International Journal of Modern Physics A
Vol. 31, No. 25 (2016) 1630044 (19 pages)
c World Scientific Publishing Company
DOI: 10.1142/S0217751X16300441
Cosmology and supergravity∗
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S. Ferrara
Theoretical Physics Department, CERN,
CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland
INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati,
Via Enrico Fermi 40, 00044 Frascati, Italy
Department of Physics and Astronomy, U.C.L.A.,
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547, USA
[email protected]
A. Kehagias
Physics Division, NTU Athens,
15781 Zografou, Athens, Greece
[email protected]
A. Sagnotti
Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN,
Piazza dei Cavalieri 7 56126 Pisa, Italy
[email protected]
Published 8 September 2016
Abdus Salam was a true master of 20th Century Theoretical Physics. Not only was he
a pioneer of the Standard Model (for which he shared the Nobel Prize with S. Glashow
and S. Weinberg), but he also (co)authored many other outstanding contributions to the
field of Fundamental Interactions and their unification. In particular, he was a major
contributor to the development of supersymmetric theories, where he also coined the
word “Supersymmetry” (replacing the earlier “Supergauges” drawn from String Theory).
He also introduced the basic concept of “Superspace” and the notion of “Goldstone
Fermion” (Goldstino). These concepts proved instrumental for the exploration of the
ultraviolet properties and for the study of spontaneously broken phases of super Yang–
Mills theories and Supergravity. They continue to play a key role in current developments
in Early-Universe Cosmology. In this contribution we review models of inflation based
on Supergravity with spontaneously broken local supersymmetry, with emphasis on the
role of nilpotent superfields to describe a de Sitter phase of our Universe.
Keywords: Supersymmetry; supergravity; cosmology; inflation; string theory.
∗ Based
on an invited talk given at the Memorial Meeting for Nobel Laureate Prof. Abdus Salam’s
90th Birthday, 25–28 January 2016, NTU, Singapore.
S. Ferrara, A. Kehagias & A. Sagnotti
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1. Introduction
Supergravity1 combines Supersymmetry with General Relativity (GR). This brings
about scalar fields, some of which can play a natural role in the Early Universe.
Nowadays it is well established that inflationary Cosmology is accurately described
via the evolution of a single real scalar field, the inflaton, in a Friedmann, Lemaı̂tre,
Robertson, Walker (FLRW) geometry.2 A scalar field associated with the Higgs
particle was also recently discovered at LHC,3 confirming the interpretation of the
Standard Model as a spontaneously broken phase (BEH mechanism) of a nonAbelian Yang–Mills theory.4 There is thus some evidence that Nature is inclined
to favor, both in Cosmology and in Particle Physics, theories with scalar degrees of
freedom, albeit in diverse ranges of energy scales.
Interestingly, there is also a cosmological model where inflaton and Higgs fields
are identified: this is the Higgs inflation model of Ref. 5, which rests on a nonminimal coupling h2 R of the Higgs field h to gravity. Another well-known example
rests on an R + R2 extension of General Relativity (GR). This is the Starobinsky
model of inflation,6,7 which is also conformally equivalent to GR coupled to a scalar
field, the scalaron,8 with the special scalar potential
√ 2 2
V = V0 1 − e− 3 φ , V0 ∼ 10−9 in Planck units .
These two models (and also a more general class) give identical predictions9 for the
slow-roll parameters ǫ and η, which are determined by the potential according to
V ′′
M2 V ′
, η = MP2
ǫ= P
The spectral index of scalar perturbations (scalar tilt) and the tensor-to-scalar ratio
turn out to be
ns = 1 − 6ǫ + 2 η ≃ 1 −
r = 16 ǫ ≃
is the total number of e-folds of inflation.
An interesting modification of the Starobinsky potential, suggested by its embedding in R + R2 Supergravity,10,11 involves a deformation parameter α and
√ 2 2
Vα = V0 1 − e− 3α φ .
