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Star clusters can be found in galaxy mergers, not only in central regions, but also in the tidal debris. In both the Eastern and Western tidal tails of NGC 3256 there are dozens of young star clusters, confirmed by their blue colors and... more
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      Star FormationStar ClustersConcentration Index
We argue that rich star clusters take at least several local dynamical times to form, and so are quasi-equilibrium structures during their assembly. Observations supporting this conclusion include morphologies of star-forming clumps,... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaStar Clusters
This paper explores orbits in extended mass distributions and develops an analytic approximation scheme based on epicycloids (spirograph patterns). We focus on the Hernquist potential ψ = 1/(1 + ξ), which provides a good model for many... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaNumerical MethodDistributed Generators
Removing non-uniform blur and noise from optical images is a very dicult,problem to resolve. In this paper we describe a strategy that can be used for solving such problems. We describe how to restore images blurred by an... more
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      Optical ImagingBlind DeconvolutionStar ClustersPoint Spread Function
In this work we investigate the stellar content of three circumnuclear giant H II regions in the starburst galaxy NGC 7714. We model the stellar population that best reproduces the observational constraints given by the Ha image and the... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaStar FormationOptical Spectroscopy
We report Mopra Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF), Anglo-Australian Telescope and Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment observations of a molecular clump in Carina, BYF73 = G286.21+0.17, which give evidence of large-scale... more
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      Star FormationAstrochemistryHII RegionsNear Infrared
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      Star FormationMorphologyGalaxy ClustersModels
Challenging stellar dynamical problems, such as the study of gravothermal oscillations in star clusters, have in the past initiated the very successful building of GRAPE special purpose computers. It is discussed, that present day tasks... more
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      Stellar DynamicsGas DynamicsOscillationsHybrid Architecture
We present SEREN, a new hybrid Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and N-body code designed to simulate astrophysical processes such as star and planet formation. It is written in Fortran 95/2003 and has been parallelised using OpenMP. SEREN... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)FortranHydrodynamicsWeb Pages
Clouds of high infrared extinction are promising sites of massive star/cluster formation. A large number of cloud cores discovered in recent years allow for the investigation of a possible evolutionary sequence among cores in early... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaStar FormationInfrared
2 As an aside, note that G = 0.0045 pc 3 /M Myr 2 and that 1 km s −1 = 1.02 pc/Myr.
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      Star ClustersInitial Condition
We present a stellar population study of three H II galaxies (Mrk 36, UM 408, and UM 461) based on the analysis of new ground-based high-resolution near-infrared J, H, and Kp broadband and Brγ narrowband images obtained with Gemini/NIRI.... more
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      Star FormationNear InfraredDwarf GalaxiesHigh Resolution
I present here some results of the extensive revision work of M31 confirmed and candidate globular clusters. The Revised Bologna Catalog, RBC, is currently the largest and most complete database available online. Two... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaQuantum MechanicsMilky Way
We report Mopra (ATNF), Anglo-Australian Telescope, and Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment observations of a molecular core in Carina, BY72 = G286.21+0.17, which give evidence of large-scale gravitational infall in the dense gas.... more
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      Star FormationAstrochemistryHII RegionsNear Infrared
In this paper, using 2MASS photometry, we study the structural and dynamical properties of four young star clusters viz. King 16, NGC 1931, NGC 637 and NGC 189. For the clusters King 16, NGC 1931, NGC 637 and NGC 189, we obtain the... more
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      Star FormationNear InfraredLuminosity functionStar Clusters
Astrophysical Challenges which demand the solution of the one million (or more) gravitating body problem are briefly discussed for the fields of cosmology, galactic nuclei and globular star clusters. Results from the classical three-body... more
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      Statistical MechanicsThermodynamicsThree body problemGas Dynamics
Over the past years observations of young and populous star clusters have shown that the stellar IMF appears to be an invariant featureless Salpeter power-law with an exponent α = 2.35 for stars more massive than a few M ⊙ . A consensus... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaGalaxy evolutionPower Law
We report on the discovery of a free-floating methane dwarf toward the direction of the young star cluster Ori. Based on the object's far-red, optical, and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy, we conclude that it is a possible... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaNear InfraredMethane
