosti: Rođeno ime kao etnički simbol, karakteristike promena porodičnih imena i mađarenje porodičnih imena u Mađarskoj.