Friction velocity
Recent papers in Friction velocity
The eddy covariance technique, which is used in the determination of net ecosystem CO 2 exchange (NEE), is subject to significant errors when advection that carries CO 2 in the mean flow is ignored. We measured horizontal and vertical... more
CITATIONS 10 READS 257 4 authors: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: EVEX (EVènements EXtrêmes et érosion du trait de côte : mesures, modélisation numérique et impacts sociétaux / Extreme... more
The dissolution of in-situ generated methane hydrate in undersaturated, synthetic seawater (S = 35) was investigated in a series of laboratory-based experiments at P-/T-conditions within the hydrate stability field. A controlled flow... more
A simple analytical model is developed for the current induced by the wind and modified by surface wind-waves in the oceanic surface layer, based on a first-order turbulence closure and including the effect of a vortex force representing... more
Shipboard erosion experiments were conducted on retrieved carbonate ooze sediments using the suction-stirring flume instrument of . Interfacial hydrodynamics and entertainment functions of currently used erosion devices. Burt, N.T., et... more
Shading banana and other orchard crops with screens is increasing in popularity due to decreased water use, increased fruit quality and other reasons. This study focused on airflow, turbulence, ventilation rate, evapotranspiration and... more
This paper presents a multi-site (>20) analysis of the relative and absolute energy balance (EB) closure at European FLUXNET sites, as a function of the stability parameter , the friction velocity u * , thermallyinduced turbulence, and... more
Data from National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Queen Air boundarylayer flights over the Nebraska Sandhills are analyzed to investigate the effects of these low hills on boundary-layer turbulence. The Sandhills are an area of... more
1] If liquid CO 2 is stored as a dense ''lake'' on the deep ocean floor, it is expected to dissolve in seawater. Ocean currents and turbulence can increase the net rate of CO 2 release by several orders of magnitude compared to molecular... more
In order to demonstrate the flow properties of the river bed and the design of hydraulic structures, the estimation of friction velocity is essentially required. However, existing friction velocity equations such as Log method and Power... more
A previously obtained analytical solution to model the short-range dispersion of pollutants in low winds from surface releases has been used to simulate diffusion tests conducted during winter in weakly convective conditions at the Indian... more
Aim of the present paper is to quantify the ecosystem respiration of a mountain meadow in the Austrian Alps during the vegetation period 2002 by constraining nighttime eddy covariance measurements with ecosystem respiration derived from... more
The eddy covariance technique, which is used in the determination of net ecosystem CO 2 exchange (NEE), is subject to significant errors when advection that carries CO 2 in the mean flow is ignored. We measured horizontal and vertical... more
1] Results of an experimental investigation of the turbulent boundary layer in airflow over evolving young wind-waves are presented. The experiments were conducted in a laboratory wind-wave flume consisting of a closed-loop wind tunnel... more
Shipboard erosion experiments were conducted on retrieved carbonate ooze sediments using the suction-stirring flume instrument of . Interfacial hydrodynamics and entertainment functions of currently used erosion devices. Burt, N.T., et... more
A model for estimating the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate in the oceanic boundary layer, based on insights from rapid-distortion theory, is presented and tested. This model provides a possible explanation for the very high... more
Wind tunnel measurements of snowdrift in a turbulent, logarithmic velocity boundary layer have been made in Davos, Switzerland, using natural snow. Regression analysis gives the drift threshold friction velocity (u Ãt), assuming an... more
Concentration fluctuation data from surface-layer released smoke plumes have been investigated with the purpose of finding suitable scaling parameters for the corresponding two-particle, relative diffusion process. Dispersion properties... more
This paper presents a new technique for estimating the wind friction velocity at the ocean surface from C-band radar scatterometer measurements. This technique uses physical models of ocean surface waves and electromagnetic backscattering... more
For the determination of biotic fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) or other trace gases to or from a forest canopy, it is important to measure the storage of the trace gas within the forest canopy in addition to the net vertical flux above... more
In this paper, we focus on assessing the performance of diverse turbulence closures in the simulation of dilute sediment-laden, open-channel flows. To that end, we base our analysis on a framework developed in a companion paper of this... more
A method is suggested for the calculation of the friction velocity for stable turbulent boundary-layer flow over hills. The method is tested using a continuous upstream mean velocity profile compatible with the propagation of gravity... more
Using in-situ field measurements, we determined surface friction velocities (u *) and aerodynamic roughness heights (z 0) at the base of 10 dust devils. z 0 values agree closely with previous studies in this region and range from 0.1 to... more
1] Using in-situ field measurements, we determined surface friction velocities (u * ) and aerodynamic roughness heights (z 0 ) at the base of 10 dust devils. z 0 values agree closely with previous studies in this region and range from 0.1... more
ABSTRACT Knowledge about ecosystem respiration is required for accurate estimates of daily, seasonal and annual carbon exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere. Ecosystem respiration differs from photosynthesis in its diurnal and... more
ABSTRACT Knowledge about ecosystem respiration is required for accurate estimates of daily, seasonal and annual carbon exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere. Ecosystem respiration differs from photosynthesis in its diurnal and... more