It gives the same result of Eq. (3) for ns , but the tensor-to-scalar ratio is now
Cosmology and supergravity
This family of models provides an interpolation between the Starobinsky model
(for α = 1) and Linde’s chaotic inflation model13 with a quadratic potential (in the
limit α → ∞). The chaotic inflation model leads again to the scalar tilt (3), but
now the tensor-to-scalar ratio becomes
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The recent 2015 data analysis from Planck14 and BICEP215 favors ns ≈ 0.97 and
r < 0.1, and thus the Starobinsky model, which lies well within the allowed parameter space due to the additional 1/N suppression factor r present in Eq. (3) as
compared to Eq. (7).
The form (5) for Vα can be further generalized,
allowing for an arbitrary, mono
tonically increasing function f tanh √ϕ6α , such that
Vα = V0 f tanh √
, ϕ → ∞ : f tanh √
→ 1 − e−
3α φ
+ ··· .
These modifications led to the concept of α-attractors.12
This contribution is organized as follows. In Sec. 2 we describe the single-field
inflation in Supergravity, in Sec. 3 we discuss inflation and supersymmetry breaking
and in Sec. 4 we present some minimal Supergravity models of inflation. Nilpotent
superfields and sgoldstino-less models are reviewed in Sec. 5, in Sec. 6 we discuss
higher-curvature Supergravity and its dual standard Supergravity description, in
Sec. 7 orthogonal nilpotent superfields are explored and Sec. 8 contains our conclusions and outlooks. Finally in App. A we briefly review constraint superfields which
preserve N = 1 supersymmetry.
2. Single-Field Inflation in Supergravity
We can now describe how N = 1 Supergravity can accommodate these “singlefield” inflationary models, explaining how to embed the inflaton ϕ in a general
Supergravity theory coupled to matter in an FLRW geometry and the role of its
superpartners. Under the assumption that no additional Supersymmetry (N ≥ 2) is
restored in the Early Universe, the most general N = 1 extension of GR is obtained
by coupling the graviton multiplet (2, 3/2) to a certain number of chiral multiplets
(1/2, 0, 0), whose complex scalar fields are denoted by z i , i = 1, . . . , Ns /2 and to
(gauge) vector multiplets (1, 1/2), whose vector fields are denoted by AΛ
µ (Λ =
1, . . . , NV ). These multiplets can acquire supersymmetric masses, and in this case
the massive vector multiplet becomes (1, 2(1/2), 0), eating a chiral multiplet in the
supersymmetric version of the BEH mechanism.
For Cosmology, the relevant part of the Lagrangian16,17 is the sector that couples
the scalar fields to the Einstein–Hilbert action, described by
L = −R − ∂i ∂̄ KDµ z i Dν z̄ ̄ g µν − V (z, z̄) + · · · ,
S. Ferrara, A. Kehagias & A. Sagnotti
where K is the Kähler potential of the σ-model scalar geometry and the “dots”
hide fermionic terms and gauge interactions. The scalar covariant derivative is
Dµ z i = ∂µ z i + δΛ z i AΛ
where the δΛ z are Killing vectors. This term allows to write massive vector multiplets à la Stueckelberg. The scalar potential is
V (z i , z̄ ī ) = eG Gi Ḡ (G−1 )ī − 3 + (Re fΛΣ )−1 DΛ DΣ ,
where, in terms of the superpotential W (z i ),
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G = K + log |W |2 ,
Gij̄ = ∂i ∂j̄ K .
The first and third non-negative terms in Eq. (11) are usually referred to as
“F” and “D” term contributions: together with the second, negative term, they
encode the option of attaining unbroken Supersymmetry in Anti-de Sitter space.
Alternatively, the potential can be recast in the more compact form
V (z i , z̄ ı̄ ) = Fi F i + DΛ DΛ − 3|W |2 eK ,
Fi = e 2 W K,i + W,i ,
DΛ = G,i δΛ z i .
The D-term potential can endow a vector multiplet with a supersymmetric
mass term, and can also give rise to a de Sitter phase, thanks to its non-negative
contribution to the potential. Only F-breaking terms can thus give AdS phases.
The (field dependent) matrices Re fΛΣ , Im fΛΣ provide the normalization of the
terms quadratic in Yang–Mills curvatures. Their role in Cosmology deserves to be
investigated further, since they give direct couplings of the inflaton to matter, which
are relevant for the epoch of reheating.