CMDs are the most popular tool for analyzing resolved stellar populations. However, due to degeneracies among Teff, [Fe/H], and reddening in traditional CMDs, it can be difficult to draw robust conclusions from the data. The 5-band system... more
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      Galaxy Formation and EvolutionNear InfraredClustered DataStar formation History
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      Stellar EvolutionStar FormationNear InfraredData Reduction
This report from Commission 30 covers the salient areas in which major progress has been made in the triennium covered by the present volume. The principal scientific areas are: The Milky Way, star clusters, spectroscopic binaries,... more
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      Stellar DynamicsExtrasolar planetsMilky WayOscillations
We present early results from the analysis of HST imaging observations for several pairs of interacting galaxies. We include two cases that were specifically chosen to represent a strong early (young) encounter and a weak late (old)... more
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      Time-Frequency AnalysisTime Frequency AnalysisStar Clusters
We present deep UBVRI CCD photometry of six open star clusters situated in the Galactic anticenter region (l ∼ 120-200 • ). The sample includes three unstudied (Be 6, Be 77, King 17) and three partly studied open clusters (Be 9, NGC 2186,... more
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      Star ClustersAstronomical
We present SEREN, a new hybrid Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and N-body code designed to simulate astrophysical processes such as star and planet formation. It is written in Fortran 95/2003 and has been parallelised using OpenMP. SEREN... more
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      Dust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)FortranHydrodynamicsWeb Pages
and Giant Magellan Telescope Organization, 251S. Lake ave.,
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaGalaxy ClustersOptical Spectroscopy
used the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) UV imaging survey to show that there exists a rare population of nearby compact UV-luminous galaxies (UVLGs) that closely resembles high redshift Lyman break galaxies (LBGs). We present HST... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaStar FormationEarly Universe
Predictions of the concordance cosmological model (CCM) of the structures in the environment of large spiral galaxies are compared with observed properties of Local Group galaxies. Five new possibly irreconcilable problems are uncovered:... more
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      Dark MatterDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Dwarf GalaxiesMilky Way
We present HST NICMOS photometry of the resolved stellar population in NGC 1569. The CMD in the F110W and F160W photometric bands contains ~2400 stars with a formal photometric error < 0.1 mag down to J~23.5 and H~22.5. We describe the... more
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      PhysicsStar FormationNear InfraredCross Correlation
We have studied the globular cluster systems of seven giant, edge-on spiral galaxies using Hubble Space Telescope imaging in V and I. The galaxy sample covers the Hubble types Sa to Sc, allowing us to study the variation of the properties... more
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      Galaxy Formation and EvolutionMilky WaySpiral GalaxiesLuminosity function
We also report the serendipitous detection of a new NH_3 (3,3) maser.
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaStar FormationMasers
We have discovered both a red and a blue subpopulation of Ultra-Compact Dwarf (UCD) galaxy candidates in the Coma galaxy cluster. We analyzed deep F475W (Sloan g) and F814W (I) Hubble Space Telescope images obtained with the Advanced... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaSpatial DistributionStar Clusters
We present a study of the properties of the star-cluster systems around pseudo-bulges of late-type spiral galaxies using a sample of 11 galaxies with distances from 17 to 37 Mpc. Star clusters are identified from multiband HST ACS and... more
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      Monte Carlo SimulationGalaxy Formation and EvolutionDwarf GalaxiesSpiral Galaxies
We study the growth of massive black holes (BH) in galaxies using smoothed particle hydrodynamic simulations of major galaxy mergers with new implementations of BH accretion and feedback. The effect of BH accretion on gas in its host... more
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      PhysicsInterstellar MediumStar FormationGalaxy evolution
We have discovered that the Fornax irregular galaxy NGC1427A is in very many respects a twin of the Large Mag- ellanic Cloud. Based on B, V , I, and H images, we nd the following. The light of the galaxy is dominated by high sur- face... more
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      PhysicsStar FormationDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)HII Regions
We report Mopra Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF), Anglo-Australian Telescope and Atacama Submillimeter Telescope Experiment observations of a molecular clump in Carina, BYF73 = G286.21+0.17, which give evidence of large-scale... more
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      Star FormationAstrochemistryHII RegionsNear Infrared
The Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS) data for a six square degree region of the Galactic plane containing the Galactic center is analyzed and compared to infrared and radio continuum data. The BGPS 1.
