Recent papers in Spectrality
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
The Author would like to point out Jacques Derrida's concept of hauntology which perfectly describes the experience of literature and contemporary world as haunted. Therefore, he follows closely the psychoanalytical concepts of phantom... more
Ghost Writing in Contemporary American Fiction is about the appearance of the specter in the work of five major US authors, and argues from this work that every one of us is a ghost writing, haunting ourselves and others. The book’s... more
الصراع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي كصراع على الغرابة: قراءة لرواية غسان كنفاني عائد إلى حيفا الملخص: تحاول الورقة قراءة الصراع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي من خلال مفهوم الغرابة لفرويد، وبعض المفاهيم المشتقة منه كالطيفية لدريدا واللامنزلية لهومي... more
I am interested in what I suggest are the spectral figures that question historical justice and that embody both remembering and forgetting. Specifically, I examine not only the spectres of colonisation but also the unsettled past of the... more
This essay brings Jacques Derrida's Spectres of Marx (1993) into critical dialogue with the German-language school of Marxist theory known as Wertkritik. Through an engagement with value-critics such as Robert Kurz and Norbert Trenkle, as... more
En este artículo analizamos la relación entre la filosofía de Jacques Derrida y la Fenomenología. En relación con lo que un día este filósofo llamó “anarquía del noema”, buscamos tender un puente entre sus obras anteriores y las más... more
The study of ghosts and spirits, and the ethnographic evidence associated with this, is a fertile area for developing methodologies. By employing theories of materiality and the anthropological study of ontologies, I argue that looking at... more
In this paper, I explored what Sartre referred to as Camus' 'most beautiful and least understood novel,' The Fall. As a methodology, I applied textual hermeneutics to immerse in the text and got out of it what I deemed as the crux of its... more
This article addresses the functions and meanings of Second World War German material heritage in northern Finland from a haunting perspective and in terms of magical thinking. While archaeologists and heritage professionals have... more
The present article argues that the examination of the significance of Gothic motifs in Caryl Phillips's The Lost Child (2015) reveals the author's approach to unresolved individual and collective traumas that haunt his protagonists, but... more
Analizamos aquí la propuesta teórico-política de Ernesto Laclau. Observamos que es a través de una abertura constitutiva que Laclau intenta operar la deconstrucción de los presupuestos teóricos y políticos de la tradición revolucionaria.... more
Cultural studies of recent memory tend to cling to love and find a certain answer from its musings. This critical move proceeds from various interrogations of cultural or cross-cultural practices towards adapting a linear progress so that... more
Critical realism has a long pedigree in Marxist literary criticism. Most fully developed as an aesthetic theory by Georg Lukács, it was conceptually limited by a narrow understanding of realism and the suggestion that only realist art... more
This article analyzes Stanley Kubrick's film The Shining (1980) in its complex textuality, where ghosts, spectrality and repetition compulsion play a relevant role in defining the symbolic space of a contemporary gothic story about... more
The immaterial dimension of our reality, powered by our computational and medialized prostheses, is becoming ever wider and more powerful. This article suggests that the so-called “dematerialization” hides away the material conditions... more
Following recent work by Eleanor Kaufman, this essay reads Deleuze as a thinker of stasis and immobilization in order to think through the fantasy of the refugee as an exemplary figure of mobility. Working through Difference and... more
Localizados en el campo ambivalente entre la vida y la muerte, los fantasmas siempre han inspirado fascinación cultural y estética así como reflexiones teóricas, filosóficas y teológicas. En esta ponencia se planteará la “espectralidad”... more
Resumen: En 2012 se estrena el segundo largometraje del director español Pablo Berger, Blancanieves, adaptación cinematográfica del cuento popular basada en la versión escrita de los hermanos Grimm. La originalidad de esta transposición... more
In this article We analyse the interactive video installation Uncanny (Paola Barreto and Ana Kfouri, 2013-2014), developed as an artistic response to Vilém Flusser and Louis Bec's concepts discussed in his philosophical fiction... more
Written in the midst of a courageous collective response to antiblack police brutality in the US, this text tackles the figure of breathing as a performative embodiment of grammar and time through which the ongoingness of racialized... more
Foregrounding Vishal Bhardwaj’s Haider (2014), the Hindi cinematic adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” this paper extends the spatial and temporal aspects of haunting to the political and ethical questions concerning the framing of... more
This paper utilizes poststructuralist theory to investigate the polysemic nature of the eponymous character Beloved in Toni Morrison’s 1987 novel Beloved. The ghostly, anachronistic presence of Beloved renders the text open to multiple... more
The article examines Zero Dark Thirty as a narrative treatment of a traumatic moment of crisis. The article proposes perspectives on a narrative logic and the means by which this logic is executed. It does so by using Derrida's notion... more
The philosopher Fabián Ludueña is developing a treatise on Spectrology in the three-volume oeuvre The Community of The Spectres, Anthropotechnique (2010), Spectrology (2016) and Arcana Imperii (2018). Before biopolitics, Rome and Greece... more
Andrzej Marzec (w: Od pamięci biodziedzicznej do postpamięci, red. T. Szostek, R. Sendyka, R. Nycz, Wydawnictwo IBL PAN, 2013, ss. 140-160) Drugie życie teorii, czyli myślenie (p)o końcu Sowa Minerwy wylatuje dopiero z zapadającym... more
En 2012 se estrena el segundo largometraje del director español Pablo Berger, Blancanieves, adaptación cinematográfica del cuento popular basada en la versión escrita de los hermanos Grimm. La originalidad de esta transposición estriba en... more
Athena Athanasiou, “(Im)possible Breathing: On Courage and Criticality in the Ghostly Historical Present.” Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory, 23(2), pp. 92–106, 2020.... more
Focusing on contemporary Việt Nam, this article examines the monumentalizing project concerning the life, revolutionary career and political legacy of Hồ Chí Minh. After Hồ's death and especially after the introduction of dồi mồi, or... more
Foregrounding Vishal Bhardwaj’s Haider (2014), the Hindi cinematic adaptation of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” this paper extends the spatial and temporal aspects of haunting to the political and ethical questions concerning the framing of... more
For Dastur, commemorating the dead is ethnologically universal to the species we all are or share; in all cultures and times we have distinguished ourselves from other creatures and forms of life by making of death an issue for us. The... more
These are two blogs I wrote last year for the tenth anniversary of Derrida's death.
Caroline Walker Bynum has argued that the ancient doctrine of the resurrection has played an intractable role in the construction of the modern human subject. This argument appears incredibly prescient given recent popular and academic... more