3. Inflation and Supersymmetry Breaking
In a given phase, unbroken Supersymmetry requires
Fi = D Λ = 0 ,
V = −3|W |2 eK .
so that
These are Minkowski or AdS phases depending on whether or not W vanishes. On
the other hand, supersymmetry is broken if at least one of the Fi or DΛ does not
vanish. In phases with broken Supersymmetry one can have maximally symmetric
AdS, dS or Minkowski vacua, so that one can accommodate both the inflationary
phase (dS) and the subsequent Particle Physics (Minkowski) phase. However, it is
not trivial to construct corresponding models, since the two scales are very different
if Supersymmetry is at least partly related to the Hierarchy problem.
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Cosmology and supergravity
In view of the negative term present in the scalar potential (11), it might seem
impossible (or at least not natural) to retrieve a de Sitter phase for large values
of a scalar field to be identified with the inflaton. The supersymmetric versions of
the R + R2 (Starobinsky) model show how this puzzle is resolved: either the theory
has (with F-terms) a no-scale structure, which makes the potential positive along
the inflationary trajectory,18 or the potential is a pure D-term and is therefore
These models contain two chiral superfields (T, S),20,21 as in the old minimal
version of R + R2 Supergravity,18 or one massive vector multiplet,10,11 as in the
new minimal version, and attain unbroken Supersymmetry in a Minkowski vacuum
at the end of inflation.
In the framework of nilpotent superfield inflation,22 some progress was recently
made23,24 on the problem of embedding two different supersymmetry breaking
scales in the inflationary potential. The multiplet S, which does not contain the
inflaton (T multiplet), is replaced by a nilpotent superfield satisfying
S2 = 0 .
This condition eliminates the sgoldstino scalar from the theory, but its F-component
still drives inflation, or at least participates in it. This mechanism was first applied
to the Starobinsky model, replacing the S field by a Volkov–Akulov nilpotent field22
and then to general F-term induced inflationary models.25 Although the examples are so far restricted to the N = 1 → N = 0 breaking in four-dimensional
supergravity, these types of construction are potentially very instructive for String
Theory, where one readily looses control of the vacuum in the presence of broken
supersymmetry.26 Orientifold vacua27 provide a natural and interesting entry point
into this intricate dynamics, via the phenomenon of “brane SUSY breaking”.28 This
rests on non-BPS combinations of branes and orientifolds that are individually BPS,
and its simplest ten-dimensional setting was related to non-linear supersymmetry
in Ref. 29. Recent work, starting from Ref. 25, linked it more clearly to the superHiggs effect in Supergravity,16 and also to the KKLT scenario of Ref. 30. Let us
conclude this section, however, by recalling that a first attempt to make use of the
nilpotent Volkov–Akulov multiplet in Cosmology, identifying the inflaton with the
sgoldstino, was made in Ref. 31.
4. Minimal Models for Inflation and Supergravity
This class includes models where the inflaton is identified with the sgoldstino and
only one chiral multiplet T is used. However, the f (R) Supergravity models32 yield
potentials that either have no plateau or, when they do, lead to AdS rather than
to dS phases.34,35 This also reflects a no-go theorem.33
A way out of this situation was recently found with “α-scale Supergravity”:36
adding two superpotentials W+ + W− which separately give a flat potential along
the inflaton (Re T ) direction can result in a de Sitter plateau for large Re T .
S. Ferrara, A. Kehagias & A. Sagnotti
The problem with these models is that the inflaton trajectory is unstable in the Im T
direction, but only for small inflaton field: modifications to the superpotential are
advocated to generate a satisfactory inflationary potential. For single-field models
and related problems, see also Ref. 37. R + R2 Supergravity, D-term inflation,11,38
α-attractor scenarios,39 no-scale inflationary models,20 and α-scale models36 have
a nice SU (1, 1)/U (1) hyperbolic geometry for the inflaton superfield, with
Rα = −
ns ≃ 1 −
12 α
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where Rα is the curvature of the scalar manifold.
4.1. D-term inflation
An appealing and economical class of models allows to describe any potential of a
single scalar field which is the square of a real function:11
V (ϕ) =
g2 2
P (ϕ) .
