Storm surge
Recent papers in Storm surge
Potential impacts of 0.5 and 1.0 m of relative sea level rise (RSLR) on hurricane surge and waves in southeast Louisiana are investigated using the numerical storm surge model ADCIRC and the nearshore spectral wave model STWAVE. The... more
Geoscience Australia, in an open collaboration with the Mathematical Sciences Institute, The Australian National University, is developing a software ap- plication, ANUGA, to model the hydrodynamics of floods, storm surges and tsunamis.... more
The scientific literature has documented the growing risks of flooding posed for Asia’s coastal cities by the combination of climate change, as reflected in sea level rise and intensified storms and storm surges, and ongoing urban growth... more
The mesoscale (time) control of annual storm-surge activity on quasi-annual saltmarsh (tidal marsh) deposition is studied from two estuarine saltmarshes on the high-energy NW coast of Ireland. Both saltmarshes exhibit a cliffed edge where... more
This paper reviews research that has taken place on physical oceanography and sedimentology on New Zealand's estuaries and the inner shelf since c. 1967. It includes estuarine sedimentation, tidal inlets, beach morphodynamics, nearshore... more
Although international protection has been granted since 1935, southern right whales have only recently shown signs of recovery, possibly due to anthropogenic factors. Off Brazil, illegal hunting of right whales occurred until 1973. This... more
The City of Jakarta is considered as one of the most vulnerable cities to climate-related disaster, including flooding, sea-level rise, and storm surge. Various climate risks in Jakarta have been accessed. However, the assessments are... more
Using newly digitised sea-level data for the ports of Southampton (1935Southampton ( -2005 and Portsmouth on the south coast of the UK, this study investigates the relationship between the 100 highest sea-level events recorded at the two... more
The risk that tropical storm occurrence may alter as a result of global warming presents coastal managers, particularly in vulnerable areas, with a serious challenge. Many countries are hard-pressed to protect their coastal resources... more
Bangladesh is li:equently visited by natural disasters such as tropical cyclones, storm surges, floods, droughts, tornadoes, and "norwesters." Of these, tropical cyclones originating in the Bay of Bengal and associated storm surges are... more
Current metre deployments, suspended sediment measurements and surface sediment samples were collected from three locations within distributary channels of the tidally dominated Fly River delta in southern Papua New Guinea. Net bedload... more
Fast-growing, coastal mega cities along China's east coast and the rim of the Cross-Straits region, in particular, are becoming increasingly more vulnerable to potential natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, storm... more
A technique to evaluate the risk of storm tides (the combination of a storm surge and tide) under present and enhanced greenhouse conditions has been applied to Cairns on the north-eastern Australian coast. The technique combines a... more
Hurricane Katrina caused significant damage to the transportation system in the Gulf Coast region. The overall cost to repair or replace the bridges damaged during the hurricane is estimated at over $1 billion. This paper describes the... more
The City of Jakarta is considered as one of the most vulnerable cities to climate-related disaster, including flooding, sea-level rise, and storm surge. Various climate risks in Jakarta have been accessed. However, the assessments are... more
This paper reviews historical methods for estimating surge hazards and concludes that the class of solutions produced with Joint Probability Method (JPM) solutions provides a much more stable estimate of hazard levels than alternative... more
On February 17,1996, at 0559 UT, a major earthquake with moment magnitude (Mw) 7.9 killed 107 people and caused major damage at Biak Island, 30-40 km southwest of the earthquake's epicenter (Figures 1 and 2). A devastating tsunami washed... more
About a quarter of the Netherlands is below mean sea level. Without flood protection structures, about two-third of the country would be flooded during storm surges at sea or high discharges in the rivers. That is why in a country such as... more
Because of its location close to a region of tropical cyclone formation, the city of Cairns is regularly affected by tropical cyclones. Most cyclones occur in the months January-March, although some have affected Cairns in December and... more
In this chapter, we will see the geographic and societal situation of the coast and its management on a sub-regional basis. The subregion introduced first is East Asia, for which we will see China, Korea, Taiwan, and Japan. Coastal zones... more
Since the IPCC Third Assessment Report (TAR), our understanding of the implications of climate change for coastal systems and low-lying areas (henceforth referred to as 'coasts') has increased substantially and six important... more
Coastal areas of Bangladesh frequently experience tropical cyclones and associated tidal bore. In order to prevent cyclonic or storm-surge flooding and to increase crop production by preventing intrusion of saline ocean water, many... more
For more than a century, coastal wetlands have been recognized for their ability to stabilize shorelines and protect coastal communities. However, this paradigm has recently been called into question by small-scale experimental evidence.... more
CITATIONS 10 READS 257 4 authors: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: EVEX (EVènements EXtrêmes et érosion du trait de côte : mesures, modélisation numérique et impacts sociétaux / Extreme... more
Ocean waves can be destructive as steeper waves due to their high energy eroding the sandy beaches. During storm surge or high tide, the water level rises and if large waves occur, they will break closer to the beach, releasing enormous... more
The current study area is coastal zone of Cuddalore, Pondicherry and Villupuram districts of the Tamil Nadu along the southeast coast of India. This area is experiencing threat from many disasters such as storm, cyclone, flood, tsunami... more
In this study critical thresholds are defined for storm impacts along the Spanish coast of the Gulf of C??diz. The thresholds correspond to the minimum wave and tide conditions necessary to produce significant morphological changes on... more
An assessment is made of contemporary effective sea-level rise (ESLR) for a sample of 40 deltas distributed worldwide. For any delta, ESLR is a net rate, defined by the combination of eustatic sea-level rise, the natural gross rate of... more
Geological evidence suggests that during a future eruption, Cumbre Vieja Volcano on the Island of La Palma may experience a catastrophic failure of its west flank, dropping 150 to 500 km 3 of rock into the sea. Using a geologically... more
Large tsunamis strike the British Columbia coast an average of once every several hundred years. Some of the tsunamis, including one from Alaska in 1964, are the result of distant great earthquakes. Most, however, are triggered by... more
Hurricane Katrina has had a devastating impact on the US Gulf Coast. Forecasts of such events, coupled with timely response, can greatly reduce casualties and save billions of dollars. In our effort, we use sophisticated surface, flow and... more
... doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.06.007 | How to Cite or Link Using DOI Copyright © 2006 Elsevier ... luminescence (OSL) to both trace and contribute to the debate on coastal dune initiation. ... the Danish Wadden Sea barriers are likely... more