Stained glass painting techniques
Recent papers in Stained glass painting techniques
The communication focuses on the figure and activity of Cesare Picchiarini (Rome 1871-1943) called "Mastro Picchio" who, at the beginning of '900, in his Roman workshop, revolutionized the art of artistic glazing. As you know, in the late... more
Research on the c.15 stained glass windows in the choir of Berne Minster (Switzerland) brought evidence of traces of preparatory drawings on the back side of the glass. All the glass paintings are supposed to have been made in this way.... more
Gotrand Auriane, « De l’esquisse au vitrail : Les processus de création dans l’atelier de Claudius Lavergne », communication à l'occasion du 30e colloque international du Corpus Vitrearum, The concept and fabrication of Stained Glass from... more
The article focuses on the presentation of the legacy of a cut and painted glass factory called “B. Škarda” in Brno, on the personage of the founder and his followers. The topic has not been dealt with much in publications so far. The... more
ALUKSI 1920-luku oli suomalaisen kirkollisen lasimaalauksen kultaaikaa. Silloin niitä hankittiin kirkkoihin enemmän kuin yhtenäkään vuosikymmenenä sitä aikaisemmin tai sen jälkeen. Tämän esityksen perustana on pro gradu -tutkielma... more
For centuries, the only painting materials used in stained-glass production were grisaille and yellow (silver) stain. At the end of the fifteenth century, stained-glass painters began to use a new material, sanguine. This paint is mainly... more