These are the D-term models, which describe the self-interactions of a massive
vector multiplet whose scalar component is the inflaton. Up to an integration constant (the Fayet–Iliopoulos term), the potential is fixed by the geometry, since the
Kähler metric is
ds2 = dϕ2 + P ′ (ϕ) da2 .
After gauge fixing, the field a is absorbed by the vector, via da + gA, giving rise
to a mass term g2 P ′ (ϕ) A2µ (BEH mechanism). In particular, the Starobinsky
model corresponds to
P (ϕ) = 1 − e − 3 ϕ ,
but in all these examples there is no superpotential and only a de Sitter plateau is
possible. At the end of inflation ϕ = 0, D = 0 and Supersymmetry is recovered in
Minkowski space, since V = 0.
4.2. R + R2 supergravity
There are two distinct classes of models, depending on the choice of auxiliary
fields: old and new minimal models. The off-shell degrees of freedom contain the
6(= 10 − 4 diff) degrees of freedom of the graviton gµν and the 12(= 16 − 4 diff)
degrees of freedom of the gravitino ψµ . The nB = nF off-shell condition requires
six more bosons. There are two choices for the latter, which reflect the two minimal
supegravity multiplets of the N = 1 theory:
• old minimal: Aµ , S, P (6 DOF’s)
• new minimal: Aµ , Bµν (6 DOF’s due to gauge inv. δBµν = ∂µ bν − ∂ν bµ ).
Cosmology and supergravity
These 12B + 12F degrees of freedom must fill massive multiplets like
Weyl2 : (2, 2(3/2), 1) ,
: 2(1/2, 0, 0) ,
: (1, 2(1/2), 0) .
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After superconformal manipulations, these two theories can be turned into standard Supergravity coupled to matter. The new minimal gives D-term inflation as
described before, while the old minimal gives F-term inflation with the two chiral
superfields T (inflaton multiplet) and S (sgoldstino multiplet). The T submanifold
is SU (1, 1)/U (1) with scalar curvature R = −2/3, and the no-scale structure of the
Kähler potential is responsible for the universal expression
√ 2 2
1 − e− 3 ϕ ,
V = M 2 MPl
along the inflationary trajectory where FS 6= 0, FT = 0, which identifies S with the
4.3. Other models
Several examples exist with two chiral multiplets of the same sort, for which FS
leads to a de Sitter plateau with FT = 0, while at the end of inflation FS =
FT = 0 and Supersymmetry is recovered. A class of models (α attractors) modify
the superpotential but not the Kähler geometry of the original R+R2 theory, which
now reads:12
W (S, T ) = S f (T ) ,
with scalar curvature Rα = − 3α
. Along the inflationary trajectory the potential is
positive since
V ∼ |f |2 ≥ 0 .
An alternative class of models with opposite role for Kähler potential and superpotential rest on the choice of Eq. (24), combined however with the trivial Kähler
geometry corresponding to
Φ + Φ̄ + S S̄ .
The inflaton is now identified with ϕ = Im Φ, thus avoiding the dangerous exponential factor eK in the supersymmetric potential. Along the inflationary trajectory
V (ϕ) ∼ |f (ϕ)|2 ,
so that the inflaton potential is fully encoded in the superpotential shape.
5. Nilpotent Superfields and Sgoldstino-less Models
In all the models reviewed so far it is difficult to exit inflation with Supersymmetry
broken at a scale much lower than the de Sitter plateau (Hubble scale during
inflation). A way to solve this problem is to introduce a nilpotent (Volkov–Akulov)
S. Ferrara, A. Kehagias & A. Sagnotti
multiplet S satisfying40–43 the constraint of Eq. (17), so that the goldstino lacks its
scalar partner, which is commonly called the sgoldstino. This solves the stabilization
problem and gives rise to a de Sitter plateau.
The first cosmological model with a nilpotent sgoldstino multiplet was a generalization of the Volkov–Akulov–Starobinsky supergravity,22 where
V = e K(T ) KS−1
|f (T )|2 .
W (S, T ) = S f (T ) ,
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Two classes of models which incorporate separate scales of Supersymmetry breaking
during and at the exit of inflation were then proposed. They rest on a trivial (flat)
Kähler geometry
K(Φ, S) =
Φ + Φ̄ + S S̄ ,
but differ in their supersymmetry breaking patterns during and after inflation.