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaStar FormationSurveys
Superstar clusters are young, compact star clusters found in the central regions of interacting galaxies. Recently, they have also been reported to preferentially form in certain tidal tails, but not in others. In this paper, we have used... more
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      Star FormationGalaxy ClustersOptical ImagingStar Clusters
in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) have revealed that the majority possess bifurcated or extended main-sequence turn-off (EMSTO) morphologies. This effect can be understood to arise from subsequent star formation amongst the stellar... more
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      Organic ChemistryStar FormationChemical PropertiesStar Clusters
In this paper, we present an algorithm for the restoration of images with an unknown, spatially-varying blur. Existing computational methods for image restoration require the assumption that the blur is known and/or spatially-invariant.... more
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      Phase RetrievalImage ReconstructionImage RestorationAtmospheric Turbulence
In the quest of understanding how star formation occurs and propagates in the low metallicity environment of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), we acquired deep F555W (∼V), and F814W (∼I) HST/ACS images of the young and massive star... more
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      Star FormationSmall Magellanic CloudStar formation HistoryPre main Sequence Stars
As the first paper of a series devoted to study the old stellar population in clusters and fields in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), we present deep observations of NGC 121 in the F555W and F814W filters, obtained with the Advanced... more
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      Galaxy ClustersAge DeterminationGalactic haloDwarf Galaxies
We present a novel approach to derive the age of very young star clusters, by using the Turn-On (TOn). The TOn is the point in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) where the pre-main sequence (PMS) joins the main sequence (MS). In the MS... more
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      Star FormationAdaptive OpticsGalaxy evolutionSpatial Distribution
Context. Recent studies have started to cast doubt on the assumption that most stars are formed in clusters. Observational studies of field stars and star cluster systems in nearby galaxies can lead to better constraints on the fraction... more
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      Star FormationDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)Galaxy evolutionStar Clusters
ABSTRACT. This paper represents a collective effort to provide an extensive electronic data base useful for the interpretation of the spectra and evolution of galaxies. A broad variety of empirical and theoretical data is discussed here,... more
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      Active Galactic NucleiUltravioletGalaxy evolutionInfrared
A sample of 160 UBVCCD observations of open star clusters near the galactic plane has been studied, and a catalogue of their properties obtained. The main photometrical properties have been re-estimated self consistently and the results... more
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      Galaxy Formation and EvolutionMorphological AnalysisData CenterOpen Clusters
[Abridged] The environment where galaxies are found heavily influences their evolution. Close groupings, like the cores of galaxy clusters or compact groups, evolve in ways far more dramatic than their isolated counterparts. We have... more
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      Organic ChemistryAstrophysical PlasmaStar FormationGalaxy Clusters
We present comprehensive cluster membership and g ′ r ′ photometry of the prototypical old, metal-rich Galactic star cluster NGC 6791. The proper-motion catalog contains 58,901 objects down to g ′ ∼24, limited to a circular area of radius... more
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      Astrophysical PlasmaAstrometryPhotometryLuminosity function
We discuss HST FOS ultraviolet spectroscopy and NICMOS near-infrared photometry of four young super star clusters in the central region of the irregular starburst galaxy NGC 1569. The new observations coupled with previous HST WFPC2... more
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      Optical SpectroscopyNear InfraredUltravioletInfrared
Emission-line stars in young open clusters are identified to study their properties, as a function of age, spectral type and their evolutionary state. 207 open star clusters were observed using slitless spectroscopy method and 157... more
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      Open ClustersStar Clusters
We present observations and dynamical models of the stellar nuclear clusters (NCs) at the centres of NGC 4244 and M33. We then compare these to an extensive set of simulations testing the importance of purely stellar dynamical mergers on... more
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      Star FormationStellar DynamicsGalaxy evolutionSecond Order