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Born in Stuttgart in 1883, Oskar Rescher was a prolific Orientalist of the 20th century. He spent his life between Germany and Istanbul from 1909 to 1925 and settled down in Turkey in 1925. He studied many manuscripts found in private... more
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      Islamic ManuscriptsStaatsbibliothek zu BerlinOttoman ManuscriptsYazma Eserler
Bu çalışmada Berlin Devlet Kütüphanesi’ndeki kataloglanmamış Türkçe yazmalar üzerine yapılan araştırmalar neticesinde elde edilen bulgular ilim âleminin dikkatine sunulmaktadır. Almanya’nın en büyük devlet kütüphanesi olan Berlin Devlet... more
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      Islamic LawOttoman HistoryRare Books and ManuscriptsIslamic Studies
‘Nîsâbûrî’nin (Sa’lebî) ‘Kısas-ı Enbiyâ’ Adlı Eserindeki Minyatürlerde Melek Figürü Ve Özgün Tasarımlar’ başlıklı Sanatta Yeterlik Tezi kapsamında Peygamber Hikâyeleri olarak tercüme edilen Kısas-ı Enbiyâ adlı (Kitābu’ara’isu’lmecālis fį... more
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      AngelsProphet MuhammadSafavid Miniature PaintingStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin
In Swahili poetry, praising God through blessings and salutations finds aesthetic expression in a plethora of genres, particularly mashairi, utendi and takhmis. In this article, I will draw attention to a lesser-known rhymed poetic genre... more
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      Islam in AfricaIslamic StudiesDevotional PoetryEast African literature
Introduzione di Mario Piantoni. Traduzione, con testo a fronte, di 5 testi di Adolf von Harnack, direttore della biblioteca reale (ora Staatsbibliothek) di Berlino. Seguono la traduzione di un testo del figlio Axel sul padre e due saggi... more
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      Library ScienceAcademic LibrarianshipBiblioteconomiaAdolf von Harnack
"Alexander Humboldt was essential to the reconstruction and gathering of the pieces that once were part of the Boturini collection. This idea came about not only because he collected some of the dispersed material by himself, but also... more
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      Aztec HistoryProvenance researchMexicoCollectors and Collecting
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      Aztec HistoryStaatsbibliothek zu Berlinalexander von HumboldtMexican Codices
This short note reports the discovery of two new copies of the Maronite philosopher Buṭrus al-Tūlāwī's (d. 1746) Logic (al-Manṭiq), of which at least one is of major importance.
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      Eastern ChristianityArabic PhilosophyArabic ManuscriptsMaronite History
Kulturbesitz (SBBPK) wird eine große Anzahl wertvoller Briefe von und an den Archäologen O. Puchstein (1856-1911) aufbewahrt 1 . Zusammen mit dem wissenschaftlichen Nachlass im Archiv des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts Berlin und dem... more
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      Anatolian StudiesHistory of ArchaeologyArchival SourcesStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin
The new version of this paper offers musical transcriptions and a detailed analysis of nine insertion arias sung by Maria Marchetti Fantozzi and Domenico Bedini at Genoa's Teatro S. Agostino during the Carnival season of 1789. Marchetti's... more
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      Mozart18th-century Italian OperaStaatsbibliothek zu BerlinGenoa
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      Library ScienceHistory of ArtKunstgeschichteBibliothek
The article is devoted to one of the lute music manuscript which comes from the lute tablatures collection of Krzeszów (Grüssau) Cistercians from the 18th century. It is kept now at the National Library in Warsaw (call number: PL-Wn Mus.... more
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      MusicMusicologyLibrary ScienceBaroque Music
The history of the collection of zoological and botanical watercolours known as Libri Picturati A 16–31 is a long and complex one. Scholars have mainly focused on its origin and vicissitudes during the sixteenth century. Daniel Weiman... more
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      Book trade HistoryHistory of DiplomacyArt of Botanical IllustrationProvenance research
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      Middle East StudiesIslamic ManuscriptsArabic/Persian Manuscripts, codicology, Islamic philosophy, early Islamic history and thoughtsStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin
From the current vantage point of the transformation of books and libraries, Mani presents a historical account of world literature. By locating translation, publication, and circulation along routes of "bibliomigrancy"--the physical and... more
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      European StudiesWorld LiteraturesComparative LiteratureDigital Libraries