• In the first class of models23
W (Φ, S) = M 2 S 1 + g 2 (Φ) + W0 ,
where g(Φ) vanishes at Φ = 0 and the inflaton ϕ is identified with its imaginary
part. Along the inflaton trajectory Re Φ = 0, and the potential reduces to
V = M 4 |g(Φ)|2 2 + |g(Φ)|2 + V0 , V0 = M 4 − 3 W02 .
Assuming V0 ≃ 0, one finds
m3/2 = √ ,
ESB = |FS | 2 =
HMPl > H ,
V = FS F S − 3W02 ,
while FΦ = 0 during inflation (Re Φ = 0).
• In the second class of models24 the superpotential is
W (Φ, S) = f (Φ) 1 + 3 S ,
which combines nilpotency and no-scale structure. Here the function f (Φ) satisfies the conditions
f¯(Φ) = f (−Φ̄) ,
f ′ (0) = 0 ,
f (0) 6= 0 .
The scalar potential is of no-scale type, and letting Φ = (a + iϕ)/ 2,
FS F S = 3ea |f (Φ)|2 , V (a, ϕ) = F Φ FΦ = e a |f ′ (Φ) + a 2f (Φ)|2 .
The field a is stabilized at a = 0, since f is an even function of a. During
inflation a gets a mass O(H) without mixing with Φ and is rapidly driven to
a = 0, so that the inflationary potential reduces to
V (a = 0, ϕ) = f ′ √
, V (0, 0) = 0 .
Cosmology and supergravity
These models lack the fine-tuning of the previous class (V0 = 0), and it is interesting to compare the supersymmetry breaking patterns. Here FS never vanishes,
and at the end of inflation
F S FS = 3 eG(0,0) = 3 m23/2 .
In particular,
hF S iΦ=0 =
3 f¯(0) ,
m3/2 = |f (0)| ,
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and the inflaton potential vanishes at the end of inflation. A choice that reproduces the Starobinsky potential is
f (Φ) = λ − i µ1 Φ + µ2 e
i √23 Φ
Interestingly, ma and m3/2 depend on the integration constant λ, but V is
independent of it, and hence the same is true for mϕ .
6. Higher-Curvature Supergravity and Standard
Supergravity Duals
Work in this direction started with the R + R2 Starobinsky model, whose supersymmetric extension was derived in the late 80s18,19 and was recently revived in
view of the new CMB data.10,11,20,34 Models dual to higher-derivative theories give
more restrictions than their bosonic counterparts or standard Supergravity duals.
Theories with unconstrained superfields also include the Supergravity embedding
of R2 duals, whose bosonic counterparts describe standard Einstein gravity coupled
to a massless scalar field in de Sitter space. These theories were recently resurrected
in Refs. 44 and 45. The R2 higher curvature Supergravity was recently obtained in
both the old and new minimal formulations.46 In the old-minimal formulation, the
superspace Lagrangian is
α R R̄
− β R2
Σ(S̄0 )
D̄α̇ R = 0
is the scalar curvature multiplet, with Weyl and chiral weights (w = 1, n = 1). The
dual standard Supergravity has Kähler potential and superpotential
K = −3 log(T + T̄ − α S S̄) ,
W = T S − β S3 ,
and the Kählerian manifold is SU (2, 1)/U (2). Note the rigid scale invariance of the
action under
T → e2 λ T ,
S → eλ S ,
S0 → e−λ S0 .
S. Ferrara, A. Kehagias & A. Sagnotti
If α = 0 S is not dynamical, and integrating it out gives an SU (1, 1)/U (1) σ-model
with Kähler potential and superpotential
K = −3 log(T + T̄ ) ,
W =
2T 3
3 3β
Higher-curvature supergravities can be classified by the nilpotency properties of
the chiral curvature R. Such nilpotency constraints give rise to dual theories with
nilpotent chiral superfields.22 In particular, the constraint
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R2 = 0 ,
in R + R2 generates a dual theory where the inflaton chiral multiplet T (scalaron)
is coupled to the Volkov–Akulov multiplet S
S2 = 0 ,
D̄α̇ S = 0 .
For this theory (the V-A-S Supergravity), the Kähler potential and superpotential
K = −3 log(T + T̄ − S S̄) ,
W = M S T + f S + W0 ,
respectively, and due to its no-scale structure the scalar potential is semi-positive
V =
|M T + f |2
3 (T + T̄ )2
In terms of the canonically normalized field
SU (1, 1)
T = e 3 + ia
, (φ, a) ∈
U (1)
the potential Eq. (48) becomes
√ 2 2 M 2
1 − e− 3 φ +
e − 2 3 φ a2 .
V =
Here a in the axion, which is much heavier than the inflaton during inflation
M 2 −2 √ 2 φ0
m2φ ≃
≪ m2a =
There are then only two natural supersymmetric models with genuine single-field
φ inflation. One is the new-minimal R + R2 theory, where the inflaton has a massive vector as bosonic partner, and the V-A-S (sgoldstino-less) Supergravity just
Another interesting example is the sgoldstino-less version of the RR̄ theory
described before. This is obtained imposing the same constraint R2 = 0 as for the
V-A-S Supergravity,47 and is dual to the latter with
f = W0 = 0 .
Cosmology and supergravity
The corresponding potential
V = M2
|T |2
M 2 − 2√ 2 φ 2
a ,
3 (T + T̄ )2
is positive definite and scale invariant. This model results in a de Sitter vacuum
geometry with a positive vacuum energy
M2 4
M .
12 Pl
On the other hand, the Volkov–Akulov model coupled to Supergravity involves
two parameters, and its vacuum energy has an arbitrary sign. The pure V-A theory
coupled to Supergravity has indeed a superfield action determined by22
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V (a = 0) =
K = 3 S S̄ ,
W = f S + W0 ,
S2 = 0 .
Moreover, the cosmological constant turns out to be
1 2
|f | − 3|W0 |2 .
The full-fledged component expression of the model, including all fermionic terms,
was recently worked out.48,49 The higher-curvature supergravity dual50,51 is the
standard (anti-de Sitter) supergravity Lagrangian augmented with the nilpotency
− λ = 0.
This is equivalent to adding to the action the term
− λ S03 F ,
where σ is a chiral Lagrange multiplier. A superfield Legendre transformation and
the superspace identity
(Λ + Λ̄)S0 S̄0 D = ΛRS02 F + h.c. ,
which holds up to a total derivative for any chiral superfield Λ, turn indeed the
action into the V-A superspace action coupled to standard Supergravity with
f = λ − 3 W0 .
Hence, supersymmetry is broken whenever
3 W0 6= λ 6= 0 .
In the higher-derivative formulation, the goldstino G is encoded in the Rarita–
Schwinger field. At the linearized level around flat space
γ µν ∂µ ψν − γ µ ψµ , δG = ǫ .
S. Ferrara, A. Kehagias & A. Sagnotti
The linearized equation of motion for the gravitino reads
γ µνρ ∂ν ψρ − γ µν ψν −
γ µν ∂ν − γ µ G = 0 ,
and is gauge invariant under
δψµ = ∂µ ǫ +
γµ ǫ .
Both the γ-trace and the divergence of the equation of motion yield
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γ µν ∂µ ψν − γ µ ∂µ G = 0 ,
so that gauging away the Goldstino G one recovers the standard formulation of a
massive gravitino.
Tables 1–3 summarize the various dualities linking higher-curvature supergravities in the old-minimal and new-minimal formulations with standard Supergravity.
Old-minimal dualities: −ΦS0 S̄0 |D + W S03 |F , Φ = exp − K
Table 1.
Higher Curvature Supergravity
ΦH = 1 − h SR ,
WH = W S
ΦS = 1 + T + T̄ − h(S, S̄)
WS = T S − W (S)
ΦH = 1
WH = W
ΦH =
WH =
Standard Supergravity
ΦS = 1 + T + T̄
WS = −SW ′ (S) + W (S)
−α SR S̄R̄
0 0
T =−W ′ (S)
ΦS = T + T̄ − αS S̄
−β R
WS = T S − βS 3
Table 2. Nilpotent
old-minimal dualities: −ΦS0 S̄0 |D + W S03 |F ,
Φ = exp − K
Higher Curvature Supergravity
ΦH = 1 −
1 R R̄
M 2 S0 S̄0
WH = W0 +
ΦH = − M12
WH =
ξ SR
ΦS = T + T̄ − S S̄
WS = M T S + f S + W0
S 2 = 0, f = ξ − 12
R R̄
S0 S̄0
ΦS = T + T̄ − S S̄
WS = M T S
(S 2 = 0)
ΦH = 1
WH = W0 + σ
Standard Supergravity
ΦS = 1 − S S̄
WS = f S + W0
(S 2 = 0, f = λ − 3W0 )
Cosmology and supergravity
Table 3.
New-minimal dualities: Φ = exp − K
Higher Curvature Supergravity
L log S LS̄
0 0 D
Wα S LS̄ W α S LS̄
Standard Supergravity
ΦS = −U exp U
Wα (U )W α (U )
ΦS = (T + T̄ ) exp V
S0 S̄0
S0 S̄0
Wα (V )W α (V )
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7. Orthogonal Nilpotent Superfields
We have seen so far that simple models of inflation, and in particular the supersymmetric version of the Starobinsky model, rest on a pair of chiral multiplet,
the sgoldstino multiplet S and the inflaton multiplet T . Sgoldstino-less models are
obtained by replacing S by a nilpotent superfield (SN
L = 0), which is the local version of the V-A multiplet. This setting should correspond to a linear model where
the scalar partners of the goldstino are infinitely heavy, so that the sgoldstino becomes a non-dynamical composite field. Following Refs. 43 and 52, other types of
constraints can be imposed, which remove other degrees of freedom from the T
multiplet. The most interesting of them is the orthogonality constraint53–55
SN L (TON L − T̄ON L ) = 0 ,
L = 0) ,
which also implies
= 0.
This constraint removes the inflatino (spin-1/2 partner of the inflaton), as well
as the sinflaton (spin-0 partner of the inflaton), so that this description should
correspond to a regime where the inflatino and the sinflaton are both infinitely
The new aspect of these “non-chiral orthogonality constraints” is that the T auxiliary field FT becomes nilpotent, and therefore fails to contribute to the scalar
potential, which takes the form
V (ϕ = Re T ) = f 2 (ϕ) − 3g 2 (ϕ) ,
for a quadratic Kähler potential and a superpotential of the form
W (SN L , TON L ) = SN L f (TON L ) + g(TON L ) .
The potential V in Eq. (68) may or may not reproduce the inflaton trajectory
for models with a “linear T multiplet”. This setting presents an advantage with
respect to the linear T model, because it eliminates the sinflaton, thus bypassing the
problems related to its stabilization. It also avoids goldstino-inflatino mixing, which
makes matter creation in the Early Universe very complicated. In the unitary gauge,
the inflatino field simply vanishes, since it is proportional to the goldstino.53,56
S. Ferrara, A. Kehagias & A. Sagnotti
Orthogonality constraints with SN L (SN
L = 0).
Table 4.
SN L (TON L − T̄ON L ) = 0
(implies (TON L − T̄ON L
sgoldstino-less, inflatino-less, sinflaton-less
= 0)
= chiral
sgoldstino-less, inflatino-less
= 0)
sgoldstino-less, scalar-less
= 0)
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 2016.31. Downloaded from
by on 05/19/17. For personal use only.
SN L Wα (VON L = 0
sgoldstino-less, gaugino-less
In Table 4 we collect the various orthogonality constraints. The supergravity
model for a matter multiplet T corresponding to the constraint ST = 0 was derived
in Ref. 56. This model has been recently shown57 to describe the effective dynamics
of a fermion, other than the N = 1 goldstino, which lives on a D̄3-brane world
8. Conclusions and Outlook
The orthogonality constraints in Eq. (66) and the resulting scalar potential in
Eq. (68) allow the construction of MSIM (minimal supersymmetric inflationary
models), which accommodate, with appropriate fine tuning, dark energy (cosmological constant Λ), the supersymmetry breaking scale m3/2 , and the inflationary
Hubble scale H.54 A simplified class of models is obtained with (in MPl units)
g(ϕ) = g0 = m3/2 ,
f (ϕ) = H fI (ϕ) + f0 ,
where ϕ is the appropriate canonically normalized scalar field, whenever the Kähler
potential is not quadratic but has the more general form as in Refs. 53 and 54.
Here, fI (ϕ) is a function with the property fI (ϕ) → 1, (for ϕ large) while at the
extremum of the potential ϕ = 0, fI (ϕ) = 0. Hence, the scalar potential satisfies
V (ϕ = 0) = f02 − 3m23/2 = Λ, while for large ϕ, V (ϕ) → H 2 (as ϕ → ∞), for values
of the parameters such that Λ ≈ 10−120 , m3/2 ≈ 10−16 and H = 10−5 , where
we took the SUSY breaking scale at the end of inflation (approximate Minkowski
spacetime) to be at the TeV scale as a minimal value, which is inspired by the
current LHC results.
Finally, we would like to note that microscopic models which may yield in
suitable limits the non-linear realisations considered so far have been proposed
in Refs. 58–60 and matter couplings to the inflation sector, with and without nonlinear superfields, were considered in Refs. 23, 24, 50, 61 and 62.
This review reflects the lecture presented by SF at the 2016 Memorial Meeting
for Prof. Salam, and overlaps in part with Ref. 63.
Cosmology and supergravity
We are grateful to I. Antoniadis, G. Dall’Agata, E. Dudas, F. Farakos, P. Fré,
R. Kallosh, A. Linde, M. Porrati, A. Riotto, A. Sorin, J. Thaler, A. Van Proeyen,
T. Wrase and F. Zwirner for useful discussions and collaboration on related projects.
SF is supported in part by INFN-CSN4-GSS, while AS is supported in part by
Scuola Normale Superiore and by INFN-CSN4-STEFI.
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 2016.31. Downloaded from
by on 05/19/17. For personal use only.
Appendix A. Constrained Superfields and N = 1 Supersymmetry
Non-linear constraints involving a pair of chiral superfields (X, Wα ), (X, Uȧ ) can
have solutions that differ sharply from the V-A case. Here Wα , Uȧ are the chiral
Wα =
1 2
D̄ Dα V ,
Uȧ = D̄ȧ L ,
gauge field-strength multiplet ,
L linear (or tensor) multiplet, D2 L = D̄2 L = 0 .
The (chiral) constraints in question are
1) X 2 = 0 ,
XWα = 0 ,
2) X 2 = 0 ,
XUȧ = 0 ,
(or XL = chiral) .
N = 1 supersymmetry is broken solving X = 0, with the V-A solution
, Gα , F ,
X = XN L = S =
and then solving the second portions of Eqs. (A.3), (A.4),
XN L Wα = 0 ,
XN L Uȧ = 0 .
Using the fact that Wα , Uȧ have components
i µ ν β
Wα = λα , Lα = δα D − (σ σ̄ )α Fµν , ∂αȧ λ̄ ,
Uȧ = χ̄ȧ , Λȧβ = σȧβ
(Hµ + i∂µ φ), ∂αȧ χ̄a ,
ǫµνρσ ∂ ν bρσ ,
the constraints leave free the bosonic fields but express the gaugino (and tensorino)
in terms of the V-A G goldstino43 according to
Fµν = ∂µ Aν − ∂ν Aµ ,
Hµ =
+ O(G2 ) ,
λα = i Lαβ √
χ̄ȧ = − i Λα̇β √
+ O(G2 ) .
S. Ferrara, A. Kehagias & A. Sagnotti
The full solution can be obtained from the last component of the constraints by
iteration. The constraint on the linear multiplet was considered in Ref. 60, and has
the effect of leaving (φ, bµν ) in the spectrum. However, there is another solution to
the constraints, where instead the chiral multiplet X is not the V-A multiplet but
the constraints in Eqs. (A.3), (A.4) can be used to express X in terms of Wα (or
Uȧ ). This is the case of the supersymmetric Born–Infeld and the non-linear tensor
multiplet constraints of Bagger and Galperin63–66 where
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1) X =
2) X =
W α Wα
m − D̄2 X̄
U α̇ Uα̇
m − D̄2 X̄
The resulting Lagrangians, which are simply the F-components of X, describe a
non-linear theory with N = 2 spontaneously broken to N = 